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Judhajit Sarkar

A member registered Mar 12, 2016 · View creator page →

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played the game. This is very good! Love the design and the gameplay. Nice work!

As others have mentioned, the artwork is very good! Sound and story concept as well.  Couldn't really play the game. The mic worked, and the game got input, but nothing happened. maybe I didn't quite understand what was supposed to happen.

Oh! Okay, gotta check it out. Thanks for letting me know.

Thanks for checking it out! By getting stuck, do you mean you weren't able to control the characters or that you got stuck in the level design? Yeah, the asset pack is pretty great, great for quickly prototyping something and getting a good visual feel.

Hey, thanks for trying out the game. yeah, i wanted to add more mechanics and levels. just didn't get the time to. maybe in future updates. Btw, i had played your game earlier. really liked it. given a rating as well! :)

Hey, thanks for playing the game. yeah, you are right. you could have done that. i actually wanted to implement a mechanic where certain enemies and enemy types can also be absorbed. but that was seriously bugging out, so commented out the whole code for that. maybe in future updates will reinstate that ability.

Thanks for playing! :) please do rate the game if you get some time. :)

Love the music and style. the enemies are a bit too fast for me. they kill me even before i am able to aim

hey i played the game. but i am stuck in the first room. what am i supposed to do?

love the art style. the game mechanics are extremely fresh and unique! but the controls are a bit hard to grasp in the beginning.

loved the overall vibe! I am a bit confused though. i always end up with the batman & superman question and then i get a pass. is that the end of the game?

When they started to take my weapon, my exact thought was "Wait! that's not supposed to happen!" :P pretty cool concept.

you got me at the second half, not gonna lie. :P everyone should play this just for that!

yeah. should definitely keep working on this. real nice game. has a lot of potential.

cool concept! the progressive difficulty increase is weirdly satisfying.

nice puzzles! but i guess i am stupid enough to not understand how to cross level 3. btw, how do you complete level 3?

Really loved the experience! Pretty challenging but not frustrating. and honestly, i actually like the prototype-ish art style. just goes perfectly with the theme and concept.

(2 edits)

played the game finally. looks cool! nice concept. so much potential. maybe add different sound effects and visuals while in different curses. but that camera movement in one curse gave me headache :P

hey, thanks for playing. yeah definitely. thinking of making a full game with this. there's so much that can be done with the mechanics.

thanks for trying out the game :)

Nice experience! but my head hurts :P

really cool concept, but extremely difficult.

cool concept. loved the intro animations

nice game! a checkpoint system will be great though.

killer vibes! loved the music and art style.

the healing concept to kill negative health enemies is pretty unique. more varied enemies will make this cool.

nice concept. timing to move towards and attack is a bit difficult. may be you guys can make it auto move towards the enemy after a certain distance.

hey, i am trying to download. but it says that this page has been quaratined.

Pretty cool concept! The aesthetics and vibes are perfect. a bit challenging in the beginning, but I kind of like the difficulty, reminds me of the contra games.

Hey, thanks for trying out the game! Yeah, I will definitely add a  settings menu to change mouse sensitivity and other controls in the next update.