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A member registered Nov 12, 2016 · View creator page →

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thank you!! glad you're feeling inspired to make stuff too :)

thank you 😭

i hate it so much, i'll probably make a few more and add them when i get the spoons

Thanks! I figured out that the toolbar cuts off images that are too large thankfully, so I did get to play around a bit, but it's unfortunate drawing mode is so cut off from scripting...

Quick question about brushes: seems like there's a global brush[] function to add custom brushes (and see a dictionary of them).  Is there any way to (through scripting) change which brush is selected at the deck or card level?  I know there's clicking on the Style>Brush menu, but I would prefer to do it with scripting (as the brushes I've made are more like stamps and are huge and overlap quite badly on that menu).

I only see the canvas-specific x.brush[] in terms of script control over brush selection... Is that it?
thanks! june

"They are unworthy. To make you feel unworthy."

shiragiku telling the truth!!!

"women-fucking perverts" is so funny to me. also fantastic wordplay as always. the homophobia and longing are intense and messy and painful and loving.

also i just love to see xm and zy again! I want the best for them (almost said I want things to be simple for them but remembered the "but I am not simple" bit in another one of your games (I forget which))

real and horrible and hot and funny and makes my heart hurt

Frightening and cold except for thr warmth of a memory (in the form of a lantern). (And also some hope for shiragiku I think? But I am seriously worried for that kid...)

Thank you for sharing

Ooh, thanks for finding the default event handler for new canvases (and everything else)! That's neat!  (Still find it weird that the default on-creation is distinct from the default absent-script!  Confusing design choice, imo!)

Yeah the default do-nothing script does nothing.  I was talking about a truly blank script (with no event handlers at all, but maybe a comment present).

Just to be clear, my primary question with the above stuff was not so much "how does it work" but "i think this design choice is a tad hostile to discovery... is there a good reason for it, or could it be different?".


Again, I appreciate the pointers towards aspects in the code already, and I think it is quite cute that it's possible to make your own drawing UI.  But, like before I was more pointing out "isn't it weird that the already lovely drawing UI that already exists is not by default available for canvases?"

Like, my question/critique was not as a user of decker wondering how best to interface with an already existent piece of software, it was as a person commenting on an in-constant-development project wondering about the design decisions and thinking some of them are rather confusing / a tad user-hostile and wondering if there was some really good reason they are that way.  I do appreciate you finding the section of the documentation with the defaults though, thanks!

(1 edit)

hi!! i have a few questions about canvases:

feels like the only way i can see using them is either:

1. creating a new one from a current selected bit of art i drew on the background, or
2. doing weird stuff with scripts (this is delightful and fun)

I would love to be able to draw on canvases, and I see that when you delete the "default" template for the script of a canvas, when in Interact mode, clicking and dragging becomes drawing!  But only with a 1-pixel black line.  And without erasing.  So I have two questions:

1. Why is there this "hidden default" for canvas behavior?  (And what even is it!)  Also, if the default script featured whatever this hidden default is, then people could rather organically discover drawing on canvases and easily delete it for a "no-drawing" behavior.  [A lot of my confusion comes from the Draggable deck which says that scribbling on is normal behavior for canvases... but having trouble replicating that in my own deck until the script was wiped]

2. Why can't we draw with all the lovely drawing tools we have on canvases?  (Or will we be able to someday maybe?)  I like having patterns and ovals and all sorts of great things, and I know "write on the background then create a new canvas from it" does technically work but... it feels weird and clunky to have a canvas unpaintable.  Is there any way to make this possible?  Or are canvases designed primarily for lil script-interactions?


that was really great.  really agree on how important it is to find fags and dykes and queers so we can help each other and make things better.

thanks for writing this <3

(also, the wiki-style format fits SO well here! and i really love the images you chose and the little song recommendation widget)

don't have a lot of words, but i have a lot of emotions.  just a big swirling mix of love and grief and things i can't name

(1 edit)

ok glad the gray thing is gonna get changed but that was mostly a minor complaint tbh.  most of my issue was being confused about how transparency functioned.

Is it just supposed to be puzzled out somehow that while the documentation is like "yep 1+47 colors/patterns!" and the palettes in the toolbar list 48 things... #47 can't be drawn by normal means, and to switch between drawing #0 and #32 you need to change something in the view menu (a menu labelled View because it changes how i view things, not what they are), and when that menu item is ticked there is zero intended indication on the palette that you're not drawing in a different color?

like idk much about UI, but maybe add a palette item for all the colors you can draw in?

like i'm sure you're both used to how this works and it all makes sense to you (and i understand it's a personal project, not trying to say you owe anyone anything) but it's confusing as heck for new folks!

(i will try the toolbars on the side too btw, i appreciate that tip!)

