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A member registered Apr 12, 2023 · View creator page →

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Wow, I didn't expect that my death would allow me to see the truth of the world. Excellent game, I had not seen something like this in a gamejam so I was quite surprised, it is unfortunate that I did not have time to finish the game but the concept at the level of gameplay, fun factor, visuals and audio outstanding and obviously the theme and the object super well implemented. I want to keep seeing games made like this, good job

Super good idea, it reminded me of the classic flash games where you had to make orders quickly and that was pretty good. The trial and error thing I also liked and the main music was like a tomato in a blender. Super well achieved core gameplay, music and visuals. Well done.

I was pretty good, I was caught off guard by the bouncing on my corpse and even more so that the knives only did damage when they were falling. I died countless times and what I got out of it was that I liked the jump, it felt good since it wasn't very high but the corpse gave a lot of play by allowing me to jump more and matching the jump with the bounce was definitely interesting. I would like maybe some clear way to explain when the knives do and don't do damage but at gameplay level very entertaining. Main theme 10/10, I didn't get tired of playing it and the aesthetics were good enough for what I expected. Good game, there are always things to improve but from start to finish I thought it was pretty good.

I liked it to a certain extent, I think you did very well the functional aspect, the abilities of the enemies and the player's own but as there is no feedback of what your ability does when you touch an enemy I didn't know if I was hitting him or not and also not having a life bar turned all the enemies into damage sponges. I think that giving more feedback to the player and indicating the life of the enemies would have reflected much better the quality of this game. In the rest quite well, aesthetically super well, the music also well although I would have liked to have feedback in case of a hit and the abilities of the enemies functionally very well achieved. For the next one focus on the feedback because the playable idea was well polished.

I loved it, music 10/5, the core with the portal 1000/5, the visual aspect was pretty good. The only thing is that I had a glitch in level 5 or 6 where the portal did not move to the position of the player and did not let me finish the game but otherwise I loved when I discovered the boxes that can teleport. Keep on with these ideas because it was super good.

At the aesthetic level super well, the only thing would be the walking animation that is a little rough. But otherwise visually excellent. At the gameplay level I really liked the many small details that were added to make it easy to know where the zombies were and also to be guided by sounds. The only thing I could criticize is that this type of game requires movement up and down and not having it the attack was a little uncomfortable. Also I would have liked background music because otherwise this type of game gets repetitive very quickly. Otherwise, an excellent game, well done.

I was very amused by the second ending, I tried several times until it came out xD, quite well the whole tracking system as well as picking the tomatoes and making them make faces. Super well achieved the aspect of showing the feelings through the animations. The theme of failure quite well implemented as well as the special object tomato. Well done

Thanks for playing

The next one will be a tomato party, I assure you xD. Thanks for playing, I thought about adding questions about tomatoes but they were too big to use in trivia for most cases so in the end I thought of it mostly just as part of the scene. Thanks for playing

Thanks for the comments, some of the questions came from my love for space so they are very specific XD, but in general I tried to use normal questions for the rest of the cases. Thanks for playing.

Thank you very much for trying it out

That's a great idea, I'll save it for another time. Actually for this case it is a normal constant increase of 5 for each correct question. Thanks for playing.

It's great that you like it!! Thanks for playing