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A member registered Aug 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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They were meant to, but it was only after the submissions deadline fully closed that I realised I'd forgotten to implement that! :D

It was something I considered, I will admit, primarily in the form of power-ups and the like, but I focused on getting an actual game out first and after that with the time constraints I wasn't really in a position to add such things unfortunately. Heck, I wasn't even able to add a scoring system in the end! :)

Cheers mate, and no need to worry, I'm already doing a heck of a lot better than at the beginning of the Jam, no it's just a cough and occasional sore throat. Still, of course something like this happens right when I make a commitment like this lol X

Neat idea, with a lot of potential. However, the are for matching up the objects is waaaaay to precise. The general aim should be that if it's reasonably close, it still works, as there's nothing more frustrating in a game like this then realising your being off by pixels is enough to fail.

Other than that, good job, I hope to see more from you some day.

Generally a fun concept, but I think the combination of having the platforms be further to the left and right as well as up and down, with the first person perspective, kind of killed my personal enjoyment of it. It's extremely hard to judge depth using just the mirror, so I spent several minutes trying and failing to pin down the second to last platform of the first level, leading to a great amount of frustration. 

I think if you want to keep the platforms as they are, the best solution would be to either include and option to swap to the mirror world perspective, or to play in third person. Possibly both, in fact.

Otherwise, fun idea, hope to see more at some point.

While a nice idea, the controls weren't properly coded - Q and E did nothing for me, despite the tutorial insisting they were a viable alternative to the mouse wheel for swapping between tools, and I couldn't get rid of the green highlighted frame after correctly remaking a shape - and it also failed to really live up to the theme - recreating the same shape in the exact same way but next to it is not symmetry or mirroring, it's merely duplicating. 

Again, a nice idea with some great potential if you can work out the kinks, but it didn't really match the theme this time.

Generally a fun concept, only major critiques are that after matching the item on the right, it doesn't immediately change to another, leading to less than fun times as you have to match it again instead of moving to another shape, as well as the fact that passing can randomly swap into the same shape you just passed - if you choose to pass it, getting it again feels like particularly frustrating.

Other than that, again, the general concept is fun, and I can see it being expanded on nicely.

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So, before anything else, I will admit that the problem your hitting is my fault, I forgot to include a thing saying what number system to answer in. But you answer all questions in decimal, so instead of 1111, you would answer 15. Again, my bad there, and when I make the updated Post-Jam Edition, I will be correcting that mistake, and being as clear as possible at the fact you answer in decimal.

EDIT: After being informed I can do so, I have chosen to edit the game page to mention the need to answer all questions in Decimal.

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Unfortunately got stuck on the second level. Can't seem to figure out how to rotate the conveyers. That said, the idea looks great! Hopefully the issue is just a bug on my end, or gets resolved when it can if it's not, because I think I might like to play this one more.

EDIT: Turns out I'm a dunce. Rotate is R