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A member registered Feb 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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The idea is very, very interesting ! I'd love to see a fuller/shipped version !

That's kinda funny cause I've remember very well the core idea of using your own corpses as a bridge in the belgian comic named "Kid Paddle" from Midam. I searched the the exact page for a bit but can't manage to find it. I always thought it would be a good idea for a real videogame. 

I only wish there was more checkpoints, it's kind of frustrating of starting at the beginning everytime. Especially in a game where the very goal and way to finish it is to actually die. 

But there's definitely and idea to explore right here, are you going to continue making it ? Or was it just for the gamejam ? :)

You really nailed the theme, honestly ! 

Ooooh ! My bad, I assumed that there was no more new things and that the waves were just spawning more and more ennemies. I'll definitely launch the game again to go and beat it to the 50th wave ! 

And don't worry if you ran out of time for more things, we all did. That's the beauty of gamejams ! :)

It was great ! Loved the graphics and the sound design. Unfortunately, for some reason, the music weren't synchronized to the beats in the game, so I couldn't hit at the right time ! :( 

And I don't think it comes from my side, my buffer size is low enough and the rest of my audio equipment is working fine.

Aside that, the game looked really polished and I love the concept !

Well done ! :D 

Yayy ! The crowd loves me ! :D 

I think that one might be my favorite one so far ! Well, I'm a musician so my opinion might be biased. Maybe. 

But I'm sincerely impressed with what you made in only one week. It felt so polished ! Might use a bit more balance, but overall it was great, really.

Good job to all the team !

This one was... Well, quite addictive ! The music was well chosen, the graphics were nicely made, and I loved the poker-themed atmosphere. 

I stopped at wave 23, seeing that there was no more new units and that they just had no chance of going further than the first line. Imo, the game could use a bit more balance, to maybe make it a bit harder. An increasing amount of HP/wave for the units might be a solution. 

However, I really felt I could get easily addicted and just playing it on my phone casually. Good job ! 

Nice ! I liked the sliding feature, that was weird but it opened possibilities. I just wished we could zoom-in/zoom-on the camera ! I had trouble understanding where I was at some point haha

It reminded me games like "I Am Bread" or "I Am Fish", which is a good thing to me. I'd love to see some puzzles !

And the UI was very nice !

A fast-forward feature is actually a pretty good idea, which I personnally didn't think of ! Thanks a lot for your feedback and idea, I'll check your game in a few minutes ! 

The core gameplay idea is fun. However, I found the controls out of balance and it was unnecessarily difficult, unfortunately. I'd blame the arrows for that. I think that if we could use the mouse, only to aim around our character, it would be easier and really fun to play. To me, that would make a big difference ! 

The only other little things I'd personnally change for improvement :

-Less shaky camera when turrets shoot

-The double-button doors are a struggle with the arrows. But it would be great if the triangle would stay hooked to the door when pressing the second button, right now it's a bit surprising.

I feel like just doing those little things would make the game less frustrating and more fun to play !

Still, good job ! Looking forward to -if planned- future updates !

Thanks for that incredibly detailed feedback ! 

Thanks a lot !

Hey ! Thanks for playing and for the kind words.

Indeed, unfortunately we didn't have time to balance things the way we wanted to. We just followed what made us laugh first, well that's the way how we approached the project haha !
Fyi, we had like a billion ideas at the beginning, way more that we could do in only one week. But we're taking notes of your ideas, it's always great to have feedback with improvements suggestions ! 

Thanks again. 

Well, I simply got surprised by the difficulty curve ! Nothing really bad, after all ! It's may even be a good thing !

Ooooh wow ! Didn't know him, I'll go check his work asap ! Thanks for your answer, and for reviewing our game ! 

Have a good day/night/evening/doomsday apocalypse, cheers !

It's soooo good ! The constant irony in the dialogues made me laugh a lot at the beginning ! 

The fact that ennemies combine to be stronger is a smart way of using the gamejam theme. The art is really good too, it looks pretty nice for one week. I've found the boss (The cat) a bit difficult, but I may be very bad or just not used to that kind of game ! I'll come back to it though, I want to beat that big chungus cat/golem/whatsoever ! 

Cheers to the composer as well ! That chiptune was really well done ! 

The art really is amazing ! I'm not really into card games therefore I was a bit confused at first, but I think I kind of got it ? I may be stupid, though ! 

The music was great as well ! I really wonder where it's from/who composed it.

Cheers !

Oh I can remember you posting some screenshots on the Discord a few days ago !

