Honestly, I was just here initially for the vore but staying for the history >u<
Hello, I absouletely love the story you are trying to tell with this game. The mystery about you (the protagonist) ending up in that place and even your search for others like you and family members are actually elements I really enjoyed to have and was an unexpected plot but so well welcomed. Maybe the school ambtience is kinda cliche but you know, it works, Im kinda curious what other kind of places we will explore in next chapthers.
Also I love male preds so I absolutely adored when I first dicovered that being a route planned for the protagonist, I feel kinda bad for eating that guy in the subway, but actually, I imagined we will being able to choose not digesting him and like, I don't know , leaving him there for some time until we decide what to do with him and just at the end of the day when we are at home, we remember he is still there and have a little scene with him, perhaps we ended up digesting him finally or maybe let him stay with us as a roomate until we discover how to turn him back to moral size, maybe he secretaly loved it becuase it resemblences something that happens in WOW or something.
Anyways, just here to say some of my initial toughts about this project, a bit of fanfiction XD and to wish the best. Good stuff!
PD: Don't thnik I didnt see the Jojo reference, it was hilarious
Geez, I already delete those games. I guess you can replicate it by: first not having the horse girl in your team, then let an enemy eat Eloimaya and lastly let Eloimaya gets digested, return to village home by pressing F4 (I think it was that button, just use the fast travel command) and there it is, she is gone.
I think it happens with Lalita too but Andrice I havent teste it yet because there are few enemies who can eat her so she is safe most of the time (the invisible Assasin female can swallow her, so watch out on the roads)
I'm playing solo with the MC because of the fear of lossing them but is kinda more challenging and fun: I have discovered that Lamias and Harpys are really fast so I be friend one and travel the world on their bellies, it is quite an experience
It happened to me too. Only one or two times the horse girl revive her but overall the inventory girl completely dissapeared from my game, not even comands on the console help me so I will recommend restart your game... At least you can command with the console to place objects and other allie enemies to speed up your previous progress
But yeah not real solution to that T_T
I see now, maybe the characther that can fake to be an NPC would be like a shadow momnster or something but would be extremely hard in nightmare mode thanks to the fog effect it have.
The harpy attack is a really change of fresh air, we need more ways to avoid being devoured, maybe we could add some sort of "dash" move to avoide the attack but also, in my opinion, the concept could fit to an arachne monster girl as well. It would walk on the ceiling all the time so it would be hard to see but do a little "tickticktick" sound when nearby, and when it saw you it it would fall on you and swallow you. I think that the arachne would have the slowlest time to digest you because it would enter in a sleep state after eating something.
Maybe it would be that the ghost will be actually just hunting for you and will not get distracted with another NPC... just to avoid more coding to it? I mean, kinda fits what a ghost would do, and maybe when it would be some sort of allie when we another pred is chasing form us.
Ghost sound hard to program and looks kinda OP but really cool, dont get me wrong.
The weeping angel actually is awesome and a fresh concept in general.
The harpy would be a good adition, but sound more like a harder version of Tulpy.
I don't catch too well the disguise mechanich. Do you mean like a pred that can disguise as another NPC? Sounds cool but can't relate to a monster/fantasy creature with that hability that can work on.
If I could choose... I will go for the ghost, I know its hard to programm but like he/she reminds to that little ghost enemy that got scared when you are looking at him from the Super Mario Series, kinda love it. Maybe the ghost can be easiest to escape from his belly because... Well... Things can go trought him.
Oh no, I don't want to take Bella's uniqueness I love her, you are right we should think of another options, thank you for pointing that out🤙.
The map we have can be considrred "small" so I kinda understand the lack of hiding spots besides the bathrooms sometimes, but I guess it would be something to be still considered for another map.
Oh my, it really makes me happy to hear that. Yeah, I understand the limitations and I have in mind that it might not be added at all time soon, but thanks anyways. For having a specific characther you could use that hability I want to suggest something:
What about some sort of PE teacher or a jock himbo type man, that his description says something like: "He is currently on a diet and have been stopping eating other nerds like you just in order to have a good body... but he really can't say no to a juicy apple, so if you give him some... he might reward you"
Just another flash idea. Thanks for noticing me ❤️🌝
Bella is the nurse? Honestly kinda fits too well the reason why she likes apples that much, but then another question is in mind. Why did the girls want to eat our main student?
I get it from Satie that she might have a crush on him, Tulpy because we probabbly make fun of her, for Legieska I think is self explanitory for having a literal cage on her office and Bella if it happens to be the nurse then... why? Because we stole the apples or perhaps she wants us to rest on the nurse room but we didn't want to?...
Or just happen that the preds are just hungry lmao
Thank you so much for the update, it really shows improvement on the gameplay most likely the apple buff.
I tought they were gonna be removed but I was thinking of a whole rework to them in nightmare mode or even at any mode:
What if you could use the apples as tickets for hiding on the belly of another pred, just imagine like you are runing from Satie and while running you bump into Bella, you quickly press "F" with apple on her and you are safe from some time from Satie. Was just a flash idea but now testing the new apple effects, is not really necessary. Just happen to be a big fan of non-fatal vore lol. But yeah...
Again Thank you for your work 🌝🤙
Bro yor are a genius, its really handful to know this. Well unless the other student start to run away form the pred too and most of the times they are even faster than me haha.
I just know this little trick about that if you press the Right click you crouch, and for the Left click you run. Don't know if it was intented but I don't see a text in game that tells you
Being testing a bit. Nightmare mod is awesome, is really challenging and I love it, probabbly my favourite so far (I havent completed ine yet but is not really frustrating at all). Maybe the fact that all keys are white mess with locating them and distinguished with the floor or walls at the distance but I found it fair enough, because is kinda fun confusing them with paperballs at the distance.
Could I ask whats the difference between a red and a green apple (besides the color)?