Very cool idea! I like how the claw exits through the prize chute to grab all of the prizes it considers its belongings. Claws control quite well, and the laser is real useful for positioning above things. The style is nicely pixelated; I can tell a good amount of work was put into texturing. Music is also quite catchy and fits the whole arcade theme.
I will mention some of the bigger problems I noticed:
- The laser wouldn't show up on some of the objects in the room.
- Wire connecting the claws could get crazy vibrating & disconnecting. Tho tbh game physics can be a bit wacky like that (maybe make the wire one solid object).
- The camera can exit the back of the room, with only the abyss to greet you.
Other than that, I still liked the general feel of the game; So with some updates I can see this having an enhanced fun factor. I wish you luck with the future development of this project; It'll be interesting to see a more polished version :D