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Kezley Higgins

A member registered Dec 03, 2019 · View creator page →

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I love the art style on this game, with the final level's view of the smoke rising up with the ball being very interesting to watch. Well done!

This game feels uneasy in the best way. The art-style, floaty-ness of movement and the way that cutscenes have objects disappearing and re-appearing really makes you think "what the heck is going on?"

Fun game, feels very old school in a pleasant way. Only thing that I would change is add more boxes to the different sections of gameplay to help the user scan the page up and down to find the next section that they want while deep in a dungeon delve or when about to pick which one to go into.

This game is a great interpretation of the theme and very fun. The limitation of how you can go further does give you that urge to want to try and get the most value out of everything. Well done!

Very fun game, liked the world building.

This game is unbelievably cute, and it's the first game I think I've seen with Ha-dee-das (however you spell that, I've only ever said the word.) Great work!

This game is extremely fun and very fitting for the theme. The art is incredibly cute and the music fits the theming of the game and the art to a T. I hope you're all very proud of it!

Thank you so much!

Really great level design!

Very impressive!

I really love the premise of the game! The lightbulb shattering makes sense in terms of play, and it's very cute. This is so awesome for your first game! Keep it up :D

(1 edit)

10/10, better than end game