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A member registered Nov 19, 2022 · View creator page →

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i have no deadline, maybe by the end of the year? or the start of the new? im not even finished with the doom1 stuff features yet (though reusing sprites to make new ones will save me time so, who knows :P)

Hello! the melee as it stands will likely get overhauled, its pretty barebones from how i envisioned it being. im not entirely sure ill get it fully finalized for 0.1.1, but it wont stay like that :3

thank you! im very pleased with it aswell :3 took me a couple tries to get  a design i was fully satisfied (and aroused) with

and yes a couple but i wont reveal them just yet huhu

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they will, yes! atleast one or two depending on how easy theyre to kill, and yes the archvile (or necrodeer) is caked up!! ;3

Hello! i deliberately didnt make it more powerful to make the kick not become stale and forgettable as a melee option, i believe all weapons should serve  a purpose in a way or another.

Hello! all of the doom2 enemies have already been designed and planned yes, they will be playable for 0.2 alongside a new character to mess around with :3

Hello! thanks for the kind words :3
The steamspitter has been fixed as of a couple weeks ago! the reloading may have been overlooked, the system was implemented a bit sloppily (may be my fault), ill see if i can fix it soon enough.

lore wise it would make no sense, nor would it aesthetically. doomguy is overrated anyways, theres plenty other mods where you can play as him, give mah bun the spotlight~ :P

Hello! thanks for the feedback!

even though ive been getting a lot of people complaining about the rapid firing attack the pistol doggies do, it will most likely not be removed. i dont find its difficult enough that it becomes a nuisance, as i personally find that enemy very boring to deal with otherwise. i think its a good challenge and a great reminder to prioritize hitscanners :3

ill have a look at the squlks, i dont remember changing their width ever during development. perhaps its faulty mapping from the mapset you played?

the turret is still heavily work in progress, i left it in because it felt like a cute enough thing to showcase. im not sure when will i ever finalize them but its planned to be a helpful lil goober :3

heh, the cacobirds butt slam attack is also one of my favourites ;3

the spidermomma is also a wip enemy! check out hexabun's twitter page to see updates for her or even better, join the cyberspace cafe's discord server  (must be +18 to join!!) where i host this project and update about this mod every so often. in it you'll also see all the designs for the enemies :3

many thanks for the criticism and glad you enjoyed this little mod ^^

i do plan on making models for some of them! if i get good enough at it that is. if not ill pay someone to do them for me heh.

Hello! i am not adding support for chex quest at the time being. Sorry!

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i dont mean its off the tables, but it will most likely cost money and will be the last thing i ever make for this project.

and no not yet but i do plan on making one soon!

yes, thats how i did at least :P

ill make a proper credits screen for 0.1.1.. i dont know how i missed it!

Shes voiced by RubyRed, whom i commissioned to do the voice acting. she did a wonderful job and im very happy with the lines she recorded for her <3

because i dont think the mod would benefit from adding porn to it, as it would add absolutely nothing of value to the gameplay but slow it down and dragging things down just to bust (and subsequently stop playing the mod after you're finished). I feel very strongly towards nsfw games and i refuse to make this mod that, i want to make an actual game :3

Everything but the boss monsters were made from scratch! i made models only for Cybie and Spidermomma and paint them to look like the rest of the characters shape and shading wise.


Hello, the version of the Spidermomma on the beta is not finalized (neither is Cybie for that matter, i would want to add a couple more attacks for him aswell). I was not gonna get her done in time given that Cybie himself so far took me 4 weeks to finish and December was right around the corner, but i can guarantee she will be even harder than how she is now, if not atleast more fun to fight :3

ive been hard at work getting the missing stuff for doom1! hopefully i can release 0.1.1 soon :3

it does not, its a mod for the Zandronum port!

you need to install it here:
and then put the wad files for doom inside the directory where you store the port contents in.
and once youve done that, you can just drag the pk3 to the zandronum.exe file and play!

there will not be any nsfw or sex stuff for the mod, it would add absolutely nothing but slow the gameflow down, if theres enough interest and funding i might make a 18+ addon, but it  will be the last thing i make for the mod.

haha, thank you so much! the cacobirds are among one of my favourites aswell, and i had so much fun animating them!!! glad you like them aswell (and i wont blame you, i also love getting meleed by them ;3)

1. they were included previously, but were removed because the code for it was a bit all over the place, i might revise it eventually and include it back!

2. ive been getting lots of requests for that, personally it seems kind of pointless beyond having a really nice view, maybe if this gets enough interest i could try and make it work, but as of now its not in my todo list.

3. yeah alternate deaths for enemies are planned, but i dont know when ill get to it, maybe once im done with the entire set of enemies i can get to adding those!

and as always thanks for the kind words, i hope when its finished it can be a really awesome thing to replay :3

funny you mention lol, daisy herself is futa (even if in-game its not apparent) ive done plenty lewd arwork of her, heh :3

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Hello! thank you for playing, i will address some of the bugs that i likely wont fix

The facesitting state being interrupted is somewhat intentional, though ideally i think he should start firing after getting hit mid air, i will get to coding that later on, id figure it would make for an interesting mechanic.
The spidermomma is still a WIP, those sprites are not final and neither are her attacks, I've recently just finished the modelling process for her, hopefully have her done soon!

And about the suggestions, there are plans to include three other buns to play as! I'm not sure when ill finish them but i do have fun ideas for them :3
The Berserk is likely not gonna stay as such, it should be a boot upgrade that gives the player a bunch of extra features (double jump being one of them)
The bit bleeps aren't gonna stay, i plan on having the rest of the characters voice acted.

probably not, most likely only the hypno canines.

there will be 3 more characters you can play with!, ive only finished daisy for now, ill be adding them each new update

oh it will have a lot of horny stuff, just not outright porn im afraid.

i do actually have plans for that! but id need to get someone way better than me at coding it with the limited acs functions.

Hello! as of now i have no intentions on adding porn or nsfw stuff for the mod, as it would serve no purpose to the gameplay.
If i do however, it will be made as an addon behind a paywall.