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A member registered Jun 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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Great game! I love the feeling, aesthetic, and music. For any constructive feedback: I think the game could benefit from a bit of polish (like all game jams game haha) especially for sound effects and movement controls.  Nice work though :)!

Thank you :)!

Awesome work! Sound effects, movement, and mining are well done which makes the game feel great to play. I wish the spikes were  a bit more clear and that the momentum increase per picked up item was toned down a little bit but overall I really enjoyed it :). Nice job!

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Haha definitely expected (my game for sure could have used some polish!). I still really enjoyed your game though -- nice job :)!

Awesome :). Glad you did!

Thank you! I agree, unlocking the camera + making your arm have more freedom of rotation would have been great improvements!

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Loved the idea, this is a unique take on the theme! One piece of feedback is that movement should be a bit faster but overall nice work!

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Thanks for checking it out! Yup we should've made checkpoints -- the game is quite too punishing as is

 Thanks for the feedback! Adding an alternate set of controls (e.g. arrow keys) is probably a good idea to help people without mice -- we didn't really consider how controls might be awkward with a touchpad.

Love the idea! Wish I had another player to play with but I can imagine this being fun to play with others. Good job :)

Sweet idea! I think this concept is awesome and a great take on the theme. I wish the player was a bit faster and the game had some more bug fixing/polish (e.g. if player is moving up to keep the player animated) but overall nice work!

Unfortunately no, we didn't upload other builds :(. It may be a browser specific issue though (e.g. Chrome/Firefox may work if you're not using them). 

Thank you! Letting the camera be tied to mouse movement could be an improvement for sure. Maybe allowing it to  "unlock" to let you move it separately with the mouse.

Also yes, definitely a big learning experience regarding using colliders with tilemaps haha. I wish we had more time to really go in and fix those issues before the deadline.

Sweet concept on splitting platforming from combat to make the player make tradeoffs. I wish the levels were shorter and had more enemies but I still had quite a bit of fun exploring the levels and platforming. Great job!

Thank you so much for your feedback! Haha yes, I'm not a fan of the jumping sound effect as well. Unfortunately we had to just run with it since it was so late but I hope we can publish a version of the game after the jam with at least that changed. 

Very cute game! I'm sorry you and your daughter got sick but I think the game still came out super charming! Very funny sound effects as well, although maybe starts to wear on you a bit after too long. Nice work though!

Love the little world you built. So cute and the sound/art fit really well together. The game is super meditative and I really enjoyed it. I was able to find all of the locations except "the lookout". I probably passed through the world ~3 times before I had to give up on it. Overall, very nicely done though!

Thank you for your feedback! Definitely agree on all your points, I wish we explored increasing the angle of the flashlight more + making the direction your facing based off your cursor position instead of movement.

Thank you, that's definitely a change I wish we had explored before the deadline!

This is a great idea of the game and a perfect fit with the theme. Really enjoyed the gameplay. Maybe make the menu more clear and make it a tad bit easier (especially killing enemies) but overall I think it's very well done!

Great spin on the moon landing game type. Adding an element of navigation really makes it more challenging and difficult. Main feedback is I wish you could land a bit faster. Overall though, I really enjoyed the game. Well done!

Thank you, glad you liked the lighting! I'll check out anyone's game who comments on ours :)

Ah I see, that makes sense. Yeah we probably should have tried that considering that seems to be a pretty common thought from people who have tried. Thank you again for the feedback!

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Thank you! Would some alternate control scheme for the flashlight (e.g. arrow keys help)?

Cute little game! I'd make the difficulty ramp up a bit faster but I enjoyed it

Thank you! I agree, the game is a little bit too challenging imo due to the low ceilings. Glad you enjoyed it though!

Very nicely done! The pillow mechanics and avoiding your past self are really well designed and do a good job fitting in the theme without sacrificing gameplay. The game feels extremely polished and  very fun.

Only thing I'd tweak are the pillow mechanics so that it's easier to jump on a bouncing pillow and to maybe include a button to pick it up if you are around it instead of automatically picking it up.

Overall though, it's incredible you were able to create this game in the time given. Awesome work!

Well done! Music is amazing and I love the idea behind the game. The game feels really polished, especially for a week.

I had a bit of trouble matching the notes sometimes but was able to eventually figure it out. As you said below though, I think giving an option to make the keys at the bottom to light up could make the game more accessible (similar to Ocarina of Time's ocarina mechanic).

Another very minor nitpick is I wish I could move after pressing the note. Maybe I'm a bit impatient but a part of me wanted to start immediately running towards the platform after pressing the music diamond thing instead of having to sit and wait. This might just be me though!

Super impressive work!

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Thanks for playing and the feedback! I definitely wish we had a bit more time to polish and iron out the animations and collisions.

Great job on your game again! :)

My first game jam as well. Was really fun albeit a little stressful to balance with school + life. Definitely will do again though -- learned a lot and am pretty happy with how the game came out.

Well done! Really c h i l l  v i b e s. Had a lot of fun with your game and loved the app/emoji concept.

Really like your idea of the level swapping and the platforming movement feels good. Game is fun albeit a bit hard. Well done! I think with a bit more polish and time you could really expand on this concept. 

Fun little game with an interesting take on the theme. Really like the art style. Minor nitpicks are on being able to pick up items from the other side, making the music longer before it loops, and also making the game a little easier. 

Nice work!

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Well done, the game feels good and is really cute. Similar to my game, yours maybe came out a little challenging, but overall nice work! 

Only thing I'd change (other than difficulty) is setting the player's horizontal velocity to 0 when mid-air and not pressing a movement key so that controls are  a bit more crisp.