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Jakub Wasilewski

A member registered Jun 15, 2016 · View creator page →

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Mayhaps! Steam version takes priority for noe, but mobile ports are not out of the question down the road.

When the card is face up and not covered by any other card. This happens when it's the front card of a column, or when it's in a battle.

I hope to have a Spanish localization for the bigger Steam release, for sure. Not for the PICO-8 version, though - it's quite hard to translate a PICO-8 game to a new language and the cost/benefit is unfortunately usually not there.

Solitomb is a multi-cart game, so please make sure:

  • that you have all 4 carts in the same directory
  • that you're starting the game from the "solitomb.p8.png" cart

An outdated PICO-8 version on the device can also cause trouble like this. In general, Solitomb is not that great to play on portable consoles just yet, if only because it has only mouse controls, so I don't want to get your hopes up too much. It is playable if your device has mouse emulation.

For the upcoming PC version, sure - we can add an accessibility font choice if necessary. Though I'm sure the default font will be quite a bit more readable than here.

For the PICO-8 version (this version), it's unfortunately hard to do anything about it - PICO-8 has a tiny resolution, making anything font related a hard proposition (the default font is 3x5 pixels).

Responded above.

If this about ginseng brew/poison brew/mana brew abilities - you drag these onto a potion card. The card will be destroyed, and you get the ability.

The idea is that the card turns into a new kind of potion.

(if it's about something else, please clarify so we can help)

Sorry for that - the link in the description should now be fixed.

The in-game button in the main menu is working for me - what happens when you click it?

Congrats! Maybe it's time to show off with a video? 

I hear from many people in the community that they'd appreciate an example of advanced play to see what's possible :)

For most elites, their abilities work whenever they're face up - being part of the hand is not required. If there are additional conditions, the description will list them.

I'll see if I can make this more clear ingame for the update - I understand it's a nasty surprise if you don't expect it to work this way.

I'm thinking about adding a lower difficulty level in the next update, where the pressure on attack will be a bit less (we'll see if I can fit it in).

In the meantime, it always helps to look for other sources of attack - especially focusing on getting stronger card combos can give you a lot of attack (and defense).

Yeah, both things are on the list for the bigger one, just weren't practical for the PICO-8 version. Slipways (my previous game) has infinite undo unless new information was revealed, and I'll probably lean towards doing it that way again for Solitomb.

It's fine to report problems in the comments :)

The wraith thing is a little complicated. Technically, it's working as designed, and the point of the encounter is that you have to manage your use of the haunted remains. You can even use one remains card to take care of multiple wraiths, leaving you with free "burn cards" you can use to manage the demon clock.

But! I do agree it's one of the most stark situations where the game should at least notice you're out of options and *tell you*, since it feels like a lock now (despite this being the result of your decisions during play). There is unfortunately no room to implement this in the PICO-8 version, but I'll take a look at other solutions that make this clearer.

Yeah, the way the game puts the responsibility for ending it on you, the player, is something that I want to work on more for the bigger version. Both in terms of the game just ending things for you, but also in terms of making the whole "finishing up the floor" experience a bit better in terms of running out of options.

Yup, that's the bug that was fixed in 1.01. Should no longer happen since the update, so making sure the page is fully refreshed (if playing in browser) or getting a fresh download (for stand-alone versions) should fix it.

It's happening! :)

Looks like the screenshot is missing from your post, unfortunately. If you still have it, I'll be happy to help.

No room to do it in this version - something to revisit later, maybe :)

Keeping it up, have fun both of you!

Yeah, winter nights are best for gaming!

Yeah, tutorials are hard to do well! For PICO-8 releases, I tend to believe in my players figuring it out (like you did) and just rely on a guide + trying to make the game give you cues on how to play it.

Mostly harder :)


Thanks for your comment!

Pitching the right difficulty in a roguelike is a bit tough to judge - I hope the experience is rewarding despite the losses, floor 3 is already pretty good!

Controller support is hopefully coming down the road! The issue is the tiny space I have for implementing all of the game - no room for an entire second control scheme in the release version.

But I am hopeful that given some time and once thing quiet down a bit, I can squeeze that in - if not out of the box, maybe as an alternate version just for playing on handhelds.

It should be there, under:

It is in the "detail" section, after the prompt to start playing, though.

That' s mostly a normal thing in the game - it plays very much like solitaire, so when you lose, it's usually because there are cards left that you can't remove.

You don't have to remove all of the monsters (except on the last floor), so sometimes it's a matter of focusing on the important ones.

(1 edit)

Use your solitaire skills to assemble powerful combos and defeat the dungeon's monsters. Grab treasure and spend it to build a set of powerful, synergistic abilities to help you. Manage both your own resources and a demon's patience to hopefully survive the ordeal.

Solitomb is a PICO-8 game, mixing solitaire and poker influences with a roguelite structure to deliver deep and strategic gameplay in quick, half-an-hour-long runs. The gameplay focuses on stacking and altering cards to execute sweet poker-based combos. It's currently a free-to-play title playable in any browser, with potential to become a bigger standalone PC release down the road.

Enjoy the game and see you in the comments!

You could check out the big version (Slipways, without the "Classic") here on or on Steam. 

It's got an endless mode and lots of new things on top of that, but same concept for gameplay.

Thanks for letting me know, the issue was that the Steam keys allocated for purchases ran out. 

If you try now, it should be fine - but do let me know if for some reason it's still giving you trouble.

Hope you get many more years out of the new version! :)

Not sure what the acronyms you use are referring to, are those emulators, hardware?

If yes, I'm afraid I can't help much with troubleshooting - I can only test on actual PICO-8 and in-browser.

It does work on my end, but browsers are sometimes fussy when it comes to sound. What browser/operating system?

Some browsers block scripts from playing sound before user interaction, you could try clicking the game with your mouse first to see if that helps.

Unfortunately, chances for that are pretty slim at the moment. It would mean a pretty involved port, in return for quite a risky financial proposition (with earning money on mobile platforms being hard for games that just want to charge a price upfront).

I do agree Slipways would play well on an iPad, though, and I never say never - things might change in the future.

Glad it worked well in Firefox!

Normally, I add Windows/Linux/Mac executables as downloadables for my PICO-8 games, but I see that for some reason I didn't do this for Dank Tomb. I'll make a note of adding those - once they're up, you can play without PICO-8 just by using the standalone executables. I'll try to put up the executables some time next week, since there is really no reason for them to not be here.

If you want to play the original cartridge file, you do need PICO-8 to load it.

Sorry to hear that! The bug is kind of surprising, since the game hasn't really been updated or changed since quite a while (years), and that's the first I hear of a saving issue like that.

Using another browser might help - or playing using one of the downloadable executables, if you bought the game. I'm afraid I can't offer much help otherwise, since I don't have the right hardware to try and reproduce this (my Mac is too old for Monterey), and the issue seems to be somewhat specific to your machine.

You're welcome! See you in the next one! :)

Veteran shoot rockers call this the "Ivan maneuver". Ivan did not live long.

(This happens because you collect all the gems before they have a chance to spread out. 1024 bytes meant no space to add a delay before the gems become collectible)

Captures the original pretty well!

Would love to see it speeding up a little over time to up the challenge, since there is probably no space for adding more complex patterns :) Had fun anyway and a great pick for a 1k demake!

(1 edit)

Loved it! A space trader was one of my ideas for the jam as well, using the same idea you did with pictographics used as good types :) I'm glad somebody else did that so I don't have to ;)

Had quite a bit fun! Would love a bit more challenge in terms of eg. diminishing fuel or similar, but it's a nice chill game as it is - not everything has to be made for challenge-seekers like me.

