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maybe you aren't taking suggestions, but I feel like it would be fun if having enough COR points would allow for interesting and fun effects to happen, I've always wanted to make my character go around nude, for example.
it seems as though high corruption doesn't do too much at the moment (besides the lose condition), unless I'm missing something
ty for the very cute game, i appreciate how quick the story is, it makes it super fast to redo the routes!
I keep wondering if there's a secret ending where you can find a second potion that can get eaten by the plant as a decoy or something, or maybe if you choose the wrong potion and the plant eats it, you can have a scene with it.. but I didn't look that hard yet
ah yeah, you know, in retrospect that makes a lot of sense, it's probably better if fans and devs can make their own stand alone synths rather than pre-boxing one in with the program itself, in pico8 it works because everything is supposed to be self contained, but not everyone will want to use the bosca synthesizer in their godot project, so it would just be extra bloat to the engine for people who want to make their own
it seems like the bugs I've found so far are: sweat and cum are black, I assume same problem as the windows builds had before the fixes? , the game is not centered on the screen, and has empty space on the right side with no bg in puzzles and the menu, but pegbugs can sit there, and the rank question box is offset from its button hitboxes
I don't know if this is a bug or not, but imported saves seem to default all pokemon to female, was it always like that?
for android build, it seems you need Android NDK r15c and a supported JDK, apparently 11, but you also have to fix the compilation of pcre using these changes because it won't compile otherwise
other than these I followed the same instructions on your gitgud page, just with `lime setup android` at the end of the installs, and you need to install the prereqs and assign the directories it asks for (Android SDK, Android NDK [from above], and Java JDK)
and I actually managed to get a compiled version on my phone from that
I was curious about something, how difficult would it be to port this to Android? Would it pretty much require an entire rewrite or is it possible to port one of the binary builds somehow? The game really works perfectly on phone with the HTML build but if it were somehow possible to get a native build that would be great. I'm not saying you need to do it because I understand this project is pretty much done, but I'm curious how difficult it might be
I thought it was really hilarious that you press the camera button and your player brings out a comedic old timey looking camera, but despite being old timey it's actually digital, and despite being digital the resolution is just piss poor and you can barely decipher what the pictures are looking at
yeahhh I had some time budgeting problems IE i procrastinated a lot and had a lot of project paralysis thinking about how hard it might be to do some of these things i wanted, so i didn't create very many characters, which was going to be one of the main important things!!! also creating the world fell by the wayside, which is kind of sad too
but I did get the core mechanics made to get the basic idea across: you can walk around a world, pull out a camera, take pictures of funny naked characters in camera mode, save the pictures if you want, and display them to the public
the major feature it's missing that i really wanted was a "quest" system where you talk or find things or do tasks with the characters to convince them to strip and let you take the pictures, but that was what really slowed me down was trying to figure out how to make that whole system, so maybe I should just use a library next time or something! because rolling one myself was a big challenge that I couldn't wrap my head around
i didn't expect to see something so fleshed out in a game jam! this is really great, and works perfectly within the time limit to make something really incredibly cute. great job making all of this in such short time, and I love the nudity. I did run into something weird where one of the paths does a screen transition but doesn't change the scene, I'm not sure if it's blocked my progress or not because I don't have time to play anymore today, but I'll check soon