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A member registered Aug 26, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hey, hello again! I am overwhelmed in the best way by this new analysis (hehe). I sincerely appreciate the time and effort dedicated!

Desing issues. Indeed, there are design issues that were sacrificed due to the restricted time for the game development. The addition of keys images in the tutorial or the justification of texts, even dosing the information so as not to overload... They are all excellent ideas!

Motors. Regarding the rest... I don't come from the world of programming or videogame development. I'm learning to get out of my comfort zone while doing things I like, but coding has always been a problem. Tools like Bitsy, GDevelop, Twine, RPGMaker... (I'll also try Gb Studio, but I have an eternal lack of time due my work, hehe; I love the idea of restrictions to force creative solutions) help people like me a lot. We won't do the most polished things, but it serves to democratize creativity and expand gaming ideas. 

Screen. Finally, I already solved the screen failure, thanks to your advice. Now you should be able to play it on GdGames without any problem ( When I make some more minor changes and design corrections, I will also update the version on

Again, I don't know how to thank you for your time, it's quite an honor!! ^^

Hey, thank you!

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Wow thank you! You don't know how much I appreciate gaming experience feedback as detailed and complete as the one you write. I appreciate it very much.

TUTORIAL. Hehe, yes, I wanted to make it interactive because the game starts off strong... There is information about jumping (and double jumping), I think you skipped it, hehe.

SHIELD. I admit that I tried some of this things. Like puting a duration bar and recharging it after a period of no using the shield. But I still have many programming limitations, even with GDevelop. I've only been learning with that program for just a month and a half. and I'm very very new. Before that, I've only made Bitsy games (extemely simple motor of 1-bit games). I like the idea of implementing the bar on the shield itself and the recharging process by destroying enemies (for example). With more time I`ll explore how to code it.

CREDITS. I'm trying to improve in that sense, it's something we all leave for last... I think, anyway, I forgot to put the author of some assets, I'll have to check it.

SCREEN. Oh! That error you mention has not appeared on any screen I tried. Have you tried playing it on the website? Which resolution are using? Maybe I need to check the propeties of the project to adapt the resolution...

Again, thank you very much!!! ^_^

Hey Lia, thanks! You are right! I tried with 7-zip program and it works. The problem is in the Win11 zip extractor, yes. ^^

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Hey, thanks for such a great great effort you do for people like me that is not a coder or an artist but with the help of artists as you, they can test ideas for games... You are awesome. I downloaded the zip archive, but I can't open it. Maybe is my PC, but I think maybe the zip archive could have some error...

Again, thank you so much!

Played already... Ohh, it´s very very cool game! I´ve post a comment ^^

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Hahaha, insane!! 379 rounds??? I played near 80 and I though that was a cool round. You`ve smashed me! XDDDD

Ok, the game it´s simple in its mechanics but works extremely well for me. You need to be focused and in full atention. Sounds and music are linked with controls, so it makes this little experience more inmersive. It could be a very good idea for a Gb game for sure (with other modes added). 

Greeat work, ^^

If done in the time assingned, my valoration would be a 4.5 over 5. 

I´ve also changed the valoration.

Thank you for playing the game and for the feedback ^^

155 points!!! ^^


Maybe you can try this updated version (out of the valorations):

And thank you a lot for your words!! ^^

Updated version here: I appreciate a lot if you can test it ;). 

It´s a partial fix that adds 0.8 seconds after spawn before the enemies fall to the ground. They blink with the spawn sound effect before falling.

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Yep, you "hacked" the game, hehe. With this method you will not get the best score, but survived all the time ^^ Congrats

With some minor changes it coul be a cool game. Keep working on it ^^

I use game jams to improve ideas and learn precious lessons... As a experience is very important!

Hehehe, I´ll try! Oh, if you fall into the lake it´s impossible to get out, I think... Need to create a "ramp" or something XDD

Thank you for your words, hehe. I have the idea of a making a platform puzzle with this sort of mechanics and expand the story, but only game jams have the effect of making me work hard for expand the ideas XDD

Wow! 40 seconds is a lot of survival time!! And yes, probably you discovered the "hack". In a future update I will remove it, hehe.

Thank you for playing the game, for your words and for the feedback. I appreciate a lot your comments and sugestions. I will adapt your idea of a "phase-throug" + blink + maybe some slowdown time in the enemies for a short time just after spawned to avoid the "death from above". I use the attract effect on the box to make a "dash" and avoid it, but not always is possible.

And again, thank you very much ^^!  

Thank you for playing it and for your words! ^^ 

This is a strange curious game. I´ll capture the specimen in 25 seconds ("A" score!!). Lack of sound effects is a pity, because the visuals are awesome! 

Cool prototype with potential of grow up. The shooting mechanism works well. It´s a pity that laks more polishing, visuals, audio, score system... But it has potential.

55 points for me. Fun simple game :)

25 points. Lacks sound and music (I think). The bull is cool!!! Hehehe

The game lacks enemies (like furious villagers defending their pots, for example). Visuals and audio are cool, movements too. 

83 pigs used... Hehe. Cool game!!

Music is a bit repetitive, but intense. Visuals are awesome! The game needs a leaderboard and score system!!

Cool game, thanks for your work!!

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Hahaha. Strategy for beginners: use the platform to cover the spawns and the box to cover one of the flanks, and then use the shield in very short uses to destroy droids. Not the best strategy altough... The best for me is smash the droids with the box as quick as I can, reflecting bullets and using the attract force to avoid spawn-deaths... But this is pro, hehe.

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I stopped at 10.000 points because I had more and more time each impact, hehehe. It´s simple, and it´s fun at begining, but after a while it´s repetitive... I like the physics and slow down time effect (with a bit of polishing) and the general idea, but need a lot of improvements. Good entry although ^^

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34 likes... Smash all the thumbs!!! XDD Simple but fun... And a little bit stressful for me hehe

This is veeeery addictive. I liked a lot!!!

Hey, it remembers me the DOS game "Joust"... But with Flamingos and ballons hehe. Funny game and great work!

Veeery fun cool game!!! I get 59 points.

Fun. Need a bit of polishing but it´s cool. I´m first (for now) with 32 points ^^

Cool but very difficult!!

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Thank you very much for your words, and for playing the game ^^! There are a lot of mechanics involved I didn´t realize until testing the game... It´s curious!

I´ve change a bit the original animations to create the "attract" and "repulse" effects like a magnet. But the author of the player is the great Foozle:

Thank you very much for playing my game and for the feedback ^^!

Yep, it´s very intense, it´s like a hell bullet game hehe. Indeed, I didn´t realize the strategies of the game until I began to test it in depth... And yes, if you get crushed with the box or trying to trespass the bounds of the level, you will be obliterated!! XDD

75 points! Simple but very addictive game. And the sight of the mole... Hahaha

Yep, you are right, and it´s that the reason to limit the shield only to 9 seconds in all uses. Using wisely, 9 seconds are a lot ;). Of course, I played a loooooot of games, and if you want to survive long enough you need how to use the box in combo with shield and jump to smash enemies as quick as you can (it has more uses than you think hehe). Without using a "hack", I think that it´s impossible to survive the total 99 seconds...

Thank you for playing my game and for your valious feedback ^^


185 points. The sounds are ok, but... Oh, the music is annoyinggggg XDDD. I liked the game. It´s difficult, because one only mistake and you lose. 

Level 4. Interesting game here. And it´s awesome made in less than 3 hours! No music, but it´s no strictly necessary here.

Arigato! ;)