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A member registered Aug 08, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it :)

Cool game! I can see you were inspired by pokemon haha
Wandering and doing mini quests were cool, but an overall objective would've been nice!

Really cute game and great art! Gave me flashbacks of those Impossible Quiz flash games haha

Really neat game, interesting mechanics and enemy design! 

Thanks for playing! Yeah, I agree with your point about being able to outrun the enemies. Maybe if the maze walls were more open rather than enclosed if would've given the player more chances to hide. Also, ideally we would have designed more levels if time allowed us!

Really great art and fun mechanics! 

Clever game and good level design! One thing though: I don't know if it was just me but I didn't realize that 'X' was the button to use at first because of the arrow key UI. Maybe if you just add "Hold X to Select" etc that could clarify things a bit more! 

I like these types of fast replay games, just wish you had made more levels!

Love the overall atmosphere of the game and the story it's trying to tell. I hope you guys come back to finish the game!

Interesting idea! Gameplay explanation and goals could have been better communicated to the player but overall the game runs well, and I like the smooth UI.

Nice game! Not the most original idea but good execution and cool enemy design.