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A member registered Feb 07, 2023 · View creator page →

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Just added you, I'll be more than happy to see what I can write up for your game! 

Hi, I'm a musician/composer looking to work with a game developer or team of any level. I am currently building a portfolio of original game music to further my skills and develop myself as a music producer so please don't hesitate to reach out to me. 

My latest piece of music:

Hi Kritzlof! 

Just checked out your game and I'd love to put some music to it if you're in need for some. I've recently downloaded a cool free pluggin called "Genny" which provides me with some satisfying sounding 16-bit tones so it'll be cool for me to play around with it for your game! 

(1 edit)

If anyone is in search for some music for their game then don't hesitate to hit me up. I'd love to see what I can do for a jam of this caliber. 

My SoundCloud:


Thank you! Glad you like it

A fun challenging platformer with some unique features, I like it!

(5 edits)

Been writing music for games for a few months now with years of experience in composing beforehand. So if you're in the search for a composer, hopefully I can be of help! 



YouTube: https://youtube.com/@kairos1993

Something fresh from last night: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJ91nDxq/

Sure! What gamejam is it for?

Pretty fun little game, love the art style and most of all the music! It's just a shame that the music cut out approximately 5mins in. Other than that, fun stuff!

Nice! Pretty decent vampire survivors-like game, was also pretty chill playing one handed and impressive given so little time to make it. Bravo!

Thank you Domino! Sure thing, don't hesitate, I have a bunch of ideas I'd like to expand upon with gamejam being my current motive to do so

This had rekindled my motivation to write/produce music again so I'm thankful for all the feedback I had received and being able to hear all the amazing work throughout the jam, it's been a real treat. Same again next time, I'm sure! 🤟 - Congrats 💯

This is a pretty fun track to listen to and I can certainly hear it being played on a fast-paced retro game! Of course there wasn't much to go on by when comparing it to an anime opening other than a few things the others have mentioned. Incase you ever do decide you want to someday put an anime "touch" to your tracks, check out the 'Yo scale'. It's basically a scale used in traditional Japanese folk music and may give you a bit a crutch. Other than that, good stuff! 

Love the intro, the keys and the effects on them are ear scratching so it was a nice touch fading them into the track. Mixing could do with some work though, maybe play around with reverb to bring the melody back a little (the melody is great and sometimes it's hard not to push it in front of the mix to let people know how great it is and I know this all too well lol). Other than that, keep rocking. - Amazing stuff! 🤟

Wish I could hear more of it, the dynamics were good and the added suspense is what made me want to keep listening! Although the stringed arpeggio were sometimes fighting for the same frequencies as the layering strings as they got higher in pitch causing it to clash in parts but other than that. - Good work! 

Not gonna lie, this was certainly a learning curb of a submission for me thus making two compositions before I finally had at least some elements down that I thought would work for an anime track. Nonetheless, I appreciate the feedback! ☺️

(1 edit)

This truly is a great track, I especially like that guitar slide effect you had going on near the beginning of the track and the melody screamed anime for sure, well done! 

I could definitely hear this being redone using a massive ensemble of orchestra instruments. Perhaps even giving you the chance to making the sounds become much bigger and dramatic thus still falling incredibly well under the anime category.

Oh btw, keep posting your music on YouTube, would love to hear more come from you. - You've produced great stuff throughout the entire jam 🌟

Thank you for your comment and constructive feedback as always Selkione! I never thought of filling out the space for the panned muted guitar but it would've been good for me to experiment for sure!

Glad you like it though 😊

Thank you Cube! 

Thank you for your feedback kettlemug, yeah I'm eager to try out other VSTs as the only vst I've explored outside of fl studio is labs so there's still plenty for me to explore but I'm glad you like it! 

This is a really good, I've never been a fan of midi guitar as I can never get them to sound great lol but it sounds as though you did a really good job making them sound amazing, especially the chugging on the guitar! Very nice! 

