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Karlslund Games

A member registered Mar 17, 2021 · View creator page →

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I'm going with Primal Menace IV - imagining as a trashy "direct to video" sequel kind of thing. Crappy art, crappy effects, the kind of game I would make way back when I was just starting out in game dev.

The animals have taken over, their primal instincts have come to the surface to menace humanity. You're "shooter guy" and yeah that's pretty much it. I've made a basic arena to test the core mechanics and I will add more enemies and the second weapon then make a proper level with a beginning and end.

Keep it! I built an entire game around a "broken" AI. I never did figure out how it worked and the code is long lost.

NGL I generated a lot of names! Trying to think of potential game mechanics for each is a fun exercise.

Here's what I have:

  • Winged conundrum 2704
    • In the future people can fly, just not very well
    • QWOP inspired "try to fly but it's really hard"
  • Lawless wolves
    • Court drama visual novel with wolves
  • Vampire Inferno II
    • You're a dentist, but all your customers are vampires
  • Paradox of Urn
    • Puzzle game with urns, maybe something with water and physics
  • Seasons of lives
    • Grow a fruit tree
    • Literally play as the tree, growing your roots to get water and sunshine
  • Sand revolution
    • Hack-n-slash demons in the desert
  • Hounds of calendar
    • Fight a different "Hound" every month
    • 12 stupid boss battles one after the other
  • Immortal river
    • Arena battler/shooter centred on a river
    • Entering the river replenishes your health but you need to recharge the river on the other side of the map (pray at a shrine or something)
    • Constantly battle back and forth across the map
  • Delta instruments
    • Spaceship game where your only input is the really complex instrument panel
  • Great pawns
    • Chess game where all pieces are pawns but they're upgradeable
  • Primal menace IV
    • Animal apocalypse arcade trash
    • Really rough art, hand drawn in piskel - think hotline miami but less good
    • Top-down shooter, two guns, infinite ammo, no reloads, pixel blood splatter, city overrun by the jungle, distorted screeching animal sounds
    • Reuse level editor from starry sky

I will probably go with Primal Menace IV and try to make it as over-the-top as I can, just really silly and extreme. I want to gain more experience working with Unity so I'll use that.

You're adding more words on Friday? I'll have another go then!