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A member registered Oct 10, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hi Hal9007, thanks a lot for trying out our game. We really appreciate it.

I'm glad you liked the movement and animation of the player. Duke (the other dev) worked really hard on it to bring it to the current level of fluidity and polish that it has. The overall feel of the character is something we are definitely proud of.

The 3D view could use a lot more work no doubt. We had many ideas on how to implement it, with your method of a direct viewing angle being a strong contender too. Eventually we did decide to go with the side-angle view because, as you said it, it's pretty cool. A smaller movement area, well within the confines of the camera, or an obstacle-following mechanism might have resulted in a better experience. We decided to leave it in as a "punishing mechanic" but from the all the comments that we have received, it definitely should have been changed. Sorry about that. 

Thanks again for the feedback. It really is great to see people play our games and hear their thoughts. It's one of the main reasons why we love doing game development. If you would like to see more of our current and upcoming works, make sure to visit our LinkedIn page. 

Hi tripod, thanks a lot for trying out our game. We really appreciate it.

The 3D view was definitely subpar, even from our expectations. I'm still a novice when it comes to Cinemachine, so that could definitely use some work. Maybe a fixed angle, or some form of obstacle-following movement might have resulted in a better experience, sorry about that.

The first level is definitely trickier that it looks. Hint: If you move the player and cube slightly in a direction one-by-one, your character never falls off! (New movement tech? lol)

Thanks again for the feedback. It really is great to see people play our games and hear their thoughts. It's one of the main reasons why we love doing game development. If you would like to see more of our current and upcoming works, make sure to visit our LinkedIn page.

Hi Jacob, thanks a lot for trying out our game. We really appreciate it.

The 3D view definitely could be better. Maybe pointing the camera at the currently selected cube would have made this much smoother and easier to operate. This was the first time I attempted to use Cinemachine and implement its various features. As I'm still learning quite a bit about it (and Unity in general), a lot of the things were left in a state that could definitely do with more polish and work.

Thanks again for the feedback. It really is great to see people play our games and hear their thoughts. It's one of the main reasons why we love doing game development. If you would like to see more of our current and upcoming works, be sure to visit our LinkedIn page.

Hi Philip, thanks a lot for trying out our game. We really appreciate it.

1. Yeah, the shadow and player interaction were a hot topic of discussion for us during early development, but we finally decided to go with the way it is now.
2. The keys/red circle objectives definitely needed to be explained better. As we were (and still are) learning Unity and C# while also working on the game, a lot of things were left in a state that could definitely do with more polish and work.

Thanks again for the feedback. It really is great to see people play our games and hear their thoughts. It's one of the main reasons why we love doing game development. If you would like to see more of our current and upcoming works, be sure to visit our LinkedIn page.