Love this, it's very old school anime and I'm a sucker for it! The choice of instruments work really well by setting those raw dynamics and may be the reason for that old school sound, keep it up! 

Thank you for your comment Nick. Not gonna lie, I had struggled a bit writing an anime track thus writing up 2 full tracks before coming up with this one 😅 glad you like it! 

Thank you for your comment MoonSi, I do need to get my hands on some better guitar VSTs as the standard ones on fl studio are okay and all but they certainly could be better! But thank you so much for your feedback, it helps me massively with my future mixes, glad you like it though ☺️

(2 edits)

Hi there, being a huge roguelike fan, I would love to get the chance to write up some music for this occasion so if anyone is looking for any music then feel free to reach out to me. Check out my previous work on SoundCloud:


Also started writing something fresh last night just for fun: 

Hi Neo, let me know if you would like any music writing up for your game. Feel free to browse my previous work on SoundCloud: Stream DamianPerez93 music | Listen to songs, albums, playlists for free on SoundCloud

Oh nice! Thank you

I done gone and accidentally caught the enter key on the my keyboard half way on typing up my description thus submitting it so yeah, that happened xd

Ahh you noticed! Yeah I made the effort on taking your advice and simplified my melody to make it easier for the listener to follow, what you showed me did help a lot and I'm glad you like it! 😊

I got a little hung up on the 2nd section that I didn't think of putting in variations for the first section, oops.. It certainly wouldnt of gone a miss for sure especially with it being a lengthy one. Nonetheless, thank you so much for your feedback, it's very much appreciated! 

Thank you for your comment Nick! Yeah the 2nd section had me a little stumped for ideas but it wasn't until I submitted it that I thought how cool would it be if I had just gone for a jazz/metal feel but maybe next time haha! 

Glad you liked it, thank you again 😊

Thank you cube, I might search for some free/near affordable guitar VSTs to see what else I can do using my guitar but I'm glad you like it! 

Really like this track a lot, it gives me sam and max vibes with the fun sounds and the well executed 2nd section with those descending notes leading into it. Nice!

I was really curious on what people would be making for this bezarre theme but this track completely blew me away. Love the realism of the stages of love from beginning to end and how the music transcends into a dark up-beat section. - Amazing! 

Wow I didn't expect something so in depth but it's very much appreciated for sure!! 

I would admit that I do sometimes over-complicate a melody to a point where the patterns for each phrase will start drifting down their own route..  

I can see that your proposals on the patterns look easier to follow with subtle variations in places to keep it interesting but without straying too far away from the pack. It rhythmically makes sense too. 

Hope you don't mind but I took screen shots of these just so I can refer to them when writing. I'm grateful for this, truly :) 

Thank you Nick! I basically just used the Gb major scale to compose most parts so it wasn't too tricky :) 

Thank you for your comment cube, I quite like C418 and his music written for minecraft so thank you very much for the nice words! 

Sounds good! 

Just looked back at my project and it seems as though all I did was automate the pitch of the bass drum, thought I did more than that to it tbh lol

I think it helped having a 'low-bit' sounding bass drum to emphasise the pitch change across other frequency levels, roughly around the 1200Hz range. 

Not very good at explaining the techy side of it really but that's my best take on it from what I can see going on through my flstudio project so I hope that helps 😅

This is really good, the riff played on the flute 42secs in sounds amazing and it has like a nice grit to it that pushes the song forward really well to bring in the next section. 

I also respect how well you did keeping the style of the music as cultural/traditional as possible whilst also adding in your own electronic ideas to the song. Well done! 

Thank you for your feedback Selkione! Good ear, that part is probably my favourite part too and I'm hoping I can somehow replicate that again when I need it ha! 

The first melody was a little tricky to finish as I was torn between certain movements if that's the part you mean. Yeah I'd very much appreciate a time stamp on where the melodies/riff becomes confusing so I can take it into account in the future. Thank you again 😊

Nice! I could hear the sound of waves in my head whilst listening to this. Didn't really want it to end so soon but it would be good to listen to the end result, nice work!