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A member registered Jun 19, 2022

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This is cool! I found myself compelled to level up enough to take on 'Boss Name' . (I didn't get there yet, he's tough). The AI dodging and blocking is well timed! Beats some AAA AI that I've seen. Even AI that I should be able to kill easily were challenging just because they dodged and blocked so well.

I did notice a few bugs (I'm sure you're already aware since this is just a demo)


 Sometimes if I hover over something that is interactable while sprinting, The message will stay on screen until I stop sprinting.

The hit detection needs some fine tuning. 

I'm not sure what is causing it, but sometimes health bars don't appear over the enemies I'm attacking.


I also want to know what that 'shrine' is at the top of the mountain! It looks like I should be able to select it, but it doesn't do anything, yet. Will there be magic involved in the game at some point?

I love the idea that some of your exp is used to reconstruct your body when you die.

This is so good! I watched Markiplier play the game first and decided to check it out. Even though I knew where the jump-scares were, I was still on edge the entire time playing through this game and the scares still got me! Very excited to see this game progress. Please release this game.

Thanks! sorry about that. Unfortunately, we didn't have enough time to test, so that bug never came up for us. Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for playing! Yeah unfortunately we didn't have much time to work on responsiveness.

This was cool! I bet the programming was very difficult! If you had more time with it, I would suggest giving the player some guidance on how to play more. What the different pads do and whatnot. Btw, I enjoyed running back and forth past the broken bridge to watch see the worker up top freak out xD 

I'm excited to see what letters remain!

Fun little horror game! Horror has a special place in my heart, and this definitely creeped me out. The feeling of not knowing what or how things will happen but anticipating SOMETHING is going to happen. I feel like you did that wonderfully.

If I gave a critique, I would say the level design needs some more thought. I know the blood and dirty environment adds to the creep factor, but if your goal is to make a good story within the horror game, I would say add some 'brightness or cheer' to it to REALLY contrast when the horror aspects come into play. Make the player feel safe...until they're not. That being said, I know this was done in a short game jam. You did more than I could in this short of a time. I followed you on Twitter to keep up to date with any games you make! 

Great game! I had so much trouble finding one of the robots to wake up. I 110% think you all should continue with this and make a full-fledged game out of it! It was so good and unique!

Only critique that I could give was that the camera could feel a little jarring at times, but that's about it. Great job, team!

Fun little platformer! Kinda spooky too. I was partially wondering if there was going to be a monster involved. xD

Other than some polishing and some more level design, there was one bug that I ran into a lot. Whenever I opened up a scroll, I didn't know how to get out of that screen. I had to close the game and restart every time I opened up the scroll.