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A member registered Jun 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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Game looks great!

Cant dm you guys on twitter, just add me on discord L0rd#5654

I dont think the game needs more polishing, its really good as it is right now. As for the email i dont seem to find it but i added you on twitter.

Found this hidden gem so late, but i really enjoy it. Its a simple concept done great. Want to get in touch with you guys!

Kai, you are a genius, after getting that big with white starting all over and than again, just genius. Hopefully you add me on discord so that we can talk a bit more, want to get in touch with you.

Also love this game, you are a great game designer, your games are all so much fun. I want to get in touch with you, so DM me on discord. L0rd#5654

The game is really really simple, i mistook the king for the queen and just attacked with him the whole time haha, the game is really good, love it a lot because of its simplicity, i can see this as a mobile game ngl, maybe work on that a bit. Great game! You can be proud of yourself!

The game is quite good, but maybe add the goal of the game to the description because i find myself just going anywhere without a real goal in mind, also maybe fix this bug with the jumping, that really made the game so much less fun that it couldve been, but other than that, nice little game, like the easter eggs and the bad jokes, well done!

Love this game, the interpretation is really really unique, i can see this as a extended steam game with more levels with different crimes you have to solve and stuff like that, there are some bugs but other than that the game is really great. 25/10!

"twitch chat" -Twitch Chat

I really love this game, its soo polished its unbelievable, the only thing that i dont really like about this game is how hard it is, but other than that the game is great, i can definetily see this being expanded a bit more. Great game!

"nice gaem" -Twitch Chat

I really enjoyed the story and the little jokes here and there, the gameplay is easy to grasp and to understand, loved the level design and the overall feel of this game, you did a great job!

Like the concepts, the puzzles are hard but doable, the music is catchy, overall good game, well done!

it just adds another great layer to the game and the overall feel, you guys did great!

Thanks, glad that you liked it!

Liked this game, especially the visuals and the music, the music is just a banger, other than the bug where i was stuck between enemies the game is really good, you guys can be proud of yourself. Maybe rework the tutorial a bit because there was a lot of text to read at first and thats never something players want to see, but other than that, good job!

Im really glad thats its one of your favourites, youre right about the timer and the intro stuff, we will add a zen mode after the jam where there is no timer so that you can play a bit more relaxed and really think about your next moves!

"cool gaim" -Twitch Chat

I really really love this game, the atmosphere, the music, the sounds, everything about this game is great. You did a fantastic job. 20/10!

"woof" "woof" -Twitch Chat

Like the Dev already said, the game is a real goof, but because its just that it really makes a lot of fun, really enjoyed playing it and check out the link in the credits ;)

"meow" -Twitch Chat

I really love the visuals of this game, the music just adds to the game feel and the player movement is really smooth. Great game 10/10.

"meow" -Twitch Chat

The game is kinda complicated at first, but when you understand it its really easy, the variety of cards insane, i liked the sfx, so overall a great game, very creative and unique interpretation of the theme.


"wait a minute this isnt mcdonalds"

 -Twitch Chat

Loved the camera effect and the funny dialogue, it was kinda annoying to always run back to the robots, but other than that i had quite some fun with the game! Good job.


"The game is great. haha yes"

-Twitch Chat

The concept is really simple, the game is overall a lot of fun, some puzzle were really easy, there is this one bug, but you already know of, hopefully that can be fixed, but other than that, great job!

Best times!

Nice game, very simple concept, the amount of polish in this game is insane. The concept reminds me of the Computercraft minecraft mod, those were some good days.

The game is just really really good, you can be proud of yourself, 13/10

Love the concept, burdenbot has such a cool design and the gameplay is just addictive somehow. Very good game as expected from my partner and good friend, keep up the good work!

I really really love the puzzles in this game, some of them were quite hard, good job overall

Love the humor in this game hahah

Great game, good job for your first jam, love the polish on it!

Great game, we talked in vc about it. Runescape for the win! 12/10

Thanks for the feedback, will definitely keep that in mind and maybe implement something like an indicator or something, maybe just make the screen a redish color or something, like in fps games when you get hurt. Glad you liked the game!

(1 edit)

What is this game!? Its sooo good i had to check multiple times if im not on steam and bought it for 5 bucks. The amount of polish in this game is just insane, just thinking about it that you created this game in 82 hours is unbelievable. The game concept is easy to grasp and its for sure a unique interpretation of the theme. And as a fellow card game developer i have to see the variety of cards makes for a really interesting gameplay where you never have the same run twice.

To quote a person that touched my heart:
"Love the music, love the intro cutscene, love the characters and their lines"
"All around 10/10."

But if i could i would give it more than a 10 because it deserves more, cant wait to see you in the video jonas will make about this jam.

Edit: You did this all solo!? What are you?

Oh my god, thats sooo lovely of you, thanks for the feedback thats really helpful and all, the zen mode idea is just great, will definitely implement it after the jam! Also the feedback regarding the intro cutscene is helpful because as a developer you lose the feeling of how fast/slow an animation is after working with it for a long time hahah.

Professional? Its that good!? Thanks i guess, glad you enjoyed playing it!


Thats a weird bug, thanks for pointing out, will look into that!

Yeah, we will maybe add a sound effect for that.

Thanks for this great feedback. The timer was added quite late to the game because we were fearing that the game would be too easy and that players wouldnt really have a huge challenge when playing like this, but good to know that thats what you think about the game, will definitely look more into that!

Thanks, glad you liked the game!

Thanks for the comment and all this feedback, good to know, gonna try to add a bit of variation to the game!

Love the minimalist art style with the limited color palette. Quite a unique concept which i havent seen before. You can be proud of yourself, the game is good, good job!