Thank you so much for makin' a play through of my game! Much appreciated
Creator of
Recent community posts
This game is more of a concept rather actual game play, I appreciate you checking this one out as well.
Here's the instructions when you arrive at a gray screen
"Pressing 1 (Callisto) or 2 (Janus) Choose character at beginning and R to restart game."
So the second you see the gray screen, tap on 1 or 2 and you'll bring forth the character and just play test them for a bit. Pressing R will help you soft reset the game so you can try the other character. Unfortunately I only got around doing 2 character's move sets and not finish the game entirely.
Elementia - A Love Story
About The Game
Type of Game - Story-Based Visual Novel (Romance Otome)
Genre - Boy-Love, Fantasy, Romance, Adventure
Game Engine - Ren'Py
Elementia - A Love Story is a Visual Novel that offers the player a chance to romance a selection of three characters in a fantasy world. The protagonist, a human boy, meets others of different races. A fairy, an elf, and a hybrid (humanoid body with animal facial feature). Take a dip into the fantasy world on the large continent, Elementia.
Meet, Explore, Love.
Kymarai - Co-Writer: Concept and Ideas - Developer: Scripting
enbytoon - Artist: Talk Sprites
PunkFairyAlex - Composer: Music / Sound Effects
poke - Artist: Scene
CJK - Artist: Background
samichii - Co-Writer: Dialogue
Screenshot and Progression
Coming Soon!
@gino, I apologize for your confusion. There are 6 things that will affect Tim for the day. Speaking to certain characters will give you hints on what to do next. Clicking around at things that haven't been clickable before helps too. Realize that this game is mostly surrounded by one character. This is as much as I can tell you.
What exactly is there to gain for me in the end. I know I sound selfish but what can I do. It almost looks like a chore that I must supervise the porting and perhaps further development of the game. If you're still trying to convince me you better have the slickest excuse beyond being a student trying to port things over...
Whoa whoa whoa, I finally watched your video... Turns out you completed the game, it's just... It seems you weren't able to progress. Could it be you used a different version other than Windows? I'll look in the code to see if perhaps the order you've completed them in were off.. I'm super impressed you completed the game so fast, a shame you didn't get to see the ending. I really would've liked to watched your reaction on it (You struggled those last ten minutes... rip [so sorry]), anyways... Try resetting the game and starting from the bottom up (hint hint) after skipping everything, hopefully that'll work for you.
This is the rest of my DevLog for the next few days.
[More Screenshots]
This is only

[Day 7]
All the pieces coming together are lookin' real good. I'm impressed with this so far. I've done some of the "screens" (from the first screenshot of this comment). Like most of the rooms but no item functions yet.
[Day 9]
Well, I told myself to do all the rooms and every interaction. I did it. Feels good to finally finish something up. Tomorrow, finishing the complete gameplay and Day 11, finish game (code wise).
Here we go, I tried the squinting thing and I can totally relate. This time, I've left everything bolded. I've completely fixed the contrasting between the background and the forground colors on the buttons. The game will be played in full screen so there will most definitely be no problems. I apologize for the inconvenience, I'd be an honor to have you and your sister play my game. But be warned, there contains graphic scenes and may not be suitable for the younger audience (that is assuming you or your sister are of young age, or to anyone of such age). I hope this is the best I can offer. Thank you for your patience.
Tim's Birthday
About The Game
Type of Game - Story-Based Visual Novel (Point and Click Adventure)
Genre - Drama, Psychological, Mystery,
and maybe one last one... Depending if you consider it :)
Game Engine - Ren'Py
Description -
Tim's Birthday is a Visual Novel that uncovers the story of Anne, the protagonist and the older sister of Tim, who wakes up on the day of her brothers birthday hung over and has to slouch her way around the house and convince her little brother she wasn't doing "The Thing". As a player, you follow Anne through her attempts to make sure Tim has a great day but in the end it J USUsUSUUsS..>S..>>TTTTTTTTTTT
Whoops. Ignore that. I hope you enjoy!
- Writer: Concept and Ideas
- Developer: Scripter
ellieinthesky - Artist: Talk Sprites and Scenes
Lord Dragon - Artist: Background and Objects
Deoduckla - Composer: Music
I wanted A cover photo... So I decided to use the concept art.
