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A member registered Jan 04, 2023 · View creator page →

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Neat idea. The graphics rule!

Wow, ambitious! The flower gun is just awesome - Would be better with a full auto mode. Wish there was buttons to progress dialogue, I was daydreaming when I launched the game and missed some of the instructions at the start lol. The levels are aesthetically pleasing, but I found them to be confusing and got stuck multiple times (sometimes for quite a long time). Overall very cool game

Feels good, looks even better. Tough to beat

Very impressive. The visuals and audio are outstanding! Best I've seen so far. Rotating the mirrors was a little a bit janky. But overall a great game!

Neat idea! The art looks fantastic. Just wish the character moved a fraction faster :) Great job

Very fun. The burrowing mechanic is just great!

Fun! The squirrels look amazing! The reticule shrinking on mouse movement is interesting, but I feel like it should shrink when the mouse is still rather than when it's moving

Brilliant! Such a tight and satisfying game loop. Excellent work

Gorgeous game!

Very fun!