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A member registered Jun 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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ty i invested a lot of time into the art, maybe even too much! The game isnt finished at allll, will be working on it further!

i wont tyy! Havent made any games in months due to a lack of motivation :D

will do my best, already working on a shop keeper and skill tree!

okok ty, will defo fix the bug and might overwork the shooting, originally it was supposed to fire towards the mouse!

Looks great, the palette and game design looks fun!

Looks cool and interesting, special art style i´d say

Thanks, working on a lot of things for the game! Not yet happy with the art:D

wow great pixel art, may i ask how long you´ve been drawing now ?

In my opinion the Art style very vibrant and monochromatic, overall a very good looking game. I would be thankfull if you could tell me how you drew the shadows(by hand or by some other way ? ).

The Art style pretty nice and cool but it would have been great if you would have implemented WebGL so u dont have to download it :D

Sure thing i might develope a finished Version with all the Abilities of Game! And it is intended to be a bit harder so you can develope a sense for the game :D

Yes you are right i should have added a zoom feature of some kind! Ty for your feedback :))

Ty for your feedback, I think you are very right in what you‘ve pointed out.

Thank you very Kind, appreciate your Feedback!

Oh i have applied some Post-Processing and used the Lens Distortion effect.

Ofc i can tell you how i added the effect but for that u need to tell me which one specifacally you are talking about :D. And thank you a lot, on my next platformer i will think about the slippery platforms and the Zoom.

Ty for your honest review :D

I really think that the art style and light is beautiful, but i didnt quite get what i had to do! The music was fitting and calming but i would have wished for an options menu and the movement explanation. I overall enjoyed the Game.

I liked the drawn UI elements of the game and the responsive feeling of the flying the rocket but there were a few things i didnt quite like so much, like the feedback on the Button-Press and the non exisisting in-game explanation of the controls and your mission (Yes i noticed the Explanation on the Submission Page). But overall this game really felt good and was fun to play, but it could have been even better!

ty alot for being honest, i think you are very right in what you´ve said! This game was supposed to be more polished and refined but sadly i started to late because of private appointments. It was supposed to have features like slowmotion, a leaderboard and more features. And in the Level design aspect i think u are also right, the level design was way to simple and confusing at the same time, i will try to improve that !

Great visuals and the Sound atmosphere is also pretty nice. The Controls annoyed me but i know u wanted it to be hard :D

The Artwork looks amazing, I hope I will get this good :D

I really liked the art work and the colour choices !

I completely forgot to press submit on the Jam page, I’ve been working on the game the whole night yesterday. I hope this gets accepted

was for the game jam

Sadly i wasnt able to send my game in due to personal problems, but u might check on my profile for the game :D

The Audio Killed me, but the blocky graphics were pretty good. 3/5