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A member registered Jul 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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Can you announce the time when you know it ? It would be a shame to accidentally miss it .

Care to elaborate on what made you leave ? it's quite a shame, your submission was really good nonetheless!

those kinds of bugs are really frustrating , i know from experience haha !  hopefully you'll figure it out. if it's of any help it seemed to happen most often if i collected only 4 of the 5 items

Very cute art. It would've been nice if there was more to do. Nice idea and execution though!

GOTY. Amazing art, original idea, smooth gameplay, shop, this has it all. Truly worth my time, thank you.

Nice and fun ! The chat was such a fun addition to the game, i enjoyed reading through it . The gameplay was a bit choppy at times , imo  one or two i- frames would have been good after getting an upgrade. Some enemy variation would've also made the experience a bit more fun , but i understand that the time constraints are tough for additional content . Awesome art!

It was quite smooth to control! The hitboxes seemed quite frustrating at times , as they didn't line up with the sprites so it could be difficult to predict them at first. But the art and sound design are very good and cute ! Absolutely love the pixel art :)

(i seemed to get stuck on the boss, as after bubi appeared the game stopped progressing. The characters did their idle animations but nothing else happened . an unfortunate bug perhaps ?)

Thank you so much! :)

We tried our best to make it work as smooth as possible with endless gameplay so the conent would technically be infinite :) Thank you so much for playing , it really means a lot ! :)

What a genuinely awesome game! The art is of such high quality and the movement is very fluid and satisfying. Great game!

No honor among thieves (or cable nibblers)

Cute :) The jump felt a bit inconsistent at times but it was fine . The art is very endearing and the gameplay is unique .

Thank you so much ! :)

There wasn't anything wrong really, it just took some tries to get used to. It works well once you learn .

no problem bro

Aw thank you !  :) Glad to hear it was enjoyable ! thank you so much for playing :)

Thank you for playing ! :) btw you can post your score in the game's community page titled high scores

Thanks for playing ! So glad to hear you liked it :)

Thank you for playing ! :)

yo. sorry, i didn't . i didn't get a chance to play this game all the way through yet

Thank you so much!

sincerely ; the artist :)

(i already rated your game, don't worry)

Oh thank you so much !! Glad to hear you liked it! :)

Thank you ! :) And nah , she's fine .

Thank you so much ! :) And thank you for playing!

A really fun game with cute graphics ! Quite an original idea too :)

Thank you for playing ! :) it's definitely taxing for your escpecially your right hand haha . Glad you enjoyed it though! :)

Very cute and good quality art!! It' san original idea however it got a bit repetitive at some point. It would've been nice to have more things to do but I understand that the time constraints can be brutal. Good job either way!

It took a bit to get used to but it was quite fun. A pretty original idea which stands out. It would've been nice to tie it into the theme a bit better with for example the itch.io page. Other than that the art is cute and pleasing to the eyes!

Thank you so much!! And thank you for playing :)

I really enjoy the graphics, they're very endearing! The idea is quiteoriginal too, it stands out in a positive way. Overall very nice :)

Cool concept and lovely art! The hook and jump mechanics were a bit choppy at times and could be frustrating, but playing around with them a bit really helps you get used to them.

My right hand is cramping 

The art has clearly been made with care and the engine's lighting system has been put to good use. I think it's fun and has good elements!

Here's our teams game. I did all the art and animations.

It's a game abou hitting mice and streaming, hope you enjoy! :)


Thank you for the feedback! I fully understand what you mean. At one point we had the idea of stopping the character when you hit but it would've slowed the gameplay up too much. We ended up with this to keep up with the speed but I think you are right in that it is quite floaty.

But thank you so much for playing ! It is greatly appreciated! :)

Thank you so much ! :) Glad to hear you liked it and thank you for playing !


here's a game where you hit mice and stream :)

i was the artist for this game. we created it in ~5 days , which was surprisingly quite enough.

Does using sound clips from Ironmouse that contain innappropriate language violate the 'no offensive content' rule?