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Knife Demon Software

A member registered Jul 12, 2022 · View creator page →

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funnily enough, the stepdown was actually the last piece of content i made before shipping the game. i really like towns in any game, and i love writing dialogue, and i had this whole dialogue system i'd barely made use of up to that point. i wanted to add a little more character to the world and give the game some more context to the setting. but i didn't want to mess with the game's "plot" or progression or anything. it took me a few weeks to a month of work, so nothing too crazy but it was definitely an undertaking. most of that time was spent making the geometry lol--i wrote all the townsfolk's dialogue in like a day or two.

personally, i'm never too worried about whether or not a player's gonna see everything. i sort of make my levels from a standpoint of, here's the critical path, and now that i've got that done, i can start adding branches to random cool stuff. and i just repeat that process over and over. as the most extreme example, i didn't even expect all my players to see the end of the game: partially because most people don't finish games, and partially because i made act 2 so hard to beat. i figure if people wanna poke around and figure things out and see all the content i made, they'll do it, and i don't need to guide those kinds of players. in general, i don't give much thought to the playstyle that finishes all the required content as quickly as possible, except maybe in a speedrunning capacity.

i'm super proud of how the stepdown turned out. i kinda wish i could make a whole game like that--interacting with townsfolk; hanging out; low stakes stuff. maybe someday.

thank you for making this! 💚 i'm glad you enjoyed it.

i'm aware there are a few ways of cheesing through the puzzle; while that's obviously not my 'intent', i'm not too bothered by it. it's out in the world and therefore out of my hands. in the context of a playable project, my intent is irrelevant; people can play it how they please.

with the newest update, i did try to make it a little less necessary to repeat segments through the use of the jawbone (instantly clears a chamber) and the fingerbones (takes you straight to the corresponding chamber), which serve as my olive branches to those who found the repetition exhausting. of course, i've had many requests to just make it a straight shot through the chambers, which would be easy to do, but i think that invalidates the point of the act and strips away the themes i'm trying to convey.

anyway, this act is the game's most divisive moment, and i understand it has left a bad taste in a lot of players' mouths. it has led me to question whether i have made a good game by prevailing definitions, as it contains something acutely intentional but fundamentally unfriendly, punishing, and by some accounts, 'unfun' to play. but that is for the community to decide. my only move is to maintain its integrity and, if i am to make changes, do so in a way that preserves the intention of the art. i wanted a puzzle that would require deciphering a small language of cryptic signifiers. writing things down; sharing strategies. i've been told that was a bad idea in this sort of single-player game that would reach so small an audience. i have taken that to heart, and likely won't be doing the same thing in future projects. but it is an important piece of Brush Burial, and i couldn't remove it in good conscience.

this is an unpopular approach to game design: arguably foolish, short sighted, self-absorbed, and unkind. but i am willing to bear such criticisms in pursuit of my own true expression.

thank you for engaging earnestly with my clumsy and harsh little game, and i hope in the future i can present something new, more artfully and tactfully expressed.

great! lmk how it goes

thank you for letting me know. it may be one of two issues:

if you die or reset the level, the gem bag is emptied. this is a result of the way the save system is recorded and is not possible to fix without completely rebuilding the way the game works. an unfortunate oversight on my part.

however, the mere inability to sell gems may be due to the changes i made to their functionality before the patch. i'll investigate this and hopefully get it fixed. thank you for bringing it up; i was completely unaware of this.

i do! and thank you 🥰 this makes my day

yoooooooo 😱

to clarify: this offer is to those of you who bought the game on itch BEFORE the steam release. valve's a little picky about distribution and i don't wanna step on their toes, so if you want the game on steam, please buy it there now that it's available.

to those of you who supported the game early, though, feel free to reach out to me and we'll figure something out :)

oops, i didn't realize i hadn't posted it lol

you can email me at, though twitter dm's work just as well! i do check them slightly more frequently but i try to keep up on both.

oh that is very strange, i've never used the desktop client myself but i gave the game's page a look to see if anything looked amiss. i noticed i hadn't clicked the checkbox for the operating system (windows) so maybe that was the issue?

i'll keep investigating. i'm not sure where else to look but i'll see what i can do. thank you for posting about it!

