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Vie! <3

A member registered Sep 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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thank you so much for checking it out! your comment on the og game was something i was keeping in mind while making this sequel (along with the no obama complaints lol)

I have good news

coming soon…

i dont have a android device to test it on so no, sorry

The games good but honestly not my cup of tea. I enjoyed the game but it was too slow for me though that does work with what you were trying to do. The music was kind of odd. Besides though things it a good game just not for me. 

Pretty good game. This is extremely good for your first time. There are some things that could be improved like making it more obvious that the green bubbles are bad (Maybe something like turning them red or making them  not a bubble could work). The hitbox for hitting the bubbles where a little to small to feel good having them be a little bigger would probably be better. Also this isn't a game design problem but the in browser versions window is too big and you can see where the game loops the bg along with a big empty space on the side. Besides those things the game was very good! I thought the art was very nice and the music was very good.  Good job

Very good game! I  felt like it was very hard to tell where you where multiple times while playing, I feel like the game would have been a little better if the player had some kind of outline you can't miss or the enemies and player weren't just rectangles. Besides that the game was very fun!

That was a very fun game! I really liked how snappy all the controls felt. Felt the game had a nice learning curve to it.  One of my top 5 favorite games in the jam.

Very great game! My only complaint would that I just wish it was longer as its honestly way to short. Besides it being to short its a very great game! 9/10

Very fun game! had a lot of fun trying to get down though it started get irritating around the ice part with the water and even more so in the fire parts. fun game besides that

Very great game! I honestly didn't go to much into the actual story and honestly just mainly did the number punching and it was quite fun! From what I got from the story and reading the few messages I could get it was interesting.

It's a game that's for sure. The music was kind of irritating and the gameplay wasn't that good. It all just felt like a pretty basic shoot em up with no extra thrills or anything. I get that this is probably one of your first games and I am comparing it to the other games I have played that are made by some longer time game devs but I  have to be honest with my review; which is that this game is kind of bad. 

Very fun game! my only compliant is that I wish there was more sound effects and some kind of animation to show that the banana people were arresting you. Besides that great game

Very fun game! my only compliant is that I wish there was more sound effects and some kind of animation to show that the banana people were arresting you. Besides that great game

Fun game! This was very fun to play honestly and I liked the fishing loop. I will say however that it is very easy  to cheese the actual fishing part by just holding down all the arrow keys at one time and then just spamming space. Either way it was very fun and the art was very nice.

The spark hitboxes are actually meant to be able to hit you while your on a platform though they should still be visible. Yea the fall damage is not the best as for some reason instead of tracking the players speed or how long they are falling I just made it based if you go into a checkpoint that you can't see lol.  Glad you enjoyed it!

Mice game! I didn't manage  to beat it but it was fun from what I played.  Playing this gave me strong vibes of those old minecraft dropper maps which are very fun. I feel like that Roxy should have been slightly transparent or the game should have taken place in first person as its very hard to see where you are as Roxy takes up a lot of room on the screen to things but thats my one minor complaint.

Very fun game! I am honestly not the best at first person melee combat so I can't really say how good it was but just how I was playing I very much liked playing with the bow more as its faster and can kill basically any enemy easier. The sword is basically useless after getting the bow  as It does the same damage as the sword as far as I can tell ands its a lot safer to use. This is a really great game just and I just wish I had the bow by default honestly.

This felt less like a game and more like a walking (or I guess swimming) sim honestly. I liked that it tried to be educational but it felt like that made it less fun as a result. The ai voice was not that great honestly as it felt bland and kind of stale. The art while decent was kind of a mix mash of styles and felt didn't feel like it belonged together. I am not going to go into my own views of ai generated imagery but that may have also affected how I viewed the art but even ignore that I still think it didn't fit still. The games ok but I honestly didn't enjoy it as much as I originally hoped.

I loved this game. From the art to the story to the gameplay this was very fun. the only issue I found is that you sometimes don't get kissed by the fish and then can not get it even if you touch her. But that isn't really anything to hamper my enjoyment of it. 10/10 

Also I got a high score of 595.0m 

(1 edit)

This game was good. I honestly wasn't a big fan of it. The item switching mechanic felt to clunky and could have been just one button press to switch instead of two different buttons. I also felt the player was a bit to slippery for this type of game, I feel it would have been better if the player just snapped to the different rows of the mine. I honestly really like the idea but just the way it is in this game just felt not that good.

Very great game! I really love how fun it was looking through all the fake websites (even though I for some reason thought I had to actually look them up irl lol)! 10/10 great game

This was amazing loved every second of it. 10/10

Pretty fun but its honestly kind of hard to see whats coming in your way. The art is honestly pretty nice. there is a bug that you can get stuck on the walls pretty easily but you already heard that. Good job

This game was amazing. The frog was so silly. 10/10 

Though one side note is that the air probably should have given more air but I felt like it gave enough.

Thanks! The game is meant to be a little more on the hard side  like any good arcade game should honestly. I can see why the second stage is way to hard though, its tough for even myself to beat some times with that first jump and I normally just cheese it myself. Glad you enjoyed it!

Very fun game! Really liked the highscore based nature of the game. Great job

Responding late but  thanks for the feedback! The game is more so meant to replicate a bootleg video game which typically don't have that great of level design so it's a bit harder for the true bad video game feel.  I think I may put some screenshots up eventually but probably not going to do it now lol.

Thanks for the feedback! Yea the health system was inspired by sonic the hedgehog so  I thought coins would make sense. I would absolutely add checkpoints if I made this a full game just didn't have the time.

This surely was a game. Most of the time the enemy would just get stuck at the top of the screen and just shoot the wall. Game felt kind of slow even when the enemy wasn't stuck.    Wasn't that fun to to play in my opinion.

This certainly is one of the games of this year

That was great only thing I have to add is that I wish there were more micro   games

Great game! Reminded me of qbert a little bit.

I honestly didn't like it that much. Thought   the sprite art was great though. I feel like the optional abilities   would work better being apart of the standard moveset. 

Thanks for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed the game!

Thanks for the feedback! Probably would add a checkpoint system or something if I make a more advanced version of it after the jam. Glad you enjoyed it!

Pretty Good!  I felt that the dash mechanic was a little weird but besides that it was good.

Really great gameplay! Loved how fast the gameplay was which made it hard in  a good way. 10/10