I love this font god damn...
Scenic backgrounds are amazing.
Kymarai's Devlog Section
[Day -1]
Prior to the game jam, I've been organizing my team and providing details and information to assure their interest and capabilities. So far, everythings going just great.
I've jotted down tons of information (that may have been rather repetitive) such as gameplay, overview, characters, and more. Now It's only time to write the script and the puzzles.
[Day 1]
I've started writing a brief storyline, apparently theres going to be "Days" in our game so I guess you can say I wrote day 1.
[Day 2]
I'm over all done most of the story aspect. Time to write about the game play and hopefully day three will be all about scripting. Oh man this'll be so fun... I'm so excited!
[Day 3]
Scripting is annoying, especially when you're trying to adopt someone elses code for the "Point and Click" aspect of the game. So far I've conquered it and included a whole bunch of blocky comments. #Programmerlife. Anyways, I wrote done a bunch of unedited lines down to just when the gameplay starts. This is going a bit faster than expected.
[Day 4]
Not the best day... Unfortunately ran into some tech difficulties switching over to a newer computer and still having troubles with that. Pretty unlucky to be honest.
It's the end of the day, I totally didn't do anything on the project, but GOOD NEWS... My CPU is up and running and everythings better than ever! (This may cause me to work less on the project, whoops..), totally fear not though, the project is pretty high in priority.
[Day 5]
Getting picky about the details, I'm really trying to get this game to have a neat appeal to it. I certainly do hope players will accept the odd story telling and horrible dialogue. Needless to say it's making progress though.
[Day 6]
More of game's own "swag". Slower production... I did some gameplay, kind of.Time to move the rest of my Devlog in a comment below... Main post is getting glitchy!
I am a Programmer looking for a team!
1. Introduction:
Hello! I'm "Will" from Canada (EST timezone). I am an impractical game developer whose always fails to complete a project without a drive to complete it... So far, the first My First Game Jam actually allowed me to complete a game... So I know I can do it again!
2. Skills:
efficient and organized,
concept development - ideas and brainstorming,
Actual Computer Scientist... so I have tons of other computery skills.
3. Programs/Languages:
GameMaker: Studio,
I can try anything else.
4. Portfolio: My own has most of my stuff but there's a bit of stuff.
Please note my most complete game is the last one.
5. Contact: Discorddddd ( Kymarai#1772 )
Thank you so very much for your effort! I understand where you guys are coming from, but... I assumed the BOYD idea was to show and tell your game you know? I have a collection that I have yet to play, and I'd apologize to those whose games aren't in it. Unfortunately I decided to choose the games that were most appealing to me.
I'll try to catch as much as I can after the jam is over.
As I noticed, not from my own games, but from my own actions... I believe most of us just went ahead and posted our games and said "Yay I did it, my games is now seen by many." but then you realize you don't have much views or downloads on any of the games you posted? We only took the time to post the games, and not appreciate others. This was my case... I never really went out of my way to actually play any of your games (except like 2) so it would be terribly hypocrytical to say "Play my games please?" and do nothing in return.
The reason I'm bringing this up is because I'm assuming (probably wrong, just me) that most of us isn't very happy with their results and just would like people to actually take a gander at it. I put a lot of effort into my BOYD game, (you can check the huge block of text I added), and I'm sure you did too.
Now, WHAT I'M ASKING HERE OFFICIALLY IS... I would like people from this game jam to COMMENT below if they would like to be a "Game Tester" for this game jam, and play at least 20%-40% of the games posted at the END of the jam. So yes, if theres 100 games. I'm asking you to play 20-40 of them. I'm hoping I can get at least 4-6 testers so we can equally distribute every game on here. The goal of being a game tester is: Rate the game, Comment to encourage, and just playtest the game period.
If no one joins me on this crusade... Then I apologize in advance.
90% of the games I have on my profile were projects that have been forgotten but I still loved playing them.
I tried to explain all of them as best as I can and the controls because I did very little of that for each of them which makes it a tiny bit complex, but that shouldn't stop you from figuring it out yourself right?
Although I have several games I brought out, there was one that was the most appealing to me and I'd like to share it here on BOYD.