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A member registered Aug 03, 2022

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mechanise - triggers in hand

Graveborn - Triggers when discarded

void - remove from discard but recoverable.

remove - deleted from deck or voided it's pretty random but usually it's deleted for the duration of the match.

Coven requires buying Deck points from the shop keeper until she gets punished succubus and dark fairy's require completing events after buying their "rumor" from the casino side room bunny

So is there a way to dump large amounts of height so I can go back and actually fight some of the things that I quickly grew to instant crush height before even getting to the location, is there anything tied to the statue in the basement tunnel or is it simply fluff text, And is there a way to actually get a pass for the city or am I forced to fight the gate guards?

Could you change the card menu's to a page system instead of a scrolling one that slingshots back to the top? It makes deck building a pain and can impact performance when the player try's to collect every card.

So after a quick visit to the other site the game is (Currently abandoned) so fuck me for waiting for it.

On my third loop and can't bring my self to do the fairy side quest again. Anyways

-Dia, Fragment of gluttony targets and heals the opponent instead of the player

-Lilith old flame event has "Reversed" outcomes where giving her away allows you to reenter the shop and do the event again while saving her locks you out for good in that loop.

How about a passive way to make money each day. Or maybe more interaction with the people at the prologue.

Afraid I can't look into who as I saved over it with NG+ 

Found some more things 

-Belial,the first curses the player instead of the opponent

-Beginning of the end, Doesn't add an elder cultist to hand

If I remember I'll write down the names of everyone who sticks around in the next loop.

I enjoy this game so I'm going to mention some of the problems I found that I didn't see in the comments even if I'm not playing the latest version.

Blessings of Baal - breaks the players health bar making them immortal and if the opponent uses a drain card they also become immortal making closing the game the only option.

The fairy side quest - up until the final minion fight all the others immediately give up I don't know if it's intentional or not. -The minions you fight before the final boss part all have stupid high HP for the damage fairy cards put out. 1500hp then 2500hp after being dropped to 700 hp I managed to cut down a battle to around 15 mins by burning away all my cards until I only had the special heal card and fairy hunter.

-I cant disable battle animations even though I can't see them because of the background, This is has caused me to actively avoid cards with long animations tied to them.

-Some eliminated characters are still being treated as in the game but they can never be seen on the map.

Anyways I enjoy the game, stumbling into an ending because I wanted to keep the last two characters from being eliminated was funny and got me a pretty nice card for the NG+

Good to know

I got "Bed" is there more than "Bed" or just "Bed"

What are your future plans for this and just how far are you going to take it? will you keep it simple or will you add things like slowing down the more there are inside her maybe falling on her back immobilization when she has to many inside her or being unable to keep them in when they duplicate to much for her to handle? maybe even go so far as to have a game over state when she's unable to get back up because there are to many around her or even a much darker game over state where she just die's as her body can't handle the sheer numbers?

She dose? I just stumbled into all of them.

Likely referring to the images you can select on newgame.

This was pretty good I hope you make a something more out of it.

Found it just had to set my zoom to 80% to even see it.

There's no in game way to leave the mirror if you do any of the things I stated, you have to back out with the save bar back arrow.

If you look ate the mirror after only eating the melon your trapped with no way out this happens again if you look in the mirror after eating from the cave.

Pst while others will likely hate this idea how about the ability to start with 0% chance of growth instead of 15%?

Important questions first- Is there a head piece to the hostbun "Set" or am I wasting my time.

Dose sitting do anything?

Now on to my impressions - The hard catacomb gives off a much more dungeon feel then anything else with it's spinning traps but the miasma's have far to much health in relation to anything else in the dungeon while everything else has far to much stretch range for their attacks. 

I find that everything in the dungeon moves towards the player at a speed just above a fair level.

The thing that hurts the most is whenever the boss chest drop's something the player can't actually use.

Suggestions- Weigh the boss loot in the favor of the player's class.

A way to directly fight the boss after beating it 1 - 5 times per difficultly level.

A way to add small upgrades to item stats for a growing crown cost.

A few area's with scaling enemies so players can grind into oblivion.

An intrusive thought you can and should ignore- A weight system where over using consumables causes the player to become overweight making movement itself drain stamina resulting in the player having to sit still until stamina fully charges if they drain it completely as well as the possibility of the player being forced to sit for a full minute if they just don't stop abusing the items, weight would be lost through movement.

Again you can and should ignore that last thought.

Ah right time zones are a thing.

(1 edit)

This felt like a sudden right hook. Now on to the important stuff, will it be current save compatible or will new characters have to be made. (You may of answered this in a past update but I only just found this the current demo)

Will any development build appear on steam or will the page remain an empty void until the games completion?

(1 edit)

I enjoy the game. I hope you do more with it but I don't know if your done with it. I also noticed the mouse costume has a moment were the arm disconnects from the body. edit:The arm problem is tied to the size rather then the costume after tanks to before space.

The mansion basement. To quickly get to the single map that will always have undead (and some bats) encounters throw yourself down the well in the front yard.

The game is fun the story is good but there are some problems with it. 

The game takes a performance hit as you play the game I have come to believe it is because of the added party members but I am unsure if it's because they are in the party or because of the party train. Any time they were forced out of the party performance would jump.  Oh and early in the game only the head of the train is effected by environment hazards but later on they start getting effected this has the unfortunate consequence of making a certain bumper puzzle a real pain. "Splash" (Maybe an option to disable the train?)

The bottomless Milk jug doesn't give the skill it claim's it dose and it pretty useless from what I have seen. 

Regen seems to be a chance of happening instead of a percent every turn (But this might be on me because I don't quite understand what counts as a turn as I have had characters unable to use a skill with a CD of 1 turn for their next two actions)

These are the only problems I can think of off the top of my head so I guess some nitpicks

As you play you can amass a large stock pile of seeds that if you want to spend on stat upgrades becomes a tedious task. (Maybe make it so you can buy multiple upgrades at once if possible or turn it into a store for stat upgrade items instead)

There are some crystals that would fit so much better as passive upgrade like the herbalist crystal.

You go to a magic school but don't learn anything no magic or recipes. (A bit of a let down, but might be something you just haven't implemented)

The fertility artifact side quest has such a huge effect on the maid while having absolutely zero effect on the players party who has also been in direct contact with all the artifacts and that just kinda bugs me.

When I first got to the floating temple I could of sworn she said there was someone who would upgrade my passives (Might be me misremembering what she said or something just not implemented yet)

I can't use the temples smith like the preview image on the page shows ( I could be bugged or it's just not implemented yet)

And I'd like to request newgame+ be a feature of the game as well as a copy of the enemy booster npc from the  floating temple be placed into the debug room.

And lastly sorry for the wall of text but I felt It was a requirement since this isn't just a comment and I'm also enjoying "The Fertile Farm".

Fair enough.

Could I request a power rework or perhaps a change to hab walls that connect everything in them and above them to a power grid.

Might I suggest confining the breasts to the first camera until they fill the box before zooming out? Like once they touch the sides they start pushing forward.

I find that it actually helps oddly enough.

So I have had all my runs ended by the same bug. After a bit of time into a round the screen starts to shake as if I made her jump if I haven't lost in about 10-20 seconds after it starts the poor girl just gets erased from existence. I'm playing it on Firefox if that helps.