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A member registered Feb 11, 2014 · View creator page →

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Hey thanks for asking! I’ve thrown the CC0 1.0 license into the description, and a copy of it into the downloads. Hope that helps!

Loved playing this at the TOJam venue! Will for sure take it for a spin with my kiddos soon.

Loved this one! had to remap the controls: I think it would be preferable if the “checkmark” and “x” buttons instead showed whatever keys the user had them mapped to. would help users who didn’t remap, as shift and space are not standard inputs in my experience.

Loved the training events, though I found the speed one very difficult and never got better than 3rd. The green on the minigame bar matches the green of the ground, so it took a while for me to figure out how each game worked.

Overall great job, loved it. Huge accomplishment for the time frame too!

We used Godot 4, and it sounds like the web export has a bug for macOS browsers. sorry! will try and export a mac build (and other downloadable platforms) soon. I’ll add a note to the page.

Great puzzle Game. The art really worked for me as well, love the chalk aesthetic.

This is the sweet spot.

UI looks great! Excited to see more card art.

Hey - thanks for asking!  This is a pretty old project and I'm not sure what I was thinking, you're totally right.  I'll update the project shortly.

I love this game & the description.  awesome job capturing the PSX vibe.

yea, the original intent was to give the arrows an arc, but towards the end of the jam we just needed to get everything functional!  Thanks for plhaying!

Thank you very much!  We were thinking of adding more types of obstacles in the levels, but time wasn't on our side this time.

yeah, I wish I had more time to give it some UX love, just a basic tutorial would have worked wonders I feel.  Thanks for playing!

Thank you very much for playing!  not sure if we'll keep working on it yet.

really cool cave ambience audio.  also loved the character art.

Thanks for playing!  I realized towards the end that the only part of our game that didn't use the mouse was moving around the grid, so I added the context buttons pretty late in dev (and shortcuts to the dice rolls, so someone could potentially play exclusively keyboard or exclusively mouse).  the game works great on phones now, which is a huge plus.

hahaha yup!  for a while arrows on attack roll was the only item we had working, so late-game builds had tens of arrows flying around the screen every roll.  Thanks for swinging by!

thanks for playing!

Thanks a ton for dropping by and playing  😊

Thanks for the kind words!  Yeah, I had all these plans to teach the mecahnics better, but... jams.  Thanks for playing.

really love the mechanics here.  Definitely jumped the gun going after the alchemist though!

Really neat!  took me way too long to realize one of the powers I had collected was a double jump.  love the visuals, great eye for colour.

really digging the music in this one, but found it hard to remember all the weaknesses in my head. also would have liked a click-and-hold to shoot implementation.  great art!

Thanks for the kind words!  Let me know if any of those scripts need updating, I hate to think what kind of code sins I committed when I wrote them originally.

This is a lot of fun!  I've been chewing on arcade game with combat taking place in polar coordinates like this (melee though).  playing this, it was a lot of fun to see some of those concepts imagined in a different way. Excited to see future updates!

Thanks for playing!  I'm not sure what bug you hit there, but the first floor should be identical for every playthrough (the monsters you slay determine the seed for the next floor), so I suspect (and some light testing confirms) that you should be able to consistently kill that first sword-holder every time.  I wonder if some deeper bug is rearing its head here :(

thanks for the kind words!

curious!  Thanks for reaching out and following up.

thanks for reaching out!  I haven't personally hit this, and neither have a handful of friends who played it and tested it. Can I ask what browser your using?


New Palettes
New Snakes
New Crystals
New performance issues (some)
New Scene Transitions

Fixed Restart
Fixed Consecutive Login Screens


bugfixes for the snake enemies.  

replaced the snake test spawn data with the normal reflect spawn data 

beholdin' community · Created a new topic beholdin' v8

it has been a while.  moved beholdin' to fb for a while as mack and i sorted out leaderboard stuff & auth etc.  with gdpr and general antipathy towards FB, i moved to GameSparks' basic Auth and here we are, back at itch! yay!

This build rotates  between 2 map archetypes during the week.  I'm currently shoring up some bugs, resisting scope creep and... ok mostly bugs this milestone.  I'm hoping to attain  public beta / early access within a few months.

Let me know what you dig and what stinks if you take it for a spin.

Appreciate the android build!

ran like a treat on my iPad Pro!  Gesture recognition is very good too.  Got around 4800 points.  I appreciate that the drawn gesture takes on the color of the currently recognized icon.

love the UFO pixel art and all the builds available!

Reminds me of a game I would have gotten on a shareware CD long ago!

Super excited about this devlog!