This is cool! I found myself compelled to level up enough to take on 'Boss Name' . (I didn't get there yet, he's tough). The AI dodging and blocking is well timed! Beats some AAA AI that I've seen. Even AI that I should be able to kill easily were challenging just because they dodged and blocked so well.
I did notice a few bugs (I'm sure you're already aware since this is just a demo)
Sometimes if I hover over something that is interactable while sprinting, The message will stay on screen until I stop sprinting.
The hit detection needs some fine tuning.
I'm not sure what is causing it, but sometimes health bars don't appear over the enemies I'm attacking.
I also want to know what that 'shrine' is at the top of the mountain! It looks like I should be able to select it, but it doesn't do anything, yet. Will there be magic involved in the game at some point?
I love the idea that some of your exp is used to reconstruct your body when you die.