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A member registered Jul 02, 2017 · View creator page →

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Congratulations on the 1.1, and wow, now a Steam release planned too? Didn't expect that, but I'm pretty sure it'll be worth it, and that you'll do a fine job :)

Hoping we'll see it on mobile at some point--I'm sure it would be pretty popular there among regular roguelike players, as in the case of Hoplite, though I know properly releasing for mobile can be a very different beast :P (Steam is easy.)

Sounds good! And yeah I realized when I later went back to play more off stream that the controls were much more responsive, and overall performance somewhat better, since my laptop wasn't struggling with browser gaming + streaming at the same time, so while it still wasn't great FPS, it was at least enough to enable better control. Should've come back to leave you another note on that aspect... The difficulty definitely scaled nicely later on--was no walk in the park!

Awesome, looks beautiful now, and also the mouse works! I don't really need the mouse, but I tested it out to see, and noticed there is one issue: You have to move the cursor after entering firing mode for it to register your proper line-of-fire, which otherwise defaults to targeting the origin (yourself). I discovered this because I'd be quickly moving the cursor to targets while firing, and if my cursor was already on the target when I began to fire and select a weapon, it wouldn't shoot them :P (on selecting a weapon it should then immediately calculate the initial LOF to wherever the cursor is at that moment)

Now to do some runs in the heavier mechs I haven't tried out yet.

Ah, 7DRL coding :P

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Got through my first couple runs so far, I like it! (big fan of mech games myself)

I noticed the keybinding system doesn't seem to work past the first page (at least via keyboard access, since I can't use the mouse)--the reference letters don't move down to new options while scrolling, which I'm thinking was probably the intent (I had wanted to rebind the wait/skip key, but it was down further).

Really liked the innovative alpha-based target selection, haven't seen that one before, although I do wonder how the letters are chosen since it seems kinda random. Would've thought that the first or only enemy in view would simply be 'a' and go from there. (I realize that enemies you've seen before would want to retain the same letter, although probably no need to assign them letters until you've seen them?)

I like the noise system, knowing where enemies are (and enemies knowing about you) based specifically on the amount of sound made during movement and shooting. Fun how you can't generally hear infantry and this plus the louder enemies sometimes mixes things up in terms of optimal tactics.

Already decent atmosphere here running around a city (and destructible terrain!), though would of course be nice to see more development adding things like enemies with better weapons worth upgrading to. Good sound effects would go a long way, and ambient audio... man this is making me want to make a game like this again xD

Obviously endless other possibilities, but as is it's a 7DRL so can't expect to have all that, what's here is already pretty solid. Nice job! Planning on doing much more with it?

Ack yeah that's an easy way to break mouse support xD

Thanks though, and actually "too big" technically wouldn't be much of an issue since you can always set the browser window size to whatever, which works fine. You mentioned using browser zooming, which I had tried first, but for me that did not change the size of the game itself, so I had assumed there was no easy way to use the browser to do that.

Also, rather than dynamic scaling I would certainly prefer having it crisp/pixel-perfect (as in the screenshots!), to maximize enjoyment of playing with one of my favorite fonts ;)

But anyway, at least it's visible now, and works, and I am going to try this out. I can just use keyboard mode, although I imagine examining things is faster via mouse without any quick way to tab between targets and so on...

Glad to help, and not sure what you can do about the audio in that case, but yeah first time I've encountered this sort of thing while streaming a game. At least it worked this time :P (my guess is it has to do with lower system resources/responsiveness, and my laptop happened to be in slightly better shape this week? it's getting a little old at this point, and the CPU certainly needs repasted... again... Although the fact that the desktop version had it even worse is kinda weird.)

Also worth noting: The fullscreening method of the web version leaves something to be desired compared to the other more common results out there. I guess it should ideally at least be centered, if not scaled, rather than put in the top-corner, although maybe this is somewhat less meaningful for those who aren't streaming...

But Electric Organ is actually one of my favorites from this year, just this morning was again thinking about how "mechanically mature" it feels despite being a 7DRL.

Awesome work, and glad it was at least helpful in some way!

Really wanted to try this out, but I use Windows so can only play the browser version, and the font is only available at the original size? It creates a tiny window--I love the classic IBM font, but it'd be nicer if it were scaled like the screenshots if that's possible.