I really dig the global atmosphere. The colors as well. Actually, I do not have anything bad to say ! I loved the gameplay, the animations (Especially when separating the body and the soul !) and overall it was nicely tied. Good job ! 

No problem ! A week is short. :) Feel free to check our submission as well !

 (Forgot to post the screenshot of the bug, so here you are !)


Hey ! 

First, I liked the idea of the throwable flame head as a projectile, but also as your -almost- only light source. Unfortunately, I ran into some bugs that'd get me into a softlock situation. :(

For example, my head would fall on the ground and just be stuck right there. If in a bad place, I really couldn't get it back.

I also had the head stuck into the ground, with no hope of getting it back. That's too bad, since I would have loved seeing more of the game. But globally, good job ! That's pretty nice for one week ! 

Indeed, the fact that you can just spam shuriken kind of breaks the core gameplay. But the idea is simple, yet effective, I liked it ! Lasted only 150-ish seconds, but had fun !

THIS is the type of game I am really into. Great job to all of you ! The atmosphere, the aesthetics, the gameplay, everything was well controlled and nicely tied together. Unfortunately, I couldn't go further than the wolf pit after I've got the attack ability. I encountered a weird bug (twice), where I couldn't jump anymore, for some reason. I had to restart the game. :(

That's the only bad thing I ran into, really, I love it and want to see more. I just hope you'll fix that jump softlock ! 

Oh alright, it was just in case you were not aware of it. :)

I really dig the atmosphere and aesthetic of that one. Unfortunately, the character feels so heavy to me. I would love if he could move faster and smoothlier. 

I actually stayed on this one way more longer than I expected haha

I was a bit confused by the UI at first, but when you understand the core gameplay of the game it's really fun to play ! I'd love to see it on mobile. :)

Liked the idea ! I'd love to have more real combinations right at the beginning. 

Unfortunately I got one bug, I hit the ground too hard and got stuck into it. Not a big deal tho. I'd suggest you to put a cool down on the air combination, it's quite easy to use it as you want, and do it repeatedly to fly. 

Great work on the art, as well ! 

Good job to you both. 

I'd suggest that ennemies' corpses diseappear, it sometimes blocks attacks when I'm fighting with alive ones. :) 

The art is amazing ! However, that's unfortunate that the game lacks some music or more sound design. 

But globally, I hope I'll see more of your work in next gamejams ! 

Great stuff ! Loved the graphics and the atmosphere of the game. Pretty good sound design as well. I ran into a bug though, I was trapped into a wall with no way to get out. Not so bad, but still pretty frustrating.

Good job ! :D 

Definitely something I'd play if it was out on Steam in a fuller version. I absolutely love the gameplay and the level design, but I find the controls a bit messy. There's a kind of inertia when the character is in the air that confuses me a lot. But there's definitely an idea to explore and improve. I hope to see a shipped version in the (hopefully near) future !

The aesthetic of the game is great ! However I find it very punitive, especially because of the CCTV. I'd would have loved if we could switch characters with 1, 2, and 3 keys. It's pretty hard to tap the spacebar two times, while trying to get the timing right with the CCTV de-activation.

I love the idea though ! Good job ! 

It was great ! I wasn't expecting that kind of game for a one week time span ! 

Nice work on all aspects. Animation, graphics and music. The only MINOR thing that annoys me is the feeling of moving with the character, it feels a bit heavy to me. It might be a personnal opinion, of course.

Overall, great job ! :)

I loved the global aesthetic of the game ! That's unfortunate for the audio, but what you've made in one week is great ! The level design was pretty smart, however I think the game is easily beatable by just focusing on one character ! I'd love to see some new gameplay features to overcome that. :)

The game design was great, indeed. A simple idea yet so effective. 

Good job !

It was fun ! A bit annoyed by the music and I feel like there is no end, but overall, good job ! 

Loved the background music ! I love the idea of moving your soul, there's a real idea right there! 

However, I find that the game is way too dark; I get the Limbo-like theme, but a bit of contrast would be great !

With some improvement, I feel it could be a nice story-based indie game ! Great job !

I loved the graphics ! Nice and cute pixelart ! To be honest, it was a bit frustrating to play, the flame is just too slow to my taste ! But I think that with a bit more balance, it could be funnier to play !

Good job overall ! :D 

I loved it so much ! 

I saw you posting some insights on the Discord earlier through the week. Great graphics and sound design ! 

Cheers ! 

I was kind of confused at the beginning tbh haha ! You definitely thought out of the box tho !