thank you! most of the story and pacing bits are unfortunately missing because i had no time to write upon them, but now that they're setup we'll be working on redoing most part of the middle of the script, making the choices way different + adding 5 extra days to the story as a huge update to complete it and tie every knot together. i also had to calm myself down on the writing since the original draft i had written was as grim as the stakes, but i went back on them for jam rule purposes which resulted in the rushed one we have now. still, thanks for the feedback on the story! i appreciate it!
Lalo the Taco
A member registered Apr 04, 2024 · View creator page →
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this is criminally fun, trying to keep 450km/h or above while also trying to dodge everything is an insanely fun thing to do, and with the 495km/h power pickup increase it's way better. the fact it's 495km/h at all made me really enjoy this
the tracks are long, the stages are good, the visuals are gorgeous, the new designs are awesome, the spritework is INSANE. pretty unreal for a jam game, y'alls work is awesome!
it was also pretty funny how everyone got this cool new outfit to go around with on this game and then youmu is wearing the same old youmu fit. a very youmu thing to do. yuyuko should buy her new clothes on top of getting better at poems
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