The new update is out! For, 1000jpy Pixiv Fanbox users. For those of us (like me!) that have no flexible income at the moment, it'll be out 10 days from "February 26th, 2025 20:16" whether that's Japan time or my local time, I have no clue. But like, let it be known. about 9 days now. Roughly March 8th.
Recent community posts
To anyone wanting to play around more with physics in the newer builds: I've found you can place your character(s), THEN the gallow, then activate the characters, then DELETE the gallow, and not only can you drag the characters around, but they will occasionally reanimate and active-ragdoll for a few moments before going limp again.
I've gotten this to work with the large gallow, and with as many characters as you can fit on them, all at once.
It's a neat bug and honestly makes me hope future builds will have a function to do this with a loose character, and this time be able to control animation strength and length, maybe even do it mid-walk and have the character almost stumble forward before falling down.
It's of my understanding that the new builds are going to take a few months to develop, and that's understandable, but I would greatly appreciate it if we could at least get a few miniscule additions to tide us over, a new character or two, some new props like beds, tables or chairs to put inside of the house props that, as far as I can tell, are mostly pointless at the moment. I get that making great, ground-breaking changes to mechanics or additional mechanics that we haven't had previously would be too much to ask, but at least something to pad out playtime.
The new beta is definitely in a rough shape, compared to the olders, but I can certainly see where you're going with the game. The characters' new ability to stand and walk is greatly appreciated, and adds a lot of life, though the ability to have the characters ragdoll independent of any devices, such as that in previous builds is sadly missing. It would be amazing to see the girls ragdoll, and perhaps be able to build a custom "writhe" movement independent of devices using the different inputs added when the girls have different stresses on them, I.E. The old stun gun, holding throat, writhing back and forth like on the old table, etc, fully free of requirement and free to interact with physics objects around them.
A standard 3d movement system is of great relief compared to the old floating camera controls, and adds some realism to the game. It makes me wish I could hold the girls alongside me and lead them, perhaps with a rope, maybe a new "lead" tool?
If I can make a complaint, the girls' self-preservation seems to be down the drain compared to old builds, and while they seem more lively, it seems to be at the cost of more advanced control when it comes to situational awareness. Custom character model import is great for characters, but having a cache for those already imported would greatly improve the user experience, having to re-open the same folders time and time again will likely get quite annoying.
Controlling the devices has been changed a bit, and while it's not a big deal overall, being able to change the speed of things such as the movement of the drone or the tightening and loosening of the rope would be a great improvement, along with the old builds' customization of grab strength. The grab in this build feels weak and slow, and unresponsive. You have to hold the mouse a whole character height above the character to get any real results.
Custom props in-world should be considered, as well as the addition of object manipulation, whether by physics or a standard 3d movement system, would be greatly appreciated, as placing and replacing the same prop 20 times can get frustrating when trying to find an angle.
Overall, greatly excited to see what the future brings for DSS! Hope to see restraints return, and hopefully absence of accessories in the current UI doesn't mean they're gone forever. Would love to be able to cover mouth and nose again to see what changes they can bring about with the new sim.
Loving the fluid mechanics, I was starting to doubt the update would logically take two months as opposed to the normal one, but now I can see why something like that might be a bit difficult to batten down. I can't say it's something I'm gonna end up using often, but I am a big fan of fluid physics in general, the only thing I'd've changed is having an option for the the water and the... substances, to pool around the map instead of flying through the floor.
The new animations are pretty good, I'd say up to the standard set by the previous ones, and their integration with the physics is nice, though I believe that now Sophia's animation still requires a rework.
Also a huge fan of the new dyes, now all we need is some more... fitting gear to apply it to. Massive fan of anything shiny over a good body mesh, though. Now that we've got even more dyes to play with, more than it takes to fill a single chest, I do wonder if chests are gonna get any bigger, or if maybe the dye system itself could get a rework? It could certainly use one. Either a one-use dye that's cheaper, or a slight increase to the price and making it into an unlock that you can just access from the dye vat?
Either way, big ups, awesome update, super glad to hear from you again!
I'm realizing that two of the newer clothing items, the choker and the necklace, would really count more as a neck or head item than a shirt, and can't really be associated with the top, and would be great to see a head or neck slot. I know with varying head and face sizes, shapes and the like, seeing something like a pair of glasses or hat may not be common, but we all have necks, so a slot for these new items would be really cool to see and would help a lot with making cool outfits in the long run.
