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A member registered Jul 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks! The profile pic is a painting by Zdzislaw Beksinski, highly recommend checking out his art :D 


Hey, thank you very much for the kind words! :D


Thanks! I agree, many people mentioned that the controls could be a bit different :)

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it! The problem with your suggestion though, is that later levels feature more than 2 forces at the same time :)


This game is super well designed, congratulations! The audio and art are minimalistic and it fits perfectly. The puzzles are clever, but there is a great learning curve that let me feel like a genius when I figured some of the levels :D Great job! 

PS I could not control the character in the WebGL version, so I downloaded the Windows one, but you probably know about it :)

Hey, I beat all the levels! :D It was minimal, but very interesting mechanic and well-executed puzzles, I really enjoyed it, good job! I also like the art style that complimented the mood of the game. It could use some music or sound effects of course, but apart from it - really great work!

Very neat and fresh concept of the spirit world, I did not see it in similar games, it makes the experience way more interesting. Great art and sound as well, it all really fits together!
One suggestion, as others mentioned, a bit less of a screen shake would make the game even better :D

Such an interesting and fun concept! It was very fun to play, the visuals perfectly matched the tone, the puzzles were clever, good job!

The only one recommendation from me would be to add a bigger "grace" space to where the eyes suppose to be at the frog, because I spent a lot of the time at the end of the levels trying to align them correctly :) 

I really enjoyed it!

That game was tons of fun, good job! I tried beating the 4th wizard for like 20 minutes until I had to give up :D Great visuals, great sound, great gameplay, congrats!


Very minimalistic, but I actually really liked controls and the physics of the rope/gum, it made the gameplay fun and enjoyable, good job!

Cool concept and nice graphics good job! Maybe you could add some more clear explanations on how the slimes work because it can be confusing at the beginning :)

You are very talented :) Good job, the game is very polished and I'm amazed you managed to fit the multiplayer of sorts in such short time. Congratulations!

The sacred loop of teamwork is such a perfect tag line :D Neat concept, intuitive controls, pleasing visuals, hand shadow and slam option makes the game feel nice! Good job!

I'm glad that you liked it! Yeah, each next puzzle is significantly harder than the previous, so I totally get you :) 

Boy, that game is a lot :D Let me write it in points!

1. The concept and the title are fun and original, good job!

2. The art is suuuper slick, I liked it a lot, it fits the theme, perfect!

3. The main mechanic is interesting and feels fresh, I had a lot of fun with it!

4. Levels are interesting and well designed.

5. Music and sound effects are great, they perfectly fit the mood, great work!

All right, after all these great things, just two small suggestions :D

6. In-level checkpoints would greatly help, sometimes I felt frustrated when I failed the level because of some random swing at the very end.

7. The first puzzle with swinging already had spikes very close by, I failed it a number of times, maybe the learning curve could be adjusted there.

All in all, this is definitely one of my favorites so far, good job!!!

I really liked your writing style, the dialogues flow naturally, which is really hard to do in just 48 hours (some games can't do it even in years :D). The twists surprised and the last moment was unique, good job!

For me this game really stands out from others in terms of gameplay, it's fast-paced, challenging, with intuitive controls and a sense of reward when you beat a level, really good job!!! The only improvement I would suggest is to work on the use of color - sometimes it was hard to distinguish between the enemies, the standing characters and the "bullets" :)

Really great job with the art style and the chill vibe of the gameplay! There is definitely something addictive in waiting for what the next evolution would look like, nice work :)

I really liked it! Cool theme and well-executed main mechanic! I liked how you start the game with just one camera and it splits only after a moment, it adds a nice touch of progression. Good job!

Congratulations on submitting the game! It's nice, one thing I would suggest is to swap the controls, so the WSAD controls the left character and the arrows control the right character :)

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it!

I'm glad you liked the game, thanks!

Thank you very much!

Thanks, I'm glad that you liked it! However, there was a hotkey for each force, the numeric keys :) Maybe it was not stressed enough in the tutorial.

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!

Thanks! You are right about the progression, if I had more time I would definitely add more intermediate levels, but with what I had I wanted to give a tough challenge at the end :) 

The gameplay reminded me a lot of the Hanoi Towers :) Good concept and nice execution, but it took me a minute to figure out how to right-mouse click works.

Interesting idea, but then how would you be able to control more than 2 forces at later levels?

Thanks! Yeah, now I understand I had to let the player know it is possible :)

Thank you for the review! Yeah, good idea with some indicators of the forces, I did not think of that!

A really well-polished and enjoyable experience, congratulations! The visuals, the sounds, flawless controls, the clever level design, it's all there, impressing!

Hey, I could not play your game, but the video looks very nice! The concept is neat and I like the link between the title and the main objective :)

Thanks for the kind words! Yeah, it can get really tricky in some of the levels :)

Out of all "control two characters at the same time" games, this by far is my favorite. Minimalistic graphics, perfect tutorial and learning curve, satisfying and well-designed puzzles. I really enjoyed it, good job!

44 points, don't know how well it is! :D But it's really satisfying crushing those rats and the ball mechanics feel good and unique, good job!

Really neat controls and pleasing visuals, good job! However, I would consider adding more blue pieces to find as it can get annoying to wander around without finding anything. Nonetheless, great work!