yep! email me once the game releases and i'll send one to you

i'm not sure what i can and can't disclose but basically i have started the process, and am learning how to actually package the game and send it in for valve to review it. i don't know how long that will take, but if they give me the greenlight the release will very soon follow.

optimistically, i hope for late november or early-mid december. but that is by no means set in stone

i totally empathize. im sorry it wasn't a good experience

i know of some players who have beaten it, yes, though I'll let others speak for themselves.

the baths are altogether unforgivingly designed--this is a complaint i get a lot and i absolutely get where it's coming from. i tinkered around with them to make them somewhat easier for the final release than they were during the demo, but there are very few changes i could make that i felt didn't compromise the integrity of the puzzle and moreover the entire level.

that being said, i understand they're frustrating. i know of many players who bounce off of them and therefore don't finish the game. i'm not sure what to do about that--i stand by my design, but i empathize with anyone who finds it overly punishing or tedious.

if you decide to continue with them, i wish you the best. i recommend you gather at the hub and save each time you get a skull, if you're worried about dying and being set back.

i'm willing to offer more tips, too, if you'd like some. or if you have questions.

the glyphs dont correspond to an exact chamber, but rather determine where you'll go next from where you're currently at.

spoilers ahead for anyone who wants to go in blind


the first glyph after gather, "rise," is basically a +1, so if you're in chamber 5 you'll go to 6, from 6 you'll go back to 1, etc. if you're struggling, try just using that to cycle through the chambers without having to retrace your steps too much.

the other glyphs i'll leave to you to figure out.

as for the skulls, they only appear in one chamber at a time. their current location is shown by the flaming spears in the entryway. for example, if four are lit, the skull is in chamber 4. once you find a skull, it will have a row of lights below it telling you what chamber to seek next.

hopefully these tips will help you or anyone else get through it. its a challenging puzzle and stumps a lot of players. lmk if you need more hints and i will provide

thank you so much for the kind words! 🥰

i hadnt tested in 5:4 so i really appreciate the feedback. i'm considering putting together an update to coincide with the steam release--if i do, i will address this as best i can, along with the clipping and the gem bag interaction.

the downrez screen effect is a really contentious feature. i looked into adding a setting to remove it but the way the game is structured it isn't really possible to remove it. future titles will likely not have it, but for this one it is unfortunately not going anywhere. i have learned my lesson for future games, though.

again, thank you so much for the gracious feedback; it made my morning 💚

hopefully the Baths don't sour your impressions 😅 they're a bit of a shake-up to the gameplay lol

the thistles are your key to leaving the area and continuing forward. if you think you have enough of them, try going back to where you first started. there's a gate there that takes them.

as for those enemies in the cave... your only option is to sneak past them or run--they're impervious to conventional weapons

(1 edit)

omg thank you for letting me know! i'll get it fixed

EDIT: should be fixed now, if i uploaded the right file lol. again, thank you so so so much 💚

so glad to hear you're enjoying it!! 🤗

yeah the save points are a fairly new feature--they save your items and locations but doors and enemies and most pickups reset, so i recommend keeping your keys until you don't need them anymore.

curious to hear how the rest of the game treats you! lmk if you have questions

i'm totally down to do that if i can! idk how the steam key system works, but i'd be willing to figure it out. it would likely boil down to having people email me so i can send them their keys lol, not sure if there's any way to do it automatically

While I do not intend to provide long-term support for Brush Burial (I'd rather iterate and make more entries than perpetually polish one), I also don't want to run off with peoples' money if the game turns out to be a broken mess.

Post your bug reports here. They may be outside my capabilities to fix, but if they seem within reach, the least I can do is give them a look.

Brush Burial community · Created a new topic General Q+A

I'm no expert at forum posting, but I figure it'd be helpful to have a place for any questions you may have for me. This could be about the game's future or its past--any sort of itching curiosity I can help scratch.

thank you :) been a long time coming, my excitement is indescribable

potentially, though I don't have a timeline on that at this point, nor any concrete plans. i prefer itchio as a platform, and am willing to accept the effect that will have on my sales.

that's very good to know! i haven't heard anyone trying it on one yet, thank you!

noted! i'll look into this. expect it in the next update :)

aw, thank you for the support! 🥰