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A member registered Mar 09, 2021

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The game is pretty neat, although some doors that push you upwards have this nasty habit of pushing you through the ceiling and softlocking you.

Also, I've found myself most often dying not to enemies, but to doors opening/closing. It's a bit funny at first, but it's pretty annoying. Maybe just change the instakill to pushing you to the side or smthn?

Overall, very solid.

A suggestion I think would be neat is if there were alternate animations depending on how many enemies, or what type are around you and if they could simultaneously go to town on your character. This would be good for the concubines since it's a bit silly when you do one of them and they all explode despite just standing there or just clipping through the main character model or the one you're 'saving'.

Although, this is likely something that will happen anyways since this is 1.0
best of luck to ya on development

Just a question, but do you plan on opening up a discord server or something for the little community here to talk about the game and other stuff, or do you prefer to just have the comments section?

ok but can you smooch him

That's the real question

I'm having the same issue, after everyone's favorite blueberry-bull wakes up and his "episode", he needs to put on some clothes but there's no option to put on clothes, effectively softlocking the story.

Normally, one would click "ignore" to progress, but it simply forces the player to the title screen instead. 

It happens right when in the dungeon you click the icon to go to the "spooky blue zone"