We are really glad that you have enjoyed playing Skippy Dog!
We have updated our page to include a link to the App Store :)
Thank you - La Resistance Games
If you get a chance, please give our game a try: https://laresistancegames.itch.io/it-adventures-2-reloaded
Just played your game and left some feedback :)
I liked the graphics and the music and sound effects. I was not able to get very far because I couldn't figured out where I had to go. I would recommend than instead of having invisible walls you add some visual indicator (rocks, trees, fallen logs, etc) to block the players path, as invisible wall can be very annoying for players. With some polishing this game can become something fun and enjoyable. Keep up the good work!
Wow! This entry had a lot elements and it felt like a very complete game. It contained a story, side quests, upgrade system and different type of quests. The movement and combat system were simple but enjoyable. I really liked the graphics of the game.
I wish there was an upgrade for your cannons so there was more variety when spending money. Also I would recommend increasing the volume of the background music as a could barely hear it.
Overall excellent work!
This is a nice platformer. Controllers felt very nice and I really enjoyed the graphics and the levels. I also noticed the music was not looping. I would also advice changing the shooting mechanic so that bullets are smaller or you have to reload after a number of shots so that it doesn't feel that overpowered.