I know this is likely asking for a lot, though, so I'm not expecting a "yes," or even really a "maybe," lol
Only a month since the initial release, and we're already seeing some substantial changes. Fantastic work, we love to see active development. Thank you for your work!
The first thought that comes to mind is that the new positioning of the text on the gates, as well as their improved contrast- A big issue in the previous version was instantly fixed, no longer will I be unable to see where I'm going, whether it's the lighting situation or the fact the old platform got buried underground.
The new clothes, at least what I've seen thus far, the set I've seen, works well to fill a niche for a more tribal take of character and is lovely. The new, more varied colors, and their dispersement through gears is really good, and I especially like that some of the colors are a lot more rare than others!
It's good to see a new model for the skeletons- as silly as the clothed, workman skellies were, the new ones are much more distinct and honestly pretty wicked. The improvements to the player character and uh, living characters', shall we say, "animation speeds" is really nice, though hopefully we may one day see a "press space to move to the next phase of the animation" sort of function.
I'm glad to see the fingers are fixed, though I do notice that the characters' legs are either improperly rigged, or you were going for the rigging to be in such a way that the character's legs can bend backwards? Which, while it makes for some interesting ragdolls, admittedly it is pretty unnatural.
Either way, congrats on the update, and for real, you're doing amazing with dev.
For a game on its' first real public release, you sure did put a lot of content into Archipelagates- The movement is engaging, the islands are super fun to zip around on and varied enough to be pretty replayable, the combat may not be the most engaging thing yet, but assumedly it'll be worked on.
The character art is adorable and very alluring, and the costume system is super neat too! It's a bit on-release cyberpunk, kinda scrambling around for whatever has the most statistic gains, leading to a lot of slutty outfits, which, while not to my taste, has a certain flair to it that I kind of enjoy. The animations themselves are pretty nice.
I don't care for the emotes a whole lot, they're a bit fast, hot and heavy- I think there could be a bit more sensual flirtiness to the emotes and less overt "look at me jittering violently," but the actual animations, while they do end pretty quickly, are high enough quality.
This game shows extreme promise and I'm excited to see where you go with it! :)
perhaps some sort of procedural animation-like movement functions might add a small bit of life to the game, not as much a struggle as the game seemingly takes place during consentual play (unless more people seem to want that?) but more like a light jiggle from time to time to emulate the subject trying to get comfortable or to test the strength of the bindings?
The new model looks fantastic! I do enjoy the old aesthetic, but graphical fidelity is always a better thing.
The amount of sequential updates you've been churning on the project is astonishing, all things considered, almost to the point where I begin to fear you may end up experiencing some fierce burnout if you keep it up at this pace... Please make sure you don't work too hard, and that you know your limits. Take breaks.
Very nice little runner game! I didn't know that a game like this would be something that I would like to play, but little did I know that I'm actually really into this concept! The demo is coming along nicely, if the full version is anything like the demo, It'll be a day 1 buy from me. The only things I can think that could be improved would be that the graphics, while quite charming, are a bit grading when repeated so often, so perhaps a bit of variety in environments and obstacles would be useful, and maybe an additional movement option, such as a jump or a crouch, just to vary up the action a bit. The choice of a shop item making the game harder, yet more rewarding is quite fun, perhaps it could be expanded upon in more ways, such as leg bindings that make you move more slowly when strafing, or arm bindings that reduce your safe zone, making you get caught on obstacles? I dunno, just some food for thought.
regardless, super fun little time waster game, would buy the full version in a heartbeat.
I think the only thing I really want from this game is the option to make the character less curvy? Like, I'm not asking for flat chest, but somewhere in the low-c's or high-b's, just a more... realistic, proportionate size of breast. In reality, I would love this game, I just... Can't justify buying this game when I honestly can't even get past the character's proportions.
this game does genuinely seem like it might be a pretty interesting concept if it was executed properly. I would drop a couple bucks on patreon if there was really any content worth the 5 bucks at the moment, but as things are, I don't really see the reason for it. I'll definitely check back in a few months, though.
This is understandable, but you also need to consider that being able to play as a female is a MASSIVE feature to just hold out for paying players only. I can understand smaller features like outfits or weapons, but I imagine that if the option to play as a female was provided for free, that might actually convince more people that the game is worth funding in a more organic, likable way instead of people doing it out of a dangerous morbid curiosity.