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A member registered Mar 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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I liked what you were going for here. There was a little more polish which could have made it a lot better if you don't mind some feedback:

Took me a minute to figure out some of the logistics, the presentation wasn't the most intuitive (eg pressing spacebar to advance time wasn't mentioned). Also I'm not sure if it was intentional to be able to build multiple things on the same square, and there were some things like spellcheck which could have helped presentation even without an artist or something. Also it was weird that the leaderboard when you win is filled with "the impervious one" or whatever it was.

That said, I do like that sort of skinner box almost idle game style base builder thing, and the use of earthquakes to destroy your resource farms/storage facilities etc. was a nice spin on the theme.

Thanks! Yes, some more tutorialisation or an easy mode or something would have been a big improvement and was high on our list of things to add if we had more time. 

The wave speed was dependent on the bpm of the music, and should have aligned ideally?

Re "four kicks happening simultaneously on both sides" - the slam attack (x on keyboard) should do the larger wave pattern which it sounds like you might be describing, and facing forwards (down arrow on keyboard) allows you to attack both sides at once. I'm not sure if that's the issue you are having there though.

Yes, ideally some sort of healing mechanism would have been nice, it was a little too ambitious in scope given the time we had available to work on this but I do agree that it could have benefited the game because an early mistake wouldn't have felt as catastrophic.

Thanks for playing and for all your helpful feedback!

Really satisfying and well-implemented use of theme, enjoyed the actual earthquake mechanics, it did feel like the gameplay was somewhat secondary to the interestingness of the mechanism and it wasn't the clearest how the game worked re measuring score, what the build points(?) at the top did, how to get to "you survived" vs "game over" vs the round just ending, etc. - just something which could have been cleared up more with a tutorial page in game or something.

Thanks for playing! Yes the idea was that if you do the same intensity of attack in whichever direction at the same time, it cancels out as the wave moves up the screen, but it looks like we could have made it more clear. With more time, we would have made a little tutorial section.

Thanks! We had space in an early build, but because we wanted two attacks we went for two buttons and it was hard to figure out another alternative which would allow you to have your other hand free for directional inputs.

Thanks for the feedback! Yes, it was pretty precise. It works by calculating the interference of the two waves - so if you are spot on, it will completely cancel out, if you are very close it will only have a little quiver, but if you are out by about half the frequency of the wave it can make the wave actually larger (constructive interference vs destructive interference).

Ah, no, was it not in sync with the beat on your end? It was OK on both of ours (after some work to get it in time) but we probably could have looked into different ways to ensure it stayed tied into the beat. Thanks for playing though.

I liked the touch of the gameplay switching half way through, kind of an Ecco the Dolphin vibe.

Aaargh - this week's is even more stressful than last week's

Thanks, I'll give it another go, I thought I might just be missing something - but the water never started rising and iirc the menu said all you had to do was survive 9 minutes so I figured if it was counting time already I coulda won by not moving so maybe there was other stuff supposed to be happening.

Me sitting in the starting area doing nothing and going "huh game broke" reminds me of when I was a kid and didn't get far enough in Ecco the Dolphin to see the aliens and thought it was a game just about swimming left and right on the starting screen :D I am the idiot that games need to be made idiotproof for.

ahh, that is why some enemies could still play cards later on when cower said they wouldn't be able to? Cool, I will try again with that in mind (although that one thing could be more clear I guess, like telegraphing how many they should be able to play and that it only removes one and stuff?)

Are you supposed to only be able to play one card a turn?

I really like the theme, but I'm not sure if there is something I'm missing as a deck just consisting of 2* Um, Actually; 1* limp punch; and 1* cower seems unbeatable - I play those four every turn and then just repeat until the fight is over?

Cool game, I get a weird audio glitch though when I load it so had to mute the tab?

I also have to quit using Ctrl+Alt+Del?

I can't figure out how to get out of the starting area. I'm just stuck at the bottom of the well (in the bit in your screenshot) standing there doing nothing? I tried waiting a few minutes.

I'm not sure if enemies just aren't spawning or I'm supposed to be able to climb out? It's a shame because it seems like a really nicely polished game.

Great game, good pacing, fun interactions, I definitely enjoyed it/

Another thing I noticed (hope this is helpful feedback not me picking at the game) - when I hold down D the piece spins in a circle - is that intentional?

Also a crash on my next run, but I think it crashed when I was going to die - it was the run after resetting from a softlock if that helps narrow down cause?

Really enjoying the game - just checking whether the ability to softlock with blink is intentional to punish people like me for our poor decision making or something you didn't envision us doing?

(1 edit)

There were a lot of additional features I wanted to add but couldn't get to work in time, but this was a great learning experience.