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A member registered May 20, 2018 · View creator page →

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Just from the trailer, this looks so cool! Impressive amount of polish :0

(1 edit)

You're asking for comments, so here's some for QoL stuff you might want to consider:

* Resolution kind of breaks text on wider screens (I saw this on 1280 x 600, no idea what others)

* I do appreciate trying to switch up the make-a-drink formula of this game genre, I wish there might be something more visual / interactive to it--while its more unique, repeatedly retyping is tedious, and it loses out on the connection building a drink part-by-part does in something like VA-11 Hall-A or Coffee Talk. Maybe some measure of autocomplete would be nice, at the very least?

* I wish there was an instant text option, especially during the cutsceney portions.

Now personal opinion comments, from getting through like 1/5 of it: first off, nice, strong aesthetics! Definitely drew me in, and congrats on making just. A wholeass game. Some bits of humor were fun. I liked the dialogues when you flubbed things up, and reactivity (when there was some, I didn't get deep enough to see if it made story changes); small UI things like micro & soft, 69 + forvirgins are overplayed jokes, but it does seem like the kind of thing a person designing a system for themselves would do for a chuckle.

Also, on the occasions they do happen the interplay between different characters was a nice break from people monologuing their philosophies at Ezel.

That said, the characters really don't do it for me (which is again a personal thing, there's definitely an audience for this). Ezel has some interiority, which is interesting (there's even a "consciousness" within him, nice) but it's oozing with insecure harem protagonist energy. Everyone might have different quirks to set them apart, but act in the service of the same ideas.

Setting-wise, outside of gesturing to events of the time and popular media and music, and war as a "you need to man up!" kind of device, what does your story have to say about the 1980s?  Obviously, not every work needs to explore the setting in too much detail, but this is very much the kind of story that benefits from it; instead, it feels like something looking back on the 1980s with today's lens (jokey bits about "hah, could you imagine having games on your phone?" included). In VA-11 Hall-A or Coffee Talk it's a fictional world divorced from our own, we're drip-fed pieces of it through details characters mention, or newspaper snippets. In contrast, we know, or think we have the general gist of, what 1980s Miami is; it's a nothing detail to the average reader. So that's your chance to bring your perspective to the table. 

Wheres the love for Miami, America in general, outside of as a vague concept? Nobody talks about sports, local music scenes, religion, clubs, businesses, politics. Nobody is even counterculture or contrary, nobody is overtly bigoted (except for increasingly tedious "Hah, women amiright?" jokes) in a story that's ostensibly about different and diverse opinions, that has a *warning* about different and diverse opinions. You have an ensemble cast that you could play off each other and their different perspectives on the setting: why not have them argue, have Ezel intervene? 

I'm not asking for the next Disco Elysium or anything, and maybe these things crop up in the latter half, but if begun early it's the sort of thing that would build intrigue for the rest of the story, and it could be done alongside the flirting.

This far in development, it's probably too late to revise the structure, but it's a perspective to keep in mind for future projects at least?

I think visiting places after the first place is broken!

I'm glad Im not the only one who tried drawing with it xD

nodding sagely. so powerful it can affect lives, even hundreds of miles away....

this was neat. instant flashbacks to movie maker, I was half expecting dramatic music to start playing XD

This is so sweet :] we love to see trans solidarity!!

(1 edit)

Unfortunately got stuck on the second option branch (it won't let me click "be direct" at all) or go back. Confrontation was very compelling, though!

This is really pretty! I loved the framing. Got stuck on drowning, but that might be intentional, haha.

This is really pretty! I loved the framing

(1 edit)

Fun premise, and pretty charming! Commenting here to remind myself to try the other options besides terrible failure xD bad ends are fun.

Some notes: the log for yelling at the man is just "The"

The bad ends might be kinda bugged, you have to save and load to be able to see them.

Also, when loading doing no competency I seem to have stumbled on the suspicious ending too? No idea why that happened, it just popped out.

Edit: This also seems to happen if suspicion hits 0!

(Also also, small thing, but *thank* you for making the typewriter effect skippable with space. Not being able to is a pet peeve of mine!)

I don't know the context, but this seems neat! Id just like to mention that scrolling seems to be turned off, though, so it goes offscreen.

bizarre love triangle <3

somehow Ive never commented on this--coming back months later, the game haunts me even now. fucked up (complimentary). will have to play again!

very fun! though I can't get far, haha xD

I love this. do you actually own this scooter or is this a reference to something?

Hi! Just wanting to ask if there will be an english version, since there's an English flag on the title image? No problem if not, I can just use a translator haha ^^

art imitates life

this was neat! really captured the kinda surreal experience of seeing someone after isolating for a while

also can i just say. i love the trailing path fx.

(1 edit)

bonus hint to save people from trying many many letter combinations at the end to figure it out like I did: (spoilers obviously)

just go down the letters in order! it should spell either "he loved me" or "gods took him", in the end.

Playing around with pretend choices like that...it's such a cool effect!

same! I like to think about what the response implies in-universe....it's a different kind of sick, coming back to watch something always anticipating more and more destruction, even if the player character doesn't do anything.

this is going to haunt me for a while i think. really excellent work!!

neat little game :) pauses hurt a little to go thrugh but thats a my keyboard thing lol—it ultimately helped pace it pretty well!

neat little story! very funky vibe to it

very pretty, i loved the writing, tension between concepts…"real" music, "authentic" restaurant, the smiles without malice when saying what to another is so hurtful. marks they chose against scars i didnt. thank you for making it.

incredible vibes, characters. However. i am stuck on solitaire and i fear it has been hours since i've started…may i beat them someday

sick as hell concept (and layout!!) the fire element makes it so physical.

OH til that guys done so much of the wizard art i've seen online….thank you!

neat little game ^^ loved little things, like how something i took for granted like the cigarette one could constantly light could get hidden or the changes in line quality and color—really effective art despite (or because of?) its simplicity! 

oh huh, noted! guess I'll have to give it another shot sometime :P

(1 edit)

darn, guess it's something to do with the morse code then? noted!

(thanks for the willingness to look it over again, too!)

neat little game!

enjoyed the intro and other cutscenes a lot! really cool visuals and ideas, though unfortunately the game bugged before I could get to the forms

very cute from what I can see so far!! watching with interest

(2 edits)

fun :P (got 1230 2046…just 2 more to 2048!)

update: theres a guide on the actual store page on how to fix the screen on Windows at least! using that i was able to play the full thing :]

Can confirm this worked! Thanks for the help ^^

Oh thats interesting! Can I ask for a hint?

enjoyed the many different variations! (though I have to know—are there multiple endings?) 

the general style of the art and UI was very nostalgic, in a way!