Really enjoyed this entry, Slashie! Great production value for an ASCII 7DRL :D. We only encountered one main issue during the stream (had to shut down Firefox completely to restart the audio properly after death), and otherwise just too bad there wasn't time to get a lot further, though figuring out navigation ended up wasting some time since I was wandering off into areas I clearly shouldn't have gone for right away. Second run pretty quickly found out how easy it is to actually make money, though by then didn't have enough time to get far before streaming time was up, and I wasn't paying attention against small fry and got myself killed anyway xD

If interested you can check out our runs here, from 01:25:52:

Since I won a few times on my own and had a third day of 7DRL streaming lined up, decided to at least share Battlemage with folks in between other games, so you can check that out here if interested, from 00:50:20:

Nice job with this, enjoyed it and will go back for more since I only had so much time to devote to it on stream (made it about half way and in great shape until discovering that touching lava at all means instant death xD). You can check out the run here if interesting, learning it fresh starting from 00:01:30:

Second time's a charm! Tried streaming this last week but couldn't get it to stream, but today it worked out (only one "oh no we crashed so near the end?!" scare :P). Lotta fun, this one, a very interesting combination of mechanics and levers to manage. Love the difficulty scaling--no time wasted and a good many strategic options throughout. If you want to check out my initial experience with the game, it starts here from 00:35:26:

I didn't think tic-tac-toe would be interesting, but... you made it so :)

Oooh those sound like a bunch of really fun ideas! I can see sinking all your time into this, could be a nice project (I'm more than a bit all or nothing myself, same issue with avoiding taking on too many different projects despite having a lot of interests...).

While obvious a good amount of work went into the UI at the cost of perhaps more content, I like the balance in that regard since the core mechanic is also still present and fun, and interacting with it was also intuitive and looked good, which requires that UI... 7 days, after all :P

In the past I've generally notified devs before streams, usually though the discord server, though this time since I've been so busy with my own work lately I hadn't made such a close connection with who was developing which 7DRL so would simply post a general announcement a bit in advance and devs would see it and pop in if available, or help notify others. (I also didn't have quite so much prep time of my own for the same reason, and wasn't deciding on games until much closer to stream time this year...). If I'd recalled you were on the server I would've pinged you directly, but yeah didn't recall seeing you around.

Great game, Arciae! Simple premise yet works out quite well, and the balance and decion-making process is nice overall. I would say it could use faster difficulty progression, though, since it ramps up rather slow, 20 whole floors when one has to move somewhat carefully to avoid accidental deaths in order to remain at 0 revives on a win. I tried, and was well on that path actually (made it to 15 without reviving) and likely would've won, but ended up introducing the game on stream while I was mid-game (I had left it running in the background overnight), and not paying attention while watching chat got me killed xD. My bad, oh well. It's the kind of thing I'd do another run for just to win if it were half as long, but it's kinda time-consuming to make the optimal decisions to ensure a flawless victory. Not too hard, but it does make you think!

Thanks for the good 7DRL :)

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So much polish! And so many well-balanced thought-provoking tactical challenges:D

Thanks for hanging out in the stream. Unfortunately I play a bit deliberately so although we got really far in the first run so far, I still didn't manage to finish it in time and will have to wrap it up later on my own time :P (wish I could save the game just in case, but hopefully it won't up and disappear on me--I've left it running there at round 12...)

For the record, my run and feedback/questions etc is archived here at 02:11:44:

Edit: Tonight I did go back and had no problems continuing from where I left off, ended up finishing that run, a win! Good stuff, just increasingly powerful sentinels and it was interesting being able to take different ones out quickly each round then have to deal with whoever the survivors of that initial onslaught was. All the abilities were quite useful throughout, except for Stomp, which I used far less than the others. It came in handy a few times when I had no choice and had run out of everything else, but usually my tactic was to draw enemies out and kill them one or two at a time, so not much need for pushing foes backward. It might've been more useful overall if I had buffed it in any way along the journey, but I was using items to buff the other abilities, so I'm sure that made a difference, too! A different run could take a different approach...

Thanks for hanging out in the stream, Drew, sorry to have bugged you with the sudden game change after one of the other 7DRLs was a no go :P. Loved the gameplay of Runner and glad you'll be doing even more with it!

