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Крута механіка переродження личинок, хробак взагалі топ, дуже подобається такий ґеймдизайн (чимось нагадує Into the Breach)
Дуже кумедні описи, особливо мені сподобалися описи мурахи та людини
Цікаво було б зробити що гравець може класти тільки різні види личинок, а потім вибирати в що вони перевтіляться
Thanks for playing, sorry about not mentioning the interaction button!
There was supposed to be an unholster animation but I forgot to make it, so it looks like the character is standing still
Now that I think about it, I could've made a single animation for both holstering and unholstering and just played it in reverse
Thanks for playing!
Unfortunately I didn't have enough time to implement enemy attacks. I didn't want the player to play through the whole game again if they died but I also did not have enough time to implement saving & loading, so I decided to not make enemies attack at all.
In hindsight, I think I should've made the enemies attack the player but not be able to actually kill them.