A different take on theme that I quite enjoy, but damn does it not stress me out. I gave it a couple of tries and died to round 10(is that good?). Amazing job.
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Good job man. OK so I don't know if couldn't hear the music or u didn't add it but i can tell u from experience, music many times makes or breaks games. I had fun but level 5 is so damn hard, I can clearly see the angry birds inspiration and it was a short and fun experience but the UI could use an upgrade(and bigger text) also adding like a star system for the goals in the level could definitely help the UI
the music is not mine(i credited them in the menu) but thanks for the feedback, originally i wanted to add a timer for the lose condition but couldn't figure out a good time as it sometimes made it too trivial or too hard, in the end the game did become a did grindy but that was due to frustration of me not able figuring out the menu and not wanting to work on the game no longer as i had other ideas. I wanted to work on it a full month but gave up in 9-10 days. Once again thanks for the feedback