For the record, my streamed run (a win) is here at 00:47:18:

Loved the concept, Drestin! Not a lot of content so it didn't seem like I missed anything on the first run, but very much worth that play through to see what you've done here. Any plans to build on it some more?

In case you're curious, that run I did was at the start of my latest stream, here at 00:04:00:

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Wow this game is awesome. Beat it on my second try (first try I had no idea what to do with the items or how any mechanics worked so I just stuck the starting crystal in the corner and obviously died pretty fast xD). Definitely want to play some more since I passed up a lot of interesting-looking things that I didn't want to fool around with because by about half way through it was clear I had an invincible winning build. Attached it below, basically immune to damage and never got attacked except at the beginning before web was online. (Also spent a while debating what to take after the final battle, and ended up taking nothing yet again, only to find that I had already won! Probably don't need that hehe.)

Great job on your stealth roguelike so far this year! Looking forward to where this goes since the core gameplay is clearly there and solid, just a bit more QoL and expanding to more varied content will be awesome. I like the overall mechanics and tools you have to work with in order to avoid detection while still trying to take out a target.

Had Andrew (one of the devs) in chat to discuss during my first runs which I streamed earlier today. Starts from 02:02:08:

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Really enjoyed my time with this so far, will be back for more runs and looking forward to seeing where development goes :)

First two runs I streamed with AikonCWD in chat, too <3

And was lucky enough to get a first run where a dungeon had already been attempted many times and there was loot and notes everywhere, then another where I was among the first to enter so got to be the guinea pig and left notes when I got blasted xD

Starts from 00:04:43:

Haha oops, alrighty then good to know, thanks!

One of my favorites from 7DRL 2023--excellent job putting together this experience! The mechanics are fairly complex for a 7drl and it can take a while to learn how to play well (or figure out what's going on at all :P), but thanks for providing all the info that made it easier to get into it, because once everything clicks it does start to get interesting indeed. I like how different mixes of enemies in each room or corridor can create more dangerous situations to be on the lookout for, and the fact that most can pass through walls makes that even more interesting. Although naturally the process of clearing a floor might get a little repetitive strategically speaking since you have to keep fighting all the same enemies again and again until the rifts are closed, I'm sure more content (and maybe some more mechanical tweaks?) will help solve that should you continue to work on it. (Timestamp for the beginning of when I was streaming this for the first time.)

This was pretty easy to win but the atmosphere is great, and it's always nice to see more nonviolent themes being explored.

Looks like you added a new version with more enemies and adjustments since I streamed it earlier this week (timestamp), which I imagine make it even better, though I don't see any specific dev log about it so am curious what they are :)

Hehe, the reverse engineering was inevitable xD

I guess it's good to know that the progression is more or less in line with what was observed and predicted (and assumed in some cases, without further testing :P).

I do like the idea of the soft locks, and less favorable mapgen in general, which would start to force more resource use and clever tactics. As is it was mostly a case of brute forcing every map emphasizing the low-danger route to make decent enough progress every time. I kept expecting it to suddenly start to get noticeably harder, but... that challenge never seemed to materialize!

Good work though, enjoyable for a 7drl :)

Wow. Just wow. One of my favorite 7DRLs from this year! Taking the time to carefully read through all the help text was definitely an important step towards not getting annihilated too quickly, but it was pretty obvious this game was going to be fairly complicated so I made sure to do that :P. On that note, Decker could definitely use a contextual tutorial to help folks get into it, but clearly that's outside the scope of a 7DRL that already has so many mechanics. Great depth here.

For anyone else who's interested in getting into it, I did a stream of my first experience with Decker, and illiux (the dev) happened to be there that day with us in chat, since we hang out on the same Discord server / dev community. Here's a timestamp where we begin and are learning about the mechanics, and the actual gameplay ended up being in a different video after the stream connection was lost for a moment xD

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Pretty! That was certainly enough to suck me in and get me to stream it (timestamp), in addition to it clearly being turn-based :D

I felt the turns are a bit slow, and the deck-based mechanics had some aspects that weren't fully apparent at first, with deckbuilding also feeling like perhaps not the most effective way to implement these mechanics, but it still offers some challenge in figuring out the most efficient way to proceed. Seems tough to have much hope of actually reaching a campsite with much time remaining, too, if you want to gather any other resources, that is :)

I did like the idea of being able to take multiple different approaches depending on the animal behavior and your available cards, and there's a pretty decent foundation for something bigger here if you all want to keep working on it. (See my stream for more commentary, and that of some others in chat etc.)

