Thanks Rav3nKing. I’m exited to return to it, which is the spark I was hoping for.
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Well, I had ideas to sort of port over as much as I could make sense of. I want to make a thing of creating and using a map in different sectors and wanted to get some sort of bridge between safehouses as recharge points on missions, to being settlements as found in D2. I want to make rogue agents and hunters a big and dangerous thing, but there’s a challenge there in not making them cartoonish.
A lot of the stuff I’ve got written down right now beyond MVP 0.1 is existing text from the couple of game wikis I’ve referenced for the various activities/mission generation stuff as I haven’t refined that yet through the lense of DRD/LUMEN.
Regarding setting details that’s also up to you. Do you want to build a setting to go with PC hero mechanics? Great! Do you want to leave that to the players to create as they play? Also great! Different tables have different ways of playing and not every game will do everything for everyone (which is sort of the point of this Jam on a way)
If you’re going to use copyright material without permission that’s on you if you get a C&D. I think this would just be for paid content, if it’s free then you might get away with fair use or some sort of fan content excuse. Important: IANAL.
Otherwise go wild: Chicago’s Amiable Borough Aracno-Boy, or Townsville’s Uberlad.
Thanks! I was doing a little research on the Division Fandom wiki today and realised that “Disaster Response Division” is sort of an amalgamation of the two of the fictional government initialisms in the game (CERA, “Catastrophic Emergency Response Agency”, and DCD “Disease Control Division”). Awkward!