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A member registered Jun 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Loving the easter eggs. Great fun!!

Nice scary ambiance! Curious, did you actually build in an exit or are we doomed!? 

(1 edit)

got 2 of 3 good outcomes (gamed the 1st one just a little ;) )

cute art, luv it

OMG I can't tell you how BRILLIANT this game is! So much juicy replayability (yeah that's a word now). Love it!!!!!

(5 edits)

I'll post my work in progress puzzle game here, as I didn't get it done during the 1 Hour NOR the play-thru stream (and I'm STILL working on it!). Had a pre-submission this time but it doesn't feel right to leave that in there too. [EDIT: I removed the pre-sub)

I had lofty ambitions with this one (aka "overscoping" ;) ) The concept hit me very quick within 5 or so minutes. Inner thoughts: "That's it! I have to make this. I can (conceivably) make this! But can't conceive how long it will take..." I threw caution to the wind and dove in anyway, thinking maybe? hopefully? there's that chance I would scope down or pivot in order to get something uploadable in an hour or two! Delusional and time-blind, that's me! :)

I think its something I can still pull together, will keep hacking away at it. As of this writing, only the top 2 rows are set up to have draggable pieces. The full concept I don't want to spoil yet, but involves a little more than simply a digital copy of solving an analog puzzle. But one step at a time....


  • creation of custom puzzle image cut into individual pieces
  • logic to store the final correct x/y positions of each piece in variables to compare against later


  • setup all pieces as draggable
  • pickup and drop effects
  • scramble placement of pieces
  • detection of correct placement when dropping pieces (within a certain pixel range?)
  • add juice ;) ...and I got lots of juicy gameplay ideas cookin'

[EDITED: 8/5/2024]

ooof! barely made it with 2 sec to spare

KILLA game, Kiilla

awesome fun game! congrats!

So much to love about this full-fledged game. variety of enemies with nice art, huge map, wow!

I didn't time it, maybe 4-5 mins

Another fun and addicting game, WTG Pierogi. Got 38 too :)

GAME OVER screen after letting the mad reds dogpile on me for a good bit OUCH

Such a fun game, shows it doesn't take tons of complicated mechanics and rules to make great and challenging game! loved it 

Fun game mechanics! The warnings at top of where the balls will fall is helpful as well as the ghosted box under you.

Since score keeps increasing, it was actually like 510

Great concept and art, another great game Dark Rozen!

(1 edit)

I must add I didn't get the reason the game was suddenly ending either. The goal of not letting any particles escape off the edge of the screen is essential knowledge....Guess I didn't fully remember reading all the "NOT INSTRUCTIONS" 😁

Having said that, what a great, fun, challenging, increasingly not chill ;) game.

First rule states: "You must use the GDevelop game engine to make your game."

(1 edit)

After trying many times and just playing it too careful or thinking no way could I just make it by run-and-gun and leap-of-faithing-it...I got the cool cube thing! Did I glitch/cheat it? 

And found a movie to anim-gif conversion thing...and apparently it doesn't save as a looping gif. (if you don't see it moving...reload the page and quickly scroll down to here while its still playing)

Never did grab a particle clump.

Fun and beautiful looking game. Just need a little control key remapping

Again-again, really appreciate the art you keep coming up with on these games! And I recall hearing you created the font too?! are a true artist  😊

68 High Score BOYYEEEE!

Again, love the art, very sweet game.

Supreme effort and voice acting! Here's a supreme pizza with extra cheese ;)

46 🔥🔥🔥 😵‍💫

Yes... Thanks by the way.  Now it doesn't give that ⚠️ warning!

My best thus far: 39

27 oh yeah!

Also proof of the mobile touch controls ;)

(1 edit)

I never mentioned... The template this is based on has touch controls that appear when you're on mobile. So you can work on upping that high score on the go. Yay screen addiction! 

I get the warning the game "isn't designed for your device". But it works.

Cool, thanks for playing and posting! I wanna say my high score sits around 16 but I forgot to screenshot it. This is really v2 after my tweaks. It will play differently at v3... And v4... probably ;D

Thanks so much for creating the space to encourage and excite that inner gamedev in me! Already thinking of more improvements and levels to add to this.

Thanks lots! 

I think you doubled my high score. ;D

BTW, your comment didn't show up to me like HGDs did... only in my notifications?! But I'm new to how itch works.

I may still tweak and iterate this one. I did get the glitches where the clock hand spins wildly out of control. Plus the paddle/ball collision isn't always accurate. Dunno if that's fixable.