Neat entry! Was fun to discover the different loot items, and also check out the variants in parenthesis, while figuring out how to maximize benefits for minimal danger. Although on the easy side overall with relatively low pressure throughout, that's generally a good approach for a 7drl, though it wasn't too hard to win without even using any knives/barricades except to see how they work. Some mechanics weren't very clear, like whether the benefits of your purchases lasted more than one map, or stacked, or were gradually overcome by increasing danger over time... I recorded my stream (timestamp) if you're interested in seeing it played with fresh eyes and plenty of commentary :)

Ooh okay yeah maybe I should :)

Certainly would be faster the second time around, not having to also figure out the mechanics and second guess every potential move, and I had some more questions to answer anyway...

Great to hear! And yeah we never really figured out the effect of any of the stats aside from the first. "Won" the first run (eliminated all named opponents) so didn't exactly experiment a whole lot, but did run a dedicated separate pilot at the end there to try to figure out what the others do and... couldn't tell :P

Broughlikes aren't usually my thing, but this one really drew me in with the combination of theme (nice job!!!) and using your attack abilities as protection as well, while also being forced to upgrade to new abilities over time (to be honest this really reminded me of a core gameplay loop in my own game, even though it's a more traditional roguelike :P). I got an 86 on my first run, which I streamed and talked through here for about an hour and a half, showing my first experience with your game. Nice 7DRL, 10/10 would play a knife-wielding mapgpie of death again.

I loved this entry.  There's plenty of room for QoL and more features (will that be happening?), but this is already a good 7DRL overall. I had a bunch more specific remarks during my stream of Cravespace a couple days ago (timestamp). Also that music is great, surprisingly catchy and it doesn't get annoying despite being the same track throughout.

This game rocks. Best of the several stealth offerings I've played among the 7DRLs this year so far. It has the most interactive mechanics, decent challenge and strategy, looks great, too. And that's even with the bits that apparently could've been expanded more (like alternative missions), but it's a really nice intro to what this game could be if you decide to take it further. Any plans for that? I like the look of that list of things you'd considered... (For reference, I recorded my experience with One Step here: timestamped link.)

This one sure had me going WTF for a little while :P

Lotta good traditional mechanics in here (some people in the stream were really surprised at the quantity!), so at least having a background in the genre made that part easy to work with, but figuring out exactly what was going on between the different worlds took some time! The run got gradually more and more interesting (I recorded the stream here), and later on I'd love to do another from scratch given everything that was learned along the way (ended up getting only one character past level 10). Probably could've used some more tips perhaps about how the world-mixing works, although maybe figuring it out is intended as part of the adventure...

This one is really well done, one of my favorites. Resources are tight, but it's very winnable and has a nice atmosphere. Making the best of passenger abilities to help safely grab junk to fund the journey was neat, and now I'm wondering if I should do more playthroughs to discover if there are more potential companions out there... I had three with me at the end, and even had an empty seat when I made it to the ocean, but I ended up winning that first run so I'm not sure if there are more options to uncover. (I recorded the run on stream: timestamped link.) It was interesting to see you can have up to nine seats?!

I had fun with it, though played almost entirely to the end before learning that you can leap anytime you want, including to outrun pursuers, or simply past them, which makes it a *lot* easier. Good choice for making a 7drl more finishable though--more balance can come with any future updates :)

I liked the mapgen, and especially playing without rampant leaping there were some good tactical moments. Special ending music is also really fun :D (overall good audio in general! rare for a 7drl to have a bunch of voiced content...)

For anyone who might be interested I checked it out recently on stream: timestamped link.

Very well done, a favorite among the 15+ 7drls I've tried so far this year. I love how you translated the Rift Wizard concept into this much more lighthearted theme :D. I did a video of my experience with it as well - timestamped link.

Love me some minesweeper, nice take :)

One thing I encountered playing was filling up all three keys, then killing yet another Mightey and having the monster counter for them drop to "x-1", not sure if that's intended or not. Also there's a typo in the help text out to the right for the first ability: "Ever if unrevealed."