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A member registered Feb 05, 2019

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will potatoware run on potatoes?

if you time travel in the middle of a conversation, it stays on-screen but can't be interacted with

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found it to be pretty fun, if a bit slow to start up. reminds me a lot of the Bomberman stage for ssf2

got here from your reply to my comment on youtube- it's not *bad*, but it's not a game that i'd get hooked on. for one, i'm not a fan of the style, and i'm not able to control the direction of my dash, which would reward being skilled more than however it's currently being decided. it doesn't feel satisfying to pick up the green cubes, either. it's a short sound effect and an instant jump in my bar, about as exciting as 100 gold in some chest in Skyrim. i'd give it a 6/10- it works, and if it was more fleshed out i'd probably enjoy it more. as it is, it looks like a less monetised Roblox game

the core mechanics are satisfying though, and it's something i've been hitting the replay button on for the last 45 mins

look at my comment on the beginner tutorial here, abhimonk replied with some good information about that

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why does btn work on the arrow keys but not wasd

edit:  thought the keys you pressed were defined via javascript lol

my map isn't allowing me to place things down tho for some reason, i set the tile width and length

you could always build it through either a VM or WSL if you need. 

also. is this open-source? i'd like to see a github of this if possible


nice game, but gets old fast. feels more like a proof-of-concept  than a real game.