- i would love if right-click to erase were "discoverable" through the UI.  Missed that part of the docs, and didn't see it in the "all about color" deck, so just never learned it.  (i also skim-read a lot so this one might be on me!) Spent a while trying to work out transparency in other ways.

I assumed the "white" and "black" when color mode is on referred to patterns 32 and 47 but uh, i think they draw in pattern 0 and 1 instead!  (Yeah, i just verified(???) by drawing, copy-pasting into a canvas, and reading off the pattern number directly using the listener.  Unless doing the copy/paste alters the pattern somehow?)

- the view-menu item "transparency mask" changes how drawing works.  This is kinda confusing for an item I'd assume would only change our view on things.

- calling pattern0 "transparent" and pattern32 "opaque white" feels misleading in the docs tbh, especially because I expect the "white" colors in both color-mode (expecting #32) and the normal mode (expecting #0) to draw either transparently or opaquely... but they don't (they both essentially erase (or draw transparency) unless transparency-mask is on, in which case they both draw opaquely.)

- the color of the "white" in the palette turns into gray when transparency mask is activated, implying drawing in this color draws "transparently".  This is the exact reverse of the behavior though!

i feel like the following would be lovely:
- maybe keep pattern 0 and pattern 32 both visible in the palettes of color-mode and non-color-mode (indicating that 32 is always opaque white and 0 is always transparent somehow through an icon? idk.  this "sometimes transparent sometimes not" behavior is mind boggling and causes the need for like a very vague "transparency" menu item for copying/moving imo)
- perhaps a tool item called "eraser" that reverses left/right click behavior? idk! just anything so that i don't need to read all the documentation before doodling

so i guess my question is: is this a bug? is this intended behavior? if it's intended, i feel it could be improved a bit

I like the dialogue on rage and frustration and abuse. Don't have much to say, but thanks.

Also, "As pure and innocent as students attending a school that teaches the art of war CAN be, that is."

Yeah! I feel like folks neglect this point so much.

(Also, all the blue feels very cyanotype to me)

I really like this. It makes my heart ache. (The intensity!!!)

Love the portraits too!

ah. ouch.



thank FUCKING GOD FOR DYKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

feels like i'm being read to in the dark

changed the screen sizing slightly (just took a min of the stuff you had and the width/resX (then -0.1)) so that it'd work when the width is too narrow.

oh!  makes sense!
thanks :)

replicated it with a fresh copy by doing the following:

story.txt is

GOTO:CHAP12345 - asdf
this will never print

delete all assets except blank, bg_title, bg_texture1.  Deleted all audio files and video files from the folders as well.

assets.js is:

const IMGs = {
const VIDs = {
const MUSIC = {
const SPEAKERS = {    
  M: {name: "machine", colour: "#696969"},   E: {name: "engineer", colour: "#8b66ba"},   P: {name: "pilot", colour: "#e3a239"} };

I couldn't replicate it until i got rid of most of the assets, so I'm thinking that's the issue (and the debugger in firefox gave the consoler error

"Uncaught TypeError: track is null    sfxPlayer http://localhost:8000/code/tags.js:697"

so i think maybe that's messing stuff up a bit? and it's bailing on the rest of the function??? idk)

(1 edit)

found another bug i think?
GOTOs weren't working so i switched the order of the "drawDialogue(...)" and "if(goto!=null){...}" (to make drawDialogue after the goto check) blocks in the updateDialogue function, and now they work again.

idk the code so this miight have introduced a new bug or something? unsure! but now they work again and i'm happy

Awesome, thank you!

Gotcha, that makes sense for 2. (Only found out because i was using an "E! - " prefix as a sort of comment when trying to find out what was going on with the code)

Excited to make a little story about horrible lesbians now <3 thank you!

(3 edits)

love this!! thank you this is so neat!!

a few bugs i've noticed:
1) POSY reset behaves differently than POS:x:reset:z (the former sets y position to 80 (which happens to be the default POSX i believe), the latter to roughly 350)
2) POS tags inside character speech take effect (even if it's a line like "E! - test POS:320:200:64")
3) resetting the third thingy of a pos tag seems not to work, can't do POS:RESET:RESET:RESET as far as i can tell
4) size takes a number rather than [number] as indicated in the guide, and does not seem to accept a RESET value.

That was rough.


I really enjoyed this book, thank you for writing it!  It was really heartwarming to read it as a lesbian dumbass myself.  The characters are lesbian dumbasses too!  It's great!  (The part with the flask filled with non-water cracked me up)

Thank you!

that was a fun experience.  felt like making a little garden that i could live in

the train portion actually surprised me even though i could have seen it coming

thanks for making this!

thanks for making this, it feels emotionally relevant to quarantine for me, transitioning in my apartment away from the world.