I like "In the wake of calamity, gather.", this feels like one of those isolated places you find in scifi where the larger universe and its values don't reach.
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Something a lot of scifi stories have in common, I'm thinking Star Wars and Mad Max specifically, is that there is a sense of capture. The world is huge and full of opportunity but you are here in the hot sun and that might just be your lot. I think that this as a set of moons gets at real emotional truth of the way scifi connects to us as kids who want adventure, adults stuck in dead end jobs, etc.
In thinking about Realis I keep picturing the characters using their sentences like cartoon characters swinging from vine to vine before they run out and fall. Invariably they reach for something on the way down and that's where I've been thinking about what we write for our moons.
I really like how
"Recontextualise a formative memory or event." and "Do something that can never be undone."
prod players to make interesting choices when they're improvising.