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A member registered May 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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Let's see if now more people will play your awesome game.

Hi, i've just played a game with an awesome and emotional story. When you see this topic, you have to play the following game:


It has a very emotional ending. So,  please give it a try.

Thank you, yeah i've wanted to add an inventory, first an interactive one, then an inventory where i can atleast see all my items, but then i had to cut the inventory complete. I've found out, a point and click adventure in just one week is really tough.

Hi, i've played and rated your game. It's really, really good. But i've came here to play and not to feel.And your story made a tear roll down my cheek, well done!  ;_; 

Thank you for letting me play your game!

Hi, i've played and rated your game. It's fun to play and i really like the artstyle. I've just found a bug, that you can zoom through the map. Nevertheless, well done made!

Hi, i've played and rated your game. It's really good, the graphics are awesome and it's really fun to play. But i have to say, the King K. level is a bit to difficult. Nevertheless, well done, good job!

Hi, i've played and rated your game. It's fun to play, but is there any goal? Next time you could add, for example, a point counter and every enemy gives 1 point. Also a waiting time for the new spawning heroes would be a good, to make the game a bit more challenging. But still, good game, well done!

Hi, i've played and rated your game. It's very good for your second game. It's really fun to play. Well done!

PS: That is a beautiful beetle, you guys have found :D

Hi, i've played and rated your game. It's really good and  i like the graphics, really cool artstyle. Sadly, there is just one level.  It's really fun to play. Well done!

Hi, i've played and rated your game. It's really good and i really like the artstyle.  Only the interaction with the boxes is a bit tricky, but still. Well done!

Hi, i've played and rated your game. It's sad that it's a bit short, cause it's really good. Really fun to play. And i really like your artstyle. Well done!

Hi, i've played and rated your game. It's pretty good. The only thing i have to say, i would have prefered, if you could undo your mistake, even, you are on the next word. Or it was in your game and i didn't found the right key for it. But nevertheless, good job!

Hi, i've played and rated your game. It's pretty good, really fun to play. But i don't know, should there be a proper ending, or do you just get to the start and thats it. If it's so, then you could maybe add an animation or a you win text. But nevertheless, really good. Well done!

Hi, i've played and rated your game. It's very good, really fun to play. The gameplay mechanic is very good. And i really like the graphics. Well done!

Hi, i've played and rated your game. It's really good, really fun to play. And i really like the artstyle. Well done! But i would have prefered, if the player would not have standed so far left. On the left side is ok, so like 1/4 of the screen, but so, every mistake was lethal, cause i couldn't see the player anymore. But nevertheless, a very good game. Good job!

Hi, i've played and rated your game. It's really fun to play, really good. But i had a problem when i was jumping to another screen and missed the platform. Then it was a bit tricky to know where the player is. But still, very good game submission. Well done!

Hi, i've played and rated your game.  But as i've played it, the rewind button didn't worked properly. It's a bit sad, cause it could have been really fun to play. But still, well done!

For example, or let the player reload a full magazine, but he needs more time to do that. But hey, if you wanted to have a revolver, it's your game, it's your choice.  Make the game the way you are happy about it.

Hi, i've played and rated your game. It's really good. Unfortunately level 3 is unfinished. Thats a bit sad, cause i thought now comes a boss battle. But i think you had to cut it due to time issues. Next time you could use for the mainmenu a background, not just the standard unity skybox. And you could have used the frog for all enemys and not the simple squares. But still, a very fun game, well done!

Hi, i've played and rated your game. It's really  fun to play and i really like the graphic, really cool. I would have prefered it, if you would reload a magazine and not every single bullet. But still, well done!

Hi, i've played and rated your game. Your game has a really good artstyle and good music, unfortunately  you can't play  it properly.  But  still, well  done!

Hi, i've played and rated your game. It's a good start. Next time you should use a background layer and not the default unity skybox. Also a tip for endless runner, make them endless with a highscore system and you  not have to let the player win. Let them just know their highscore and get them back on track. But nevertheless, well done!

Hi, i've played and rated your game. It's really fun to play and i like your cartoon art style. Well done! But the deadend in hell was a bit mean :D

Hi, i've played and rated your game. It's really good, especially the music and graphics. Well done made!

Thank you! 

Thank you, yeah i know. I've wanted to add a bit more, but i had to cut a lot of things. Next time i could add to the items a bigger border to see them a bit better.

Thank you!

Hi, i've played and rated your game. It's a good jump n run and it's really fun to play. Well done!

Hi, i've played and rated your game. Its fun to play, but for the next time, change the weights of the  huge dust piles. Now you can just push them away. And i think thats not the goal of the game. But nevertheless, good job!

Hi, i've played and rated your game. Its really fun to play, but the game freezes in level 2. But nevertheless, well done!

Hi, i've played and rated your game.  Its pretty fun to play. But i think, that the camera is a bit to close to the player. It would give the player a better overview over the level. Also the lizards are kinda tricky to beat. But nevertheless, well done!

Hi, i've played and rated your game. It's fun to play and i really like the mechanic of it. Only the part with the connected boxes is a bit tricky. But, well done!

I've just read the title again, now its ok that your game is a bit buggy :D

Thank you very much, i wanted to add much more content, but like most of  us, i didn't had enough time to put all my ideas into my game. Maybe i'll work more on it in the future.

Hi, i've played and rated your game. Its okay for your first game jam. You had some good ideas with the tv and remote. The game itself is a bit buggy, especially the ground. And i thing those cannons are a bit hard, i didn't made it over the second one. But keep on going, you can only learn from it.

Hi, i've played and rated your game. It's fun to play.  Maybe next time you could add an exit button in the mainmenu. And for the game itself, a score/highscore system could have been good, as well as several player lives. Unfortunately, the round was over after one hit. But nevertheless, well done!