Thank you for entering! I really enjoyed Anolelona, and really cool to see your writeup about your shuffling experience!
Lapin Lunaire Games
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The summer of anti-romance is in full swing!
We're almost at the midway point of the jam period! To celebrate the submissions already in the gallery and encourage those in progress, the submission list is now publicly visible.
Check them out here!
Submissions are open through 14 July 2023, so keep on jamming!
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Yes, the little devil on my shoulder didn't convince me to do Ectocomp until a few days before the deadline, so I pruned much of the branching I originally considered for the sake of time. (This was also intended to be a Petite Mort entry, but that's another story....LOL) The majority of the branching sits in the name-entry choice.
Ahh this was such a delicious experience! I had a little hunch about the poem inspiration based on the quoted lines at the beginning of each POV, and when I hit the end scene of Emilia's section, I literally had to get up and take a little walk about the room to calm my poetry nerd heart. This was such a wonderful game (and that tagline! feels like it's smirking at me post-play in the best way).
Sweet, thanks for the speedy reply!
all roads lead back to noob-ness ;)
Some jams have very limited development time constraints (I'm thinking specifically of Ectocomp and the 4-hour-creation-time Petite Mort category), so updates aren't allowed after the jam has ended to showcase those efforts. Every jam has its own approach and rules, so I figured it'd be safer to check before getting too deep into planning, haha.
Hello and thank you for playing! So sorry for the delay in my response - my raven must have gotten waylaid.
The longest delay in this essay passage is hardcoded at 5 seconds - if you're stuck waiting, try exiting the game with the back button on your browser or refreshing the page. It'll begin the passage again, but that seemed to fix any timing problems when I tested it. Also, if you've previously played and have an old save file from before November/December 2021, please make sure you refresh before starting the game! Sometimes browsers won't load the newest version without that.
Thank you for playing!
Hi there, so sorry for the delay!
I've tested the updated build on a few different browsers and it seems to be may need to refresh the tab/hit back and then "run manuscript" again. The longest delay is hardcoded at 5 seconds, so it definitely shouldn't be taking too long. Also, if you've previously played and have an old save file from before November/December 2021, please make sure you refresh before starting the game! Sometimes browsers won't load the newest version without that.
Thanks for playing!
I'll look into it, but the wait time is deliberately an inconveniently long period. It's intended to force the player to re-read the single line and let it sink in, rather than quickly going to the next chunk of text. The discomfort and inescapability of that stasis is meant to convey an alternate flavor of how last spring felt for many Asian Americans.
Thanks for playing! The essay section runs on a set of timers. More (interactable) text will appear after a set amount of time; the HTML counter does have a weird reaction if you click away from the game tab after loading the passage, so that may have thrown off the timer. If the rest of the essay passage still doesn't show up, please let me know (preferably with screenshots) here, or on tumblr @lapinlunaire-games :)