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A member registered Apr 16, 2023

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you can download it for Windows, maybe that will perform better and the high mouse sensitivity is probably due to the choppy frames.

Duly noted.
Thanks for playing!!

That's weird because I am using "OnColliderEnter()"  and also a bool to ensure that the whole loading task happens only once but somehow it is still bugging, I will update it if I find any workaround.

Were you able to hear the "evil laugh" sound effect?

what do you mean by "soft locked", is it a bug or something that I can maybe help fixing.

The duration in the pipe can be modified but I wanted the level transition to be scary hence the laughing voice but it didn't worked out that well.

The UI time is according to general reading speed.

Thanks for playing!

I thought about the watermelon but it is more on the side of red, atleast in my region it is red.

The collectibles in the labyrinth is a good idea I might think to implement it, thanks for it.

The music is actually part of the player itself, so everytime the player is loaded, the music also starts from the beginning, it can be made global but I was a bit late and lazy for it.

Thanks for playing!

I was so confused about my idea so in the end, I went with my initial idea, so yeah, I know it does not make sense. lol

thanks for playing!

Fantastic Game, but I was a bit uncomfortable with the music because of either the max volume or the tunes themselves but it is an issue for me and I am sure most will love this music.

I found a bug (sort of), when I was killed in Level 1 I tried to restart using the "Restart" Button but there was an error, I think you should check it, I was playing in full-screen mode If that helps.

All in all, Great Work!!

I am glad you enjoyed it!!

I am glad you enjoyed it!

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I will definitely think about it.

The acceleration is a key factor because I wanted the game to be a little challenging and rage. Increased acceleration means increase in collision and hence more failure.

I was wondering whether the colours present in the game will be counted on the basis of each scene or the whole game, What if I am using only 2 colours per level (let's say black and blue, black and red) now will it be counted as 2 colours or a total of 3 colours (black, red, blue) Keep in mind that each level will only have 2 colours.

but what if I placed a let's say black panel with 200 alpha channel on top of some coloured panel with 255 alpha, that will create a new colour, will that count as a new colour or Is it acceptable?

Thanks for Feedback!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for the feedback and for playing!

I am glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for the Feedback and Playing!

Thanks a lot for playing!

Thanks a lot for playing!

Thanks a lot for taking the time and playing, I will definitely think about changing the rotation to mouse look and also will look into shaders for UI elements.

Again Thanks a lot.


First of all  Thanks for playing, The game was short because unfortunately, I was not available for most of the weekend so this was kind of the last moment. The player being slow is an issue with the HTML build because they run in much lower frames than Windows executables I tested the game thoroughly in Windows builds and the player speed and rotation speed were fine, I do encourage you to check Windows builds, you can download it, I have provided detailed instructions on how to download or Run them. You can give feedback on the Windows build if you desire. The rotations concept was something new for me and I initially tried to do it using MouseX input but using Q and E keys was simpler to implement so I went with that, I will definitely consider changing it to mouse look.

Again Thanks a lot,


Greeting fellow devs,
I hope you enjoy playing my game.

It looks great and the gameplay is nice, although there are some bugs and cases you didn't consider, for example, I can jump across the ladder that leads to the cave and then get lost in the forest similarly I can cross the cave end bound. you can also work some more on the dialogue. Keep up thework.