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Kyou System

A member registered Jul 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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It's Kafka's The Metamorphosis but menhera and with toxic yuri.

Joking aside, I enjoyed this VN quite a bit~  It's always nice to see some realistic plural representation, and the writing of Beth et al's online girlfriend in particular was notably good—so much so that it hit rather close to home, heh.

Very nice work~

This is such a beautiful VN~

I was blown away by the depth of the writing: Enthralling, humorous, moving, and sexy alike, and all in the proper time with good pacing, no less!  It's rich enough to where I feel I'll have to revisit it again sometime to appreciate it fully, heheheh.

I'll probably end up going through and taking a gander at your other works as well, with how impressed I was by this one~

Credit where it's due—this is certainly an original premise for a visual novel, heh.  The voice acting was pretty well done, too, which is rare, so kudos to you all there~  I also got a kick out of how chill Cthulhu turned out to be, heheheh.

This is a charming little VN~  Short and sweet, so to speak, heheheh.

I loved the uneasy, vaguely haunting atmosphere early on, and the contrast between the real-world photos and cartoon-style portraits lends a surreal flavor to the work that I quite enjoyed.

I'm eager to see where you take the story going forward, especially now that you have unlimited time to develop your characters further and explore their carnival purgatory, heheh~

Certainly, I intend to sponsor another such jam next year, provided everything goes smoothly and I still have people willing to help host the event~

Aaaaand of course you put a .gif of the spanking scene right near the top of the page.  Honestly, that's probably the single most on-brand thing you possibly could've done, lol

All jokes aside, this VN turned out spectacularly~!  This is easily your best work yet, Nadia—and I say that despite having been completely blown away by Hopeless Junction just a year prior!  Watching Malmaid come together was an absolute delight, and I'm yet more pleased still to have had the opportunity to help you polish it up~

For everyone reading this comment who hasn't yet experienced Malmaid, stop dragging your feet about it and just read the damn thing already.  It's well worth it, I promise~

Shana is a babe, but my heart goes out to Millarca and especially Imogen forever.  Also, the track Aeon of Maiden has low-key been stuck in my head ever since I first heard it, heheheh~

Thank you so muuuuuch~

This VN is dark and incredibly twisted, and yet it's tremendously sweet, unfailingly charming, and deeply human throughout.

10/10 would read again

THERATHERATHERAThere are plenty more cursed television shenanigans yet to come~

Thank you very much~
And don't you worry—every last bit of foreshadowing and setup in THERA 2 will be explored in depth in due time, heh heh heh...

Thank youuuuu~
And you'll find out soon enough, heh heh heh...

Lord, this VN hits close to home, and hits like a fucking truck at that.  I'm suddenly reminded of how much nicer my life became after I purged all of the Keiths from it.

That is to say, excellent work, heheheh~

This is an excellent little VN~  I love the music and sound design, and the dithered visuals are a real treat, heheheh—and the writing!  Lord, the writing is powerful, so visceral as it is...  The story hit very close to home, suffice it to say; the scenario was executed so well that it made my stomach churn with its familiarity, in fact.

Great work on this one!  I'm very much looking forward to your future work~

I'm deeply delighted to hear that Remembrance left such a powerful impact on you!  And the fact that you felt some of that same strange nostalgia yourself is icing on the cake, heheheh~

Rook forever!!

Goodness, there's so much to unpack here!  Weird girls trying to solve weirder mysteries in a school that's yet weirder still....  I must say, this VN wastes neither time nor energy in drawing the reader in, heheh.

Despite the brevity of this first installment, both Mayday and Candy see a good bit of development, and what's more, in sharp relief to Mayday's expectations, we're introduced to any number of mysteries equal parts fascinating and ghoulish bubbling up from beneath A.S_H.I's glamorous surface.

The Ego transformation sequences in particular were rather striking, and I was quite taken with the visuals in the bot farm segment, heheheh.  I also really liked the art for the various cards, as well as the girls' different outfits; I found them very charming across the board~  For that matter, the art direction of this VN in general is simply super, and adds quite a lot of character!  An unmistakable blending of Sofa's and CPU's visual styles, heheh.

Admittedly, the arrival of the ending was more than a little abrupt—I did a double-take when I was suddenly dropped back at the title screen, heh—but to be sure, it's not as though the story left off at a bad or awkward point or anything like that.  There were also a couple of points during Mayday's internal monologues where I found myself thinking, "What in the world is she going on about? lol", but in all fairness, a large part of those segments was her trying to sort her thoughts out, so perhaps that's to be expected.

With all of that said, it's very easy to see that a huge amount of time, effort, and love went into the making of this VN, and it's simply a joy to experience.  Stellar work as usual, CPU and Sofa!  I'll be eagerly awaiting both the next Precious Theatre installment and your other works to follow, heheheh~

My goodness, Thursday, what a marvelous little VN you've put together here~  The dithered, stylized art is endlessly charming and gives the VN a ton of character, not to mention how all of the small gestures the characters do work wonders to help develop them; the sound design is airtight, especially for the cave segments in the later half of the story; the toxic, codependent relationship dynamic between Molly and Tenny is deliciously realistic and unhealthy; and the mythology of vampires and of the Earth, Sea, Sky and Light sprinkled throughout the story just makes the whole experience that much richer, heheheh.

Truly, this VN was an absolute delight to read.  I'll be keeping a very close eye out for your future works, make no mistake of that, heheh~

This VN has quite a lot of potential~  The scenario is very interesting, with plenty of avenues for future fleshing out: I'd love to learn more about where Eden came from and how she ended up the way she did, for one, or about Em and the others who were in the bunker, or even about the world at large and what happened prior to the events of RadiAngel—all the more so in a world where the mundane and the fantastical are intermingled and juxtaposed so, an aesthetic near and dear to my heart, heheh.

I'm also rather taken with the art style, especially that of the portrait sprites!  I have a soft spot for monochrome art and shading via dithering, you see, heheheh.  To that end, I would've loved to have seen more art of Em and Eden, whether in the form of a couple more sprites for each of them or perhaps as another CG or two like the one we got of Eden.  Likewise, with how nice the one background music track was, adding another track or two would make the experience that much stronger, I warrant: For example, think if the reader got hit with a more tense and heavy sound just as Em got hit with her nausea...

All of that being said, I really enjoyed reading this VN, and I'm looking forward to seeing whatever you might make in the future~

I'm really quite fond of the understated character writing in this VN, where the contrast between the bubbly, energetic Sepia and the reserved, sober Aseroe is shown through things like their word choice, speaking style, and small gestures.  The two characters play well off of each other, and they make for a cute couple, heheh.

I was also very curious about the setting and world-building, as the story gives the reader a glimpse into an interesting, promising universe: There are numerous hints and mentions of different planets, species, and cultures—all of which look to have a lot of thought and care put into them.

As much as I liked the art (character sprites and CGs alike), I was sad that I never got to see them clearly to appreciate them for more than a few fleeting seconds during the scene transitions, as they were obscured by the dark full-screen textbox throughout the whole rest of the VN.  Your art is great, so let it shine forth!  Additionally, with how good and atmospheric the ambient background music was, I bet the last couple of scenes would've been even stronger with their own tracks, heheh—but, as you mentioned in the description, this VN was made under a very tight deadline, so it's perfectly understandable that a few things had to be left out here and there.

On a similar note, I also would've loved to see more development of the setting, of the characters' backstories and relationship (especially leading up to the ending), about how the events of the story got started, and so forth—Where is this planet?  How did Aseroe end up crashing there, in a place evidently far from her home, despite usually being a homebody?  What does it mean to be a "reaper", and how did Aseroe become one, so hazardous a job as it apparently is?  On and on my curiosity smolders—but again, under so restrictive a timeline, it's to be expected that a lot of the smaller, less immediately relevant details would be omitted.  Besides, this VN is meant to be the first entry in a series, yes?  Perhaps I just need to be more patient on this point, heheheh~

Having said all of that, I really did enjoy reading Squid Girl World Ep. 1.  It's a charming story, and moreover has a lot of promise across the board!  I'll most certainly be keeping an eye out for your future work~

Q:  Did I enjoy reading this VN?
A:  Yes.

The quirky, charming interactions between Inno and Selena were just so much fun to read, heheheh~  I also was quite taken with art style, so adroitly expressive as it is—even the mere silhouettes of the other witches were enough to suggest what their personalities were like!  Speaking of, shout to my girl Aracl, heheh.

As nice as the background music was, I do think the earlier parts of the VN would've benefited from an additional track or two: Perhaps a new song when Inno met Selena and the other witches, or when Inno and Selena went into the swamp?  I also would've loved to see a full-screen CG of That One Hug™ near the end, heheheh~

That being said, I thought the character development was very well done, working both to establish the setting and the characters' personalities alike.  In particular, I was very happy to see that even the other witches, side characters though they were, got a dollop of development with how they warmed up near the end.

Bottom line:  Great work here!  I'll be keeping an eye out for your future work, for sure, heheh~

Goodness, what a fun little VN this is!  The humor in it really shines: Despite how macabre it is at a few points, I found myself giggling quite a lot, heheheh.  Speaking of which, for as much as it feels almost cartoonishly goofy at times, the sound design in the more tense segments does an excellent job of cementing their more serious atmosphere; the section where Niña arrives in the lab, realizes what's happened, and freaks out stands out in my mind here especially.

All in all, fantastic work here!  It's easy to see why this VN was one of the award winners, heheheh~

I must say, I quite enjoyed this VN, heheh.  In particular, I very much appreciate how you didn't shy away from showing a realistic depiction of what depression is like, nor from the ugly interaction that unfolded after Hina's meddling; indeed, the character writing and interactions are this story's biggest strengths.  Of course, I also rather liked the art style—the CGs were especially strong, heheh—and the background music complemented the experience very well.

All of that is to say, great work!  I'm looking forward to seeing what you make next, heheheh~

I like this VN, heheh.  I'm a sucker for uncanny "liminal" spaces myself, so it was easy for me to get into the premise, and there were quite a few interesting ideas explored in terms of unusual feelings and sensations in a similar vein.  I also flushed a little at the more intimate parts, heheheh.

Admittedly, there were a few descriptions and such of what the characters / environments looked like that I had a hard time imagining, especially without having gone through any of the other works set in this universe.  The CGs were helpful for the environments, to be sure, but I would've liked to have seen some sprites of the characters as well—even if they were something as simple as the sketches showcased at the end!

That aside, I felt the background music & ambient sounds did a very good job of establishing the atmosphere for each of the scenes.  Also, the CG near the beginning showing the computer under the covers was super-cozy, heheh.  Keep up the good work~

This VN has no business being nearly this charming or adorable, heheheh~  I love the writing style (complete with emotes!), the sound effects, and the use of SL screenshots for all of the visuals.  They all work well together, and give the whole experience a unique feel and flavor.

The writing especially is rather evocative despite its simplicity; the personalities of both Chloe and Mari shine through quite clearly.  I very much enjoyed watching their characters and relationship alike develop through their interactions, heheh.

All in all, I had a great time with this VN, and I'd be delighted to see more such work from you in the future~

Let me be frank: This VN is, in all likelihood, the most thoroughly and exceedingly homosexual piece of media I've read in many years—and I love it, ahahaha!

All of the art is a delight to look at (spectacular use of color!), the atmosphere for the various different scenes is consistently strong, and the interactions between Noelle and Aubrey are just so endlessly charming~  I found myself giggling and smiling warmly from beginning to end, heheheh.

Stupendous work, you two!  I'm eager to see anything and everything you might make in the future~

First and foremost, I love the visual styling of this VN.  The font, the interface, the portraits, the CGs and effects applied thereto—all of it is airtight, heheheh.  The effect near the beginning during the roll call scene especially is a nice touch, as is the red static effect.

Second, the use of auto-advancing text for interruptions and racing thoughts in particular is quite well executed, I feel.  I'm partial to using that effect in the same way in my own works, so it made me smile to see it here and to see it done so adroitly, heheh.

And last but certainly not least, the character writing really shines in this VN.  Jamie and Claire alike are vivid, believable, and strongly developed, and the minor & off-screen characters are solid, too!  Indeed, the codependency is almost TOO realistic, heh.

All of that is to say, excellent work, Becky~  I'm very eager to see what you make in the future!

This is an interesting start to a VN!  Most regrettably, the demo came to an end right as I started to get invested in the story... but because of that, I'll definitely come back to finish reading it whenever the final version is released, heh.

This is a charming little VN you have here, heheh~  In particular, the atmosphere and sound design were quite well done, as was the UI.  I personally would've liked to see some more world-building, to have spent a little more time with X and Y to learn more about them and about whatever calamity it was that ruined their home... but then again, as per the description, this VN was made in 4 days, heh.  Considering the tight deadline, I'd say the end result came out quite nicely indeed!

Short, sweet, and ultra-cute.  A simply stellar VN, heheheh~

The Remembrance OST is now available on YouTube as a single video: 

As a noted enthusiast of massive brutalist towers and endless black voids, the very premise of Tower alone immediately caught my attention, heheh.  I ended up falling in love, however, with the writing more so than anything else: The characterization of and dynamic between Bird and Nina was so heartfelt and realistic, so genuinely raw... <3

Don't be fooled by the simple art style and diction: Tower is a truly serene and charming little VN.  If you've taken the time to read this comment, you should likewise take the time to read the VN itself, heh.

Truly delightful in every way.  A real treasure of a VN, heheh~