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A member registered Mar 18, 2018 · View creator page →

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midjourney AI used, a mixture of prompts as well as using previously generated assets for style when creating further assets, midjourney has some really powerful features.

slight bug fix, as when 20 trees burned down it was giving the user 20 trees instead of killing 20 trees. 

browser play now added.

browser play now added.

I really like the concept for this, really nice basis for a fun game. Great work.

I likely won't get chance with this game as I'm on a different laptop right now, and wont be back on my other pc before voting closes, however I will bare this in mind for next time I submit to a trijam.

Thank you, as stated in my game description, use of AI was implemented to help achieve the graphics for the game, so please take this into account when voting too. :)

thank you :)

some great suggestions here, already have the dream labels on my list.

but hadnt thought of the other two suggestions, i really love the chain dreams idea.

Nice fun game

Some great suggestions there, I definitely agree with the age comment haha, something I will be working on implementing in the desktop version I am planning.

And more dream variation makes sense too, I was already planning on more dream options, such as other phobias instead of just spiders, possibly having kind of a skill tree aspect where you could unlock spiders, wasps, birds, snakes etc... having multiple descriptions and outcomes for each option would definitely be a great addition on top of this.

And a victory condition I hadn't really considered, but also something I agree would definitely need implementing.

Thank you so much for trying the game and giving your time to post the suggestions :)

Please feel free to give any feedback about the game here, ideas, suggestions, praise or critique, all comments are welcome.

of course, it's open to any platform or engine :)