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A member registered Oct 06, 2017 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Thank you for your feedback :D We are glad you enjoyed it! 

I think Enrico was out of context of our talking xD

Nah, don't worry. It is a short amount of time to make everything. Your game is pretty fun yet. But yeah, you are right, playtesting helps out designing levels. We didn't have QA team as well, but we tried to rush on testing lol

(1 edit)

What a fun puzzle game! Amazing to play, the idea is pretty cool, I followed the same idea of controlling the level, instead of the player and I appreciate to see other puzzlers games accomplish that with different approaches and interesting concepts, just like yours. Amazing puzzle concepts. Congratulations!

Really cool, one of the best games I have played this jam until now. And btw, I feel really calm right after playing it, as long as the music kept me relaxed throughout the gameplay! Did you guys composed/created the music as well?

I am looking forward to know if you guys will make more levels on this project and if you intend to keep developing it. Please, let me know!

But I still want to point out only two minor issues. And I think only #1 is something relevant, #2 is just a simple detail.

1. You can place the items literally anywhere. One of the weirdest places is that I can place the item into the inventory yellow bar. That trolled me once and I thought I had lost the item, when it actually was placed in an unconventional space.

2. When you reset the puzzle, while you are still dying, sometimes it can cause weird animation bugs.

Again, all of this are minor issues.

I would appreciate if you guys could take a look into my game as well, as long as we have the similarity of playing as the level designer.

This game is pretty fun and I think this game is one of the longest I kept playing in this jam.

Really amazing idea and nice puzzles! Btw, I like the idea of the reverse bounce to be a anti-gravity plate, lol

Puzzle with moving platforms is EXACTLY what I made on my game, so if you could check it out, it would be so cool and I think you maybe will you enjoy it as well!

Congrats, nice job!

That is an amazing idea and a great puzzle!

Nice job! It took me some deaths to understand how it should be played, but right after learning it, it was quite fun!

One thing that bugs me is how the camera locks and maybe sometimes you can lose the sight of a monster that was in the same room, so it screws up the puzzle. But that is fine.

Congrats :D

At first glance, I thought this would be a repetitive tower "escape" game. 

But when I started to play it and go through all levels, I changed my opinion and I had a really great time playing it. It is pretty fun to play and feels like a creative puzzle in which you need to find a proper solution to let everyone survive and go across the traps and towers. So I was wrong and this game has proven to be really interesting and fun!

Congratulations for your good work. One thing I would add is a progress count of the survivors.


Tamo junto! :D valeeu

Thanks, glad to know how you feel about our game!

Haha, yeah, not everything is as simple as it looks.

Thank you! :D

Thank you so much! We really appreciate your comment and it makes us so happy to know you feel like that for our game.

This is the kind of comment that motivates us! ^^

Yeah, as a post-jam feature, it would be nice to have some sfx to improve it, totally agree!

(2 edits)

Thank you for your kind words. Happy to know you enjoyed it and considers it one of the greatest you played! :D

We kept the first two levels easy for a initial understanding of the mechanics, specially for users without much familiarity with puzzles games, so I can see how your expectations weren't that high during the first 2 levels.

A speedup button for sure would be a great addition, I totally agree and we actually thought about it, but couldn't implement it due time. So, yeah, for post-jam features, that probably would be one of the first items in our to-do list.

We appreciate your feedback and glad you liked the puzzles :D

Thank you, glad you liked it! ^^

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you for your kind words and your feedback :D 

Thank yoou! Haha, you are right! Puzzles with sliding blocks are always fun XD

It all depends how messy you can get with the blocks. The last 2 levels were designed in a way it was meant to "lock" players in some places that they would have to remanage blocks to figure out a way out of these pitfalls. But the "infinite possibilites " problem is a thing and we might need to think in another way of solving it.

But I think I understand your feedback and I could see your suggestion as a legit mechanic for some levels. Thanks for the feedback, it is really helpful if we keep developing this game after the jam.

Thank youu! :D

Yeah, the pausing mechanic most of the time works as a timing challenge, as you need to be precise when you are going to pause the game. It all depends on the level itself, and the way you play. 

We are glad you enjoyed it!

For a first Unity project and your first 5 hours in it, this is a great project. 

Keep on going, Unity is a pretty fun engine to play with and you can do amazing projects with it.

 As you already have a background knowledge with C#, this will speed up your learning process.

I also recommend you to keep joining Game Jams for practicing!

Congrats for your progress and keep studying :D

Haha, that is so cool! Really great idea!

We had a similar idea for our game, in which you are a level designer and watches playtesters play your game as well. It would be cool if you could check it out as well!

Anyways, back to your game, nice job with the editor and nice job with the AI. The game plays very nice.  

Also, I really enjoy this concept of making the game elements as a board game. 

Post-jam suggestion (not considering this to the jam, because it would be hard to have time to implement it): Maybe I would add a fast-forward button to speed up the AI actions and see the game flows faster.

Plants vs Zombies reversed lol, that is cool! 

I like the art, it looks cool, and also the usage of post process is fine.

It's sad that the level transition isn't implemented as you mentioned in another comment. Things like that happens in a Game Jam. Keep up with the good work and always balancing time :D

Great game! It has a significant learning curve, but it gets pretty interesting

I enjoy games that feels like board games. This game has a impressive complexity given the amount of time and plays nice.

Congrats :D

(1 edit)

That is a pretty funny game! Amazing haha, I laughed while playing and I really enjoy this kind of humor when well delivered to the player. Congrats on that.

I would love to see more tasks added on it (a post-jam suggestion), and also I think the task of cleaning clubs might need a fix, because I can get other clubs whitout being able to see them.

Anyways, pretty funny concept, congratulations!

Ooh, btw, if you guys want to play our game as well, it would be cool ^^

Great concept and it fits nice the theme! 

The gameplay idea is great and it has a nice art at syle. Congrats for your job :D

The only feedback I can think of is that maybe I would change the pacing of the game, as long as switching roles feels kinda fast and doesn't feel so random. Maybe having a larger level would change this pacing perception. That said, it's still a really cool game, I enjoyed playing it!

Btw, if you guys want to check my game as well, I would be pleased ^^

It is sad that the game loop is broken, but it would be cool to play it, looks like a cool idea.  If you guys fix it, I would like to check it out ;) we all know how making a game is pretty hard, so keep up :D

Parabéns pelo jogo! Tá demaais! Direção artística e trilha sonora fantástica! A gameplay tá bem divertida e viciante. Queria mto ver uma versão mobile disso, ia ser bem massa!

Muito obrigadoo :D ficamos felizes pelo feedback

O jogo consiste em diversos puzzles, onde você controla NPCs que necessitam da ajuda um do outro para se libertarem do sistema opressor e preconceituoso instaurado no futuro distópico de 2275, na qual reflete na nossa sociedade de hoje. 

O jogador terá de fazer escolhas morais durante o jogo, relacionado ao tema. Vale notar que alguns puzzles contém mais do que uma solução.

Todos nós merecemos igualdade, mas por que nos separam por raça?