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Fun little horror game! Horror has a special place in my heart, and this definitely creeped me out. The feeling of not knowing what or how things will happen but anticipating SOMETHING is going to happen. I feel like you did that wonderfully.

If I gave a critique, I would say the level design needs some more thought. I know the blood and dirty environment adds to the creep factor, but if your goal is to make a good story within the horror game, I would say add some 'brightness or cheer' to it to REALLY contrast when the horror aspects come into play. Make the player feel safe...until they're not. That being said, I know this was done in a short game jam. You did more than I could in this short of a time. I followed you on Twitter to keep up to date with any games you make! 


Thank you for your time to play my short horror game. The "brightness or cheer" tip is really good. Now that I think about some of the horror games that I played, they do have some breathing room for the player, like the save room in Resident Evil or the clock hitting 6am in FNAF.