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A member registered Jun 02, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks so much, glad you like it! :)

Glad to hear you liked i! Yes, Echo and Awe Sound really took this project  to the next level :D
Thanks a lot!

Thanks for the feedback! :)

Thank you! :D
The score is based on how many artworks you splash and how many guards that spawn (basically how long you survive). If you mean the headlines, they don't change based on your score, but you shouldn't trust everything the media says! ;) More people gaining awareness of the problem and it's gravity will sooner or later lead to increased pressure on the people in power.

They might slander the activists, but it doesn't mean that they aren't making a difference!

(1 edit)

My current record is 186 700

Glad to hear you like it! Do you have any other feedback? Anything that work particularly well or need improvement?

Yes, climate justice now! :D


It looks awesome!  Fun to see that a lot of the ideas from the game jam this summer is still in there.

It's a bit unforgiving in the beginning but after a few tries I got the hang of it and  managed to get ahead. I think its difficult to grasp at first that if you plant the full garden you might not be able to grow anything at all next year, but that's kind of the point ofc. :)

Thanks for trying it out and for the lovely feedback!

Glad you like the gameplay even though its a bit short and simple. Great comments on the art as well, I could've done a lot more to keep it consistent. And yeah, the music and sound is not great, I might see if I can get some help improving it. 

Thanks again!

Ok! Thanks for trying it out and for giving feedback!

Thanks for the feedback and for trying it out! Glad you liked it :)

Thanks a lot for trying it out and giving feedback! :)

There's a lot ofc, but do you see anything in particular that would need improvement for the game to be better?

Thanks a lot for trying it out!

Great feedback, I agree there are definitely things to improve, good to know which things stand out. Music and sounds are definitely underdeveloped, they're basically sample tracks. I'm thinking about getting in contact with someone that could help me update them.

Nice to see your scores as well. Thanks again :)

Oh, ok. Interesting to hear about your project and glad I could help! Good luck with the continued development, I'll try to return to it whenever I see the update :)

Oh, that's great!

Did you still use the megaphone or did you win without it? It boosts the effect of activists around it and the last level should be quite a bit more difficult without it.

Ok, that's nice to hear! I originally had plans to expand the game with more levels and upgrades to let the player customize their "movement" between levels. Maybe I should still consider developing it further then.

Thanks for trying it out and giving feedback!

Oh, only the first one actually! I'll return to do the other ones when I've got a few minutes over.

Haha, fun concept! Took me a few tries before I succeded.

Thank you!
Yeah, it actually started out with a clicker game as base but it was mostly stressfull and took focus away from the strategic gameplay.

Did you finish the game?

Thanks a lot! Tell me if you try it out <3

(2 edits)

Very interesting!

I must say, there are a few things I don't really understand or agree with however.

I tried to plant a lot of trees, both because it seemed like a primary source of income and because I believe in nature restoration and conservation as important for our future. I only ever cut trees once a tile has 4, in a way to mimic some kind of sustainable forestry practice.

I don't really like how growing of trees works as a threat to humans in this game. I can't say if it's accurate or not, but my personal belief is that trees and forests are vital to our societies so it felt weird how I was punished with viruses for letting them grow. Is the lesson that I shouldn't cut any trees at all?

Another thing that it took a while for me to realize was that viruses take up one "slot" of a tile just as trees, so no trees grow if a virus blocks its path. I finally realized that the only way to get rid of the viruses covering almost my entire map, and get more trees, was to add a single chicken and then cull it - which also felt kind of strange.

I feel like the game didn't really encourage me to find a balance between different playstyles (and maybe that's the point?). Because of the viruses everywhere I didn't really feel like farming chickens that would just get infected. Approval stayed around 30% anyway and the only thing affected was the income, which I got from forestry anyway. Humans only die from disease but not lack of food, so it felt better to just have a starving population than to try to feed them and kill some of them in the process. 

Also, there was no explanation to how the blue tiles work? (OH, just realized they are WATER, lol. No wonder I couldn't build anything there. I thought maybe it was another kind of dirt or radiation or something.)

Overall I think it's a very interesting project and its cool that it connects to real research, but I wasn't sure about what the game was telling me as a player about the world and how it works.

Ok, thanks! I'm looking into games with radical politics or revolutionary themes, so I appreciate the example. Love it! 


I'm co-authoring book chapter about games and radical activism for this book

We're very interesting in the indie game dev scene present at (which I participate in myself) and would love to hear about your thoughts about it as organizers of a yearly game jam in this space.

We're interested in the potential role of games in and for the activist community - if games can be used to mobilize for or inspire radical activism and in the cultural context of games featuring these themes.

Again, since you've organized the Fxck capitalism jam for several years with a good amount of participants we'd love to talk to you if that would be possible.

I've als DMed you on twitter about this exact request. Thanks in advance!

Kristofer Vaske

I'm researching games with radical politics and how they may play a role in activist movements. Cool little game!
Have you made other games on similar themes?

I'm researching games with radical politics and how they may play a role in activist movements. Fun little game!
Have you made other games on similar themes?

I'm researching games with radical politics and how they may play a role in activist movements. Fun little game!
Have you made other games on similar themes?

OMG haha. I don't have time to finish unfortunately, but what a terrifying game! Love it

It was a bit slow in the middle but got really emotional at the end. Great storytelling with very simple tools!

Ending with the biking, cooking and resting is beautiful <3

(1 edit)

This is awesome, great job!

Cute little game!

I'm a little unsure about how the mechanics work and what I'm supposed to do to be successful. Some parts might need a bit more explanation to be clear.

Thanks a lot!

Ok, good to know. Yeah in the end I only made a prototype with 3 levels and didn't have much time for balancing. I guess you stopped at lvl 2 then?

Glad you liked it! :)

Love the music and style! A cool illustration of the  injustice of living in a system that gives  no good options for the ones that are not already privileged.

Love the music and style! A cool illustration of the  injustice of living in a system that gives  no good options for the ones that are not already privileged.

Thanks a lot for the feedback!
Yeah, I think it definitely needs some more work, both to improve the gameplay and the readability. Thank you for trying it anyways! <3

Thank you! <3
Tell me if you had any feedback :)

Ok, thanks for giving it a shot! :)

Thank you! Glad to hear you liked it. 

So you finished all of it? :)

Haha, funny!
Haven't seen most of them, but I figured it out eventually ;)

Hey, no worries! It's a  game jam after all so time is limited and things might not always pan out perfectly. Submitting the game is great anyway to get feedback for future projects! :)

That's very nice of you, thanks a lot!

Haha, loved the voice acting!
The  climate issue is not having a big impact on the mechanics except for    the setting,  but it sounds like you had had a great time with this little project.  Was that an army of Garbodor chasing me?!