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A member registered Mar 01, 2016

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Really enjoy so far! The writing and environmental details are excellent. More of that, please.

I have found that a lot of the text seems to go by quickly. I have a 144 Hz monitor, maybe that has something to do with it? Or maybe I just read slow.

Either way, looking forward to more content as it gets added!

Day 3: Trust

No ball chasing today, sorry. I did manage to program an avoidance zone, where if the animal detects you in it, they will move away from you.

animal avoiding player

The idea was to decrease the size of their flight distance as their trust in you increases, and increase the size if their trust decreases. However, I had trouble getting the size of the avoidance zone to change at runtime, perhaps due to a bug or my own lack of knowledge, so a workaround might be to just toggle the zone on and off.

I also programmed the ability for the dog to follow you or anything on command, which they will stop doing if they are given another command or get distracted by something. Right now, the only thing that can distract them is the player getting too close, but in the future there may be other distractions.

animal following player until they get too close

I also added some new sprites and did some animation work. I guess I'm going for a minimalist look, using max 3 colors per sprite and not outlining any edges. The background and world will need new textures later on.

Tomorrow, the plan is to continue working on the AI for the animal and give the player object ways to interact with the animal. Maybe the promised ball throwing, but then again, maybe not.

(1 edit)

Day 2: Road Bumps

Today was a slow day for me. Nothing really much to show visually except this:

When the animal is idle, it will now wander around a bit. This was part of expanding the AI capabilities of the animal, which was the task for the day. They can also now attack in all directions and move intelligently to their target. I haven't added pathfinding around obstacles yet, but that's for another time.

I got stuck today trying to make an inventory management system for the player, which I ended up shelving for later. This took time from some of the other tasks I wanted to work on, unfortunately, but I still gained some knowledge.

Tomorrow the plan is to go to my real job, and then once I'm done with that, flesh out the training system. Maybe I can make the dog chase a ball?

(edit) I forgot, I also wrote a piece of music. I was originally going to write just an overworld theme, but I ended up writing a piece of music which probably won't fit in the game at all, but which I enjoyed writing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I think it's a cool idea, we'll see how much I can make good on it. I appreciate the good luck!

Thanks for the input! You make a good point. I haven't yet decided how realistic I want the setting to be, but idea I had was not to make a dog-fighting game. I guess it would be more along the lines of a real-time Pokemon.

Day 1: Basic Movement

Today saw a lot of progress, most of which will be unseen because it didn't produce much in the way of gameplay. Basically, today was a day for laying the foundation. I set up project folders, created basic sprites, and laid the groundwork for future features. As always, things I thought would be easy took a while and things that I thought might be hard took no time at all.

However, I did get a few cool things done today: player movement, animal movement, and basic collisions. Shoutouts to GDQuest and HeartBeast, whose excellent Godot tutorials on YT saved me a lot of time.

Player movement:
the player can move using WASD, which is simple enough. Godot also has built in functions which make colliding easy. The player can run into this house. Not only that, Godot also has an easy way of rendering top-down games so that the player sprite renders in front or behind appropriately.

Basic player movement

basic player movement

Animal movement: this is where things get tricky. The dog needs to remember its destination and stop at the right spot. In the future, they will also need to be able to transition between moving, idle, attacking, etc. on command from the AI, so some work today went to setting up a state machine to control the movement. I had not done much in the way of object-oriented state machines, so this was tricky for me. I ended up creating a more detailed sprite so that I could better visualize the dog's movement, and while I was at it gave it very basic animations.

basic animal movement

Tomorrow's task is to convince the animal to be able to attack in all directions. I cheated in the above gif: right now the dog can only attack right. Anyways, if I finish that, I will start coding the animal's AI, hopefully giving it a mind of its own.

Thanks! :)

This devlog is mostly for self-motivation, but any feedback is greatly appreciated, feel free to reach out.

Day 0: Pre-jam brainstorming

What I want to make: an animal training RPG

The inspiration for this game is based on my own personal experience owning guinea pigs. In this game, you will not be raising guinea pigs for your own love and entertainment, you will be raising animals to fight, but the experience will hopefully be largely the same. The core mechanics of the game are: train your animal at home to increase their abilities and stats, use those new abilities in combat, then use the new money to buy better training tools, animals, etc that increase your capability for training the animal.

More fleshed out explanation/vision: you start with an animal and a small amount of starter cash. The animal has some limited abilities, but no trust in you. "Trust" is a stat that changes how receptive the animal is to your commands in and out of battle. However, you can build Trust by feeding your animal, giving it treats, petting, etc. The more you interact with your animal in a positive way, the more it will trust you. Higher Trust means you can train more difficult skills as well. You can also train your animals Strength, Agility, etc., by taking them for exercise, playing games, battling them, etc. This is independent of the Trust stat. For example, you could have a very weak animal that follows your every word, or a powerful animal which acts on its own, or a combination. This allows for various play-styles. The combat system will not be a turn-based RPG but rather real time with KBM.

My tools: I will be using Godot as the primary tool. For sprite editing, I will use GIMP 2.

My strengths: I am a decent programmer, though my knowledge is wide and not very deep. My experience with Godot in particular is limited to tutorials and small uncompleted projects. I have an ear for good music and sound design.

My weaknesses: I don't really know all the best tools to use. I have never finished a game before. I'm still learning Godot and best practices for game devs. I tend to get frustrated debugging code.

Goals, in order of priority: have a UI which can start, load the game, save the player's (animal's) progress, and close the game. Have a working training system where the player can give the animal food to increase trust and use trust to train skills. Have a working battle system where the player can control the animal to attack and move.

Stretch goals: flesh out the game with sound, music, sprites, and transitions. Add mini games to increase animal stats. Add breeding. Give the game a title.

1. Hi there! What's your name? Want to introduce yourself?

I'm Jon, or JohnnyJones. I am a recent college grad with an engineering degree that I am not sure I really want to use.

2. Did you participate in the last jam we held? If so, what do you plan on doing better this time? If not, what's your reason for joining?

I haven't finished a game despite multiple attempts. I think I might just need a kick in the pants and some more knowledge to get me over the hump.

3. What games are your favorites? Did any of them inspire you, or made you want to make your own?

I like games where mechanics and story work together instead of being separate. Games like Hollow Knight, Rimworld, Dark Souls, FTL, etc.

4. Do you have experience with game development? What did you do/with what engine?

I have some limited experience making games in GameMaker and Godot. Godot is what I'm currently using because it seems to be a good bridge between GameMaker's more limited programming language vs something like Unity or Unreal, which I have found daunting.

5. Tell us about something you're passionate about!

I llove games with good music. It can make or break an experience. I am somewhat of a musician myself, but I am not a good writer (maybe something I can work on).

6. What are your goals for this game jam?

I want to learn what it takes to actually finish a